is making ur own dog’s food a good and healthy idea ?

Getty© Getty Getty Every morning when I get home from the school drop, the dog and I have a race to minesweep the children’s breakfasts. I am more intelligent and better informed than him, so I know who’s left half a croissant and who has just shoved a banana under their pillow, but he is much faster and more determined, so we end up about even. I’m just setting the baseline here for human foods that I will allow Romeo the dog to eat: pretty much anything. And a baseline for what he will eat: also pretty much anything, except raw fish, grapes and edamame beans.When you cook for your dog, though, you have to get a bit more on it, with an eye on nutrition and balance. Cooking for your pet seems to be a growing trend among owners worried about additives in commercial dog food, or just wanting more control over their their animals’ diets. Whether or not it’s reflected in actual statistics will have to wait until the ONS understands counting this activity as its core business, but people are certainly talking about it a lot.

woman cooking in the kitchen© Getty woman cooking in the kitchen I cannot and will not describe any of this food in terms of preference. Romeo ingests it all indiscriminately, and every experience, to him, is priceless; let’s concentrate on what the experience was like for me. Before you start: never feed a dog chocolate – which of course you knew – but also: no raisins, grapes, onions, tomato, garlic, caffeine, xylitol, alcohol (!) or macadamias. Some people say no almonds. It’s like having a friend on the Fodmap diet except, of course, dogs never talk about it. So totally different.

The number of calories your dog needs will depend on its age, breed, activity level and so on, as will the target amounts of protein and fat. It sounds like a faff, working out all this out, and it is a faff, compared with buying a big bag of kibble with all the values printed on the side. But you can look up the main things that matter or even talk to your vet. And you can afford to wing it a bit till you’re sure you want to do this regularly.

Ultimately, as you can tell by their teeth, their enzymes, their digestive tracts and their awesomely adaptive guts, dogs are not like you: they are carnivorous, and built for protein and fat. That doesn’t meant they don’t need carbs – they do – but they don’t do as well with grains as they do with high-carbohydrate vegetables, while complex carbs are wont to pass through them completely. Use a calcium supplement if you don’t want to give them raw bones (some people worry about obstructions; I don’t).

Dog standing up in the kitchen while couple is laughing while trying to prepair food© Getty Dog standing up in the kitchen while couple is laughing while trying to prepare food The most common allergies for dogs are wheat, dairy and beef. There’s rarely cause to give them dairy, and beef is at the pricier end of protein anyway, so if you’re worried about allergies, just don’t give them pasta or bread and use buckwheat rather than regular flour, which most dog-food recipes stipulate anyway.

The internet tells you that dogs will lack minerals and vitamins if you don’t give them green vegetables, but then they will never eat green vegetables; allay your anxiety with an all-purpose supplement such as VitaPaws Complete. I also use Yumega, an omega-oil supplement, because a guy in a bar with a really sleek b**** told me to.

You’ll find plenty of recipes online, although you will also have to put up with a lot of watercolour portraits of cockapoos, but you’re basically just combining a protein source and carbs. So, as well as meat or fish, you’ll need a mixture of something like sweet potato, brown rice, turnips, swede and cauliflower.

Pouring olive oil on freshly made salad.© Getty Pouring olive oil on freshly made salad. Steam the vegetables, making sure they have some crunch left; dogs prefer it and it’s more nutritious. Cook the rest and mingle according to your expertise. Don’t fuss too much as it’s a waste of time. Feed the dog. If you’re avoiding meat, then mackerel, sardines and salmon are all good. Dogs are not like children: if they don’t like a thing – broccoli, say – they will not eat the thing, and there is no persuading them by pretending your fork is a train. I was always told never to give a cat an egg because afterwards all it would think about was eggs. It’s fine to give a dog an egg. You can’t tell what they’re thinking about.

Homemade treats are an entirely different category, generally for when you’re trying to treat-train dogs that aren’t especially food motivated, so you have to make something so delicious it turns their heads. Nuclear-tasty options are lamb’s heart or a piece of pig’s liver, in centimetre cubes, baked at 120C for three hours or so, which dries it out and has a preservative effect (it also makes it less smelly). I did that a lot for my last dog, a ridgeback-staffy cross, who was too dignified to go wild for a biscuit. He ended up so well-trained that after the 2010 election, a newly elected Labour MP, Karl Turner, came up to me in the park and asked me to recommend a dog trainer (his dog wasn’t what you would call surgery-ready). I said: “Isn’t that the first thing they teach MPs – not to talk to strangers on Clapham Common?”, which at that time was still a very current joke.

Brexit: france, spain and Belgium non-Brexit deal

The Guardian

France, Spain and Belgium ‘ready for no-deal Brexit next week’

Daniel Boffey, Jon Henley and Jennifer Rankin
7th april 2019
French President Emmanuel Macron and Britain's Prime Minister Theresa May attend an European Union leaders summit in Brussels, Belgium, June 28, 2018. REUTERS/Francois Lenoir © Thomson Reuters French President Emmanuel Macron and Britain’s Prime Minister Theresa May attend an European Union leaders summit in Brussels, Belgium, June 28, 2018. REUTERS/Francois Lenoir

France has won the support of Spain and Belgium after signalling its readiness for a no-deal Brexit on 12 April if there are no significant new British proposals, according to a note of an EU27 meeting seen by the Guardian.

The diplomatic cable reveals that the French ambassador secured the support of Spanish and Belgian colleagues in arguing that there should only be, at most, a short article 50 extension to avoid an instant financial crisis, saying: “We could probably extend for a couple of weeks to prepare ourselves in the markets.”

The chances of Theresa May’s proposal of an extension to 30 June succeeding appeared slim as France’s position in the private diplomatic meeting was echoed by an official statement reiterating its opposition to any further Brexit delay without a clear British plan.

Brexit in-depth: All the latest news, analysis and expert opinion

May wrote to the president of the European council, Donald Tusk, on Friday to ask for the delay until 30 June while she battles to win cross-party agreement on a way forward.

EU states are extremely sceptical that an extension to 30 June will resolve anything in Westminster. Tusk is pushing the EU to offer at a summit next Wednesday what he has described as a “flextension” in which the UK would be given a year-long extension with an option to come out early if the deal is ratified.

Video: Brexit: What’s coming up in a big week for Theresa May? (The Independent)

Responding to May’s letter publicly, France’s secretary of state for European affairs, Amélie de Montchalin, told the Guardian in a statement: “The European council took a clear decision on 21 March … Another extension requires the UK to put forward a plan with clear and credible political backing.” The council would then define the necessary conditions attached to that extension, she said.

“[I]n the absence of such a plan, we would have to acknowledge that the UK chose to leave the EU in a disorderly manner.”

A spokesman for the Belgian prime minister, Charles Michel, rejected claims that Belgium would oppose the “flextension”. “We have never publicly or privately opposed extending article 50,” he said.

French President Emmanuel Macron meets with British Prime Minister Theresa May during a bi-lateral meeting at the G7 summit in La Malbaie, Quebec, on June 8, 2018. (Photo by ludovic MARIN / AFP)        (Photo credit should read LUDOVIC MARIN/AFP/Getty Images) French President Emmanuel Macron meets with British Prime Minister Theresa May during a bi-lateral meeting at the G7 summit in La Malbaie, Quebec, on June 8, 2018. (Photo by ludovic MARIN / AFP) (Photo credit should read LUDOVIC MARIN/AFP/Getty Images) According to the diplomatic cable of the EU27 meeting, the French ambassador said he “failed to see in Theresa May’s letter any argument in favour of a long extension”.

The French ambassador took a sterner line than de Montchalin, insisting that there was no justification, and only danger, in extending the UK’s membership of the EU.

If the EU did only allow a two-week extension the UK would then have an opportunity to revoke article 50, setting up the possibility of a straight vote in parliament between leaving with no deal and overturning the result of the referendum.

But despite the French intervention, a second EU source insisted the “discussion showed wide support to Tusk’s idea of a long flextension”.

“Some member states insisted on the need to have a clear UK plan before granting a long extension,” the source added. “Some member states insisted on assurances for sincere cooperation.”

FILE - In this Thursday, May 17, 2018 file photo German Chancellor Angela Merkel, right, speaks with French President Emmanuel Macron, left, and British Prime Minister Theresa May after meeting at a hotel on the sidelines of the EU-Western Balkans summit in Sofia, Bulgaria. (AP Photo/Darko Vojinovic, File) © ASSOCIATED PRESS FILE – In this Thursday, May 17, 2018 file photo German Chancellor Angela Merkel, right, speaks with French President Emmanuel Macron, left, and British Prime Minister Theresa May after meeting at a hotel on the sidelines of the EU-Western Balkans summit in Sofia, Bulgaria. (AP Photo/Darko Vojinovic, File) The German representative argued that a no-deal Brexit should be avoided at all costs, the diplomatic note said. “There are positive elements to the letter,” the ambassador added. “Already the Conservatives’ discussion with Labour provides enough to justify an extension. But we agree that we need more precision, as the French suggest.”

But Paris is lobbying for EU governments to stay true to the summit communique of 21 March, where leaders offered an extension until 22 May should the withdrawal agreement be approved.

A longer extension would be granted if there was a clear indication from the British government on the way forward, which it does not believe has yet materialised.

France, with the agreement of the Belgian and Spanish ambassadors, agreed that the current position coming from London did not meet these conditions.

“If the European council were to take the view that it is going to be a no deal next week, we could probably extend for a couple of weeks to prepare ourselves in the markets,” the French ambassador said, according to the diplomatic note.

“A no agreement is still the most probable scenario,” France’s ambassador concluded, with the subsequent agreement of Spain and Belgium.

A senior EU official briefing the ambassadors conceded there were concerns about a tweet earlier on Friday by the Conservative MP and chairman of the Eurosceptic European Research Group, Jacob Rees-Mogg, stating that the British government should disrupt the EU from within in the event of a long extension of EU membership.

French President Emmanuel Macron  and British Prime Minister Theresa May attend a Girl Education event at UN headquarters during the General Assembly of the United Nations in New York, September 25, 2018. (Photo by AMR ALFIKY / POOL / AFP)        (Photo credit should read AMR ALFIKY/AFP/Getty Images) French President Emmanuel Macron and British Prime Minister Theresa May attend a Girl Education event at UN headquarters during the General Assembly of the United Nations in New York, September 25, 2018. (Photo by AMR ALFIKY / POOL / AFP) (Photo credit should read AMR ALFIKY/AFP/Getty Images) “The functioning of the EU is a central element as how we proceed,” the official said. “The tweet of Jacob Rees-Mogg showed what they are capable of.”

Earlier in the day a European commission spokesman played down the impact of Rees-Mogg’s remarks. He said: “This gentleman is not our interlocutor and I would say then that the principle of sincere cooperation does apply as the Prime Minister May herself makes it clear in her letter.”

But an EU source said that the threat implicit in the Conservative MP’s tweet was “turning into the biggest issue”. “How can we make sure the UK doesn’t pull a Jacob Rees-Mogg? How can we make sure they play nice? On the one hand a short extension or a no-deal carries risks, but a long extension risks paralysis.”

Later, the European parliament’s chief Brexit representative, Guy Verhofstadt, wrote in response to Rees-Mogg’s tweet: “For those in the EU who may be tempted to further extend the Brexit saga, I can only say, be careful what you wish for.”

In the meeting, the German ambassador said that all efforts should be made to avoid a no-deal Brexit, given the economic consequences on both sides of the Channel. “Keep the ball in London’s court,” the German ambassador said. “Long or short extension, I don’t want to get into that. Let’s see.”

QUEBEC CITY, QC - JUNE 08:  French President Emmanuel Macron poses for a photo with British Prime Minister Theresa May during a bilateral meeting at Le Manoir Richelieu on day one of the G7 meeting on June 8, 2018 in Quebec City, Canada.  (Photo by Leon Neal/Getty Images) © 2018 Getty Images QUEBEC CITY, QC – JUNE 08: French President Emmanuel Macron poses for a photo with British Prime Minister Theresa May during a bilateral meeting at Le Manoir Richelieu on day one of the G7 meeting on June 8, 2018 in Quebec City, Canada. (Photo by Leon Neal/Getty Images) Berlin’s representative said that it took hope from the cross-party talks with Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour party, while conceding that any extension should include tough conditions to prevent London from meddling in the EU’s long-term planning, including its budget.

EU sources said that strong conditions on any extension might be the key to persuading France to agree to avoid no deal.

But according to the leaked diplomatic cable, the French ambassador offered a hard-hitting response that went to the heart of the bloc’s problems: “All this is very well, but conditionality on membership are not possible.”

“This is not good enough for us,” the ambassador added. Sources from the Élysée Palace had been quoted earlier in the day describing Tusk’s offer as a “clumsy trial balloon”.

The Netherlands, the UK’s closest ally in the Brexit talks, is yet to take a clear position. But on Friday the Dutch prime minister, Mark Rutte, said Britain’s request needed to be clarified before or at a summit.

“Theresa May’s letter raises many questions, which need to be discussed,” Rutte told reporters. “We hope for more clarity from London before next Wednesday.”

Boost ur wi-fi / gadgets

Groundbreaking Device Fixes Slow Wi-Fi And Exposes Greedy Internet Service Providers… (It’s Genius!)

This is how the pros turbocharge their home internet, for the cheapest possible price…

Does it take forever for your WiFi connection to load a single web page? Well, we can explain why your WiFi connection sucks!

We now know its because your ISP (internet service provider) is capping your internet speeds. ISPs give their top paying customers some of your ‘bandwidth’, so that they have better speeds…

But what if you’re on the cheaper packages? Unfortunately, during ‘throttling’ hours you’ll struggle to even watch HD videos on Youtube or Netflix.

It doesn’t seem fair, does it?

However, now there’s a new device that solves this and many more frustrating Wi-Fi problems!

The Inventor Has Solved Slow Internet!

Okay seriously, this is just brilliant.

It’s the idea of an ex-engineer of one of the largest internet providers in Argentina. While working there he hated that Internet operators were slowing down speeds. Customers were getting a fraction of the speeds they were actually paying for…

And didn’t seem right to him.

So, he developed a device that bypassed the ISP’s speed throttling. At the same time, it greatly increases the range and speed of your existing home WiFi. Finally, this device is so simple, that anyone with no technical knowledge could use it.

He called it ‘SuperBoost’.

See WiFi SuperBoost In Action:

How exactly does the invention work?

Without being too technical, the problem – as we all know – is that the ISPs sell us are cheap WiFi router boxes…

The signal is too weak to go through brick walls, without losing a lot of speed. They can’t handle lots of devices or heavy use either.

As a result, you are left with weak WiFi and dreaded ‘wifi dead spots’ in your home…

But, plug a SuperBoost device into any socket, and that all soon changes.

SuperBoost is essentially two cutting-edge wifi routers and a powerful amplifier, all in one tiny box.

It works by receiving your existing WiFi signal, boosting it, and then transmitting the super-amplified Wi-Fi through anything; concrete walls, multiple floors and steel beam – no problem!

At the same time, the device blocks your data usage report to your ISP. This makes the speed throttling we mentioned earlier – impossible!

In a nutshell: You get WAY faster and stronger internet. Even during peak times, and even in previous ‘WiFi dead spots’ around your home.

When you power up your SuperBoost you instantly notice Internet speed improving. It’s now only $49 (was $99.99), a great price for a device that gives you so much. Delivery takes only a few days if you are ordering in Argentina.

The Results

Expert magazines say “best reception we’ve tried, ever”. It even improves already fast Wi-Fi, making it even faster!

In the test below the WiFi was only at 24Mbit through a wall. That’s enough for a couple of devices to watch youtube at the same time in HD. It boosted that into an incredible 70Mbit WiFi signal – enough for 10 devices to watch YouTube in stunning 4k!

The device is really very simple. Basically, you just have to plug it into the socket!

What features does the Wifi Booster have?

  • Compatible with any internet brand or router
  • It works with a frequency of 2.4Ghz
  • Big transfer rate of up to 300Mbps it is equipped for all applications LAN RJ45 connection
  • Easy installation
  • Efficient and low-radiation interference (same as your wifi router)
  • No installation CD necessary
  • Universal applicability

You Need A SuperBoost If You Suffer:

  • Slow internet despite full Wi-Fi reception
  • Weak Wi-Fi speed when leaving the room
  • Bad Skype or Facetime quality
  • Wi-Fi ‘dead-spots’ in your home
  • Brick or concrete walls in your property
  • Buffering when streaming movies
  • Unsatisfactory download or upload times

At the moment you can buy the Wifi Booster for the introductory price – 40% cheaper. When you buy multiple high-speed adapters, you also get an additional discount. Check product availability before placing your order because there may be longer delivery times due to increasing demand.

How do I get the wifi booster?

That’s easy, at the moment you can buy Wifi Booster 40% cheaper at the introductory price:

1) Order the Wifi booster from the official website

2) Connect Wifi Booster to the power and start the foolproof configuration

3) Enjoy faster internet

It’s that easy!

Why Should I Buy A SuperBoost Now?

Right now SuperBoost is heavily discounted to raise product awareness.
However, once the promo is over, it’s only going to get more expensive…
If it’s still in stock, here’s where you can get yours:
For the best price order your SuperBoost from the the supplier’s website here >>


The Best Solution for Multiple Devices
Using Wi-Fi Under One Roof

It’s time to put an end to the buffering! Many households suffer from weak internet connection and dead spots. Luckily, SuperBoost Wi-Fi can boost your signal for a wider range and stronger connection.

SuperBoost Wi-Fi is an easy fix to a common problem. You don’t need to be tech-savvy or waste your time with a difficult and expensive installation.

Do you have multiple devices in your home or office that use Wi-Fi? Are you frustrated with your Wi-Fi service provider?

Instead of paying more on your monthly bills or stealing your neighbor’s Wi-Fi, boost your connection with SuperBoost Wi-Fi. Get amazing coverage with your existing wireless router.

No more trying to guess your neighbor’s password!

Brexit and Theresa May

May warns of no Brexit unless deal is agreed with Labour (7th april 2019)

Theresa May, Jeremy Corbyn are posing for a picture: Theresa May is trying to find a compromise with Jeremy Corbyn to secure a parliamentary majority for a Brexit deal © PA Theresa May is trying to find a compromise with Jeremy Corbyn to secure a parliamentary majority for a Brexit deal

Theresa May has warned that Brexit could “slip through our fingers” unless a compromise deal can be reached with Jeremy Corbyn.

Her comments come as she continues to try to reach an agreement with the Labour leader that she can get MPs to vote through parliament.

The UK is due to leave the EU on 12 April after her negotiated deal with Brussels was voted down for a third time in the Commons but the prime minister has asked the EU for an extension to 30 June.

Mrs May, who has been accused by Labour of failing to propose changes to her deal in cross-party negotiations, insisted their positions offered “the basis for a compromise”.

She said agreeing a deal could lead to the UK leaving the European Union in six weeks but a failure could result in no Brexit at all.

Mrs May said: “Because Parliament has made clear it will stop the UK leaving without a deal, we now have a stark choice: leave the European Union with a deal or do not leave at all.

“My answer to that is clear: we must deliver Brexit and to do so we must agree a deal. If we cannot secure a majority among Conservative and DUP MPs we have no choice but to reach out across the House of Commons.

Theresa May © Reuters Theresa May “The referendum was not fought along party lines and people I speak to on the doorstep tell me they expect their politicians to work together when the national interest demands it.

“The fact is that on Brexit there are areas where the two main parties agree: we both want to end free movement, we both want to leave with a good deal, and we both want to protect jobs.





In Pictures: Brexit: A timeline [Microsoft GES]

“That is the basis for a compromise that can win a majority in Parliament and winning that majority is the only way to deliver Brexit.

“The longer this takes, the greater the risk of the UK never leaving at all. It would mean letting the Brexit the British people voted for slip through our fingers.

“I will not stand for that. It is essential we deliver what people voted for and to do that we need to get a deal over the line.

“To achieve this, I will go to Brussels this week to seek a short extension to Article 50. My intention is to reach an agreement with my fellow EU leaders that will mean if we can agree a deal here at home we can leave the EU in just six weeks.”

Mr Corbyn wants a customs union to be part of a deal and said he was waiting for Mrs May to move her Brexit “red lines”.

He said: “The Labour position is a customs union with the European Union, access to European markets and the retention of regulations for environment, consumers, and workplace rights as a base on which we can build – a dynamic relationship which means we can never fall below them.

“We’ve set all that out. I haven’t noticed any great change in the government’s position so far. I’m waiting to see the red lines move.”

Tory Eurosceptics reacted furiously to the possibility of Mrs May giving in to Mr Corbyn’s demand for a customs union.

Ex-whip Michael Fabricant predicted “open revolt” in the Conservative Party and among Leave voters if Mrs May agreed to the move.

Former Brexit minister Steve Baker hit out at efforts to recruit MPs to sign a “toxic” letter endorsing the PM’s cross-party efforts.

Mrs May was warned that accepting a lengthy delay to Brexit would be a “suicide note” for the Conservatives.

Education minister Nadhim Zahawi warned of the “seismic” changes to British politics that would be unleashed if the UK’s delayed departure from the EU meant 23 May European Parliament elections went ahead.

Mr Zahawi said the situation needed to be resolved quickly to avoid the “existential threat” posed if the UK remained in the EU at the time of the elections next month.

“It would be, I think, a suicide note of the Conservative Party if we had to fight the European elections,” he said.

Meanwhile the Sunday Times reported that Mrs May has a plan to enshrine in law a customs arrangement with the EU in a bid to win over Labour to back a Brexit deal.

Downing Street has not commented on the report.

Pressure is also on Mr Corbyn after 80 MPs told him to secure a guarantee of a second referendum in any deal he agrees with Mrs May.

A letter signed by the MPs, including shadow ministers, was sent to Mr Corbyn and members of the shadow cabinet on Saturday and states that a public vote should be the “bottom line” in the negotiations.

European leaders will decide on Mrs May’s request at an emergency Brussels summit on Wednesday.

European Council president Donald Tusk is expected to recommend a longer postponement of one year, with a break clause in the case of earlier ratification, in a so-called “flextension” deal.

hotel hacks to upgrade ur stay !

25 Hotel Hacks To Upgrade Your Next Vacation To A 5-Star Experience


For those who love to travel, we often find that there’s a constant tension between being able to afford a high-end experience and having the cash in order to travel more. These travel hacks will help you upgrade your vacation without having to pay the big bucks.

No Water? No Problem

Remembering to bring water with you on a trip can be a problem, especially if you’re only traveling with a carry on bag. A good way around that, however, is to bring an empty water bottle with you. No, you won’t be stuck drinking from the sink. As long as your hotel has a fitness center, you’ll very likely find a water cooler there, which you can use to keep you hydrated throughout your whole stay.

No Water? No Problem

Instant Humidity

Humidity is often talked about as a bad thing, but when you’re spending extended periods of time in a climate controlled room, we can end up being far too dry from the lack of moisture in the air. There’s a quick fix for this in any hotel room. Take the suitcase rack and drape it with a damp towel. Place the rack in front of the radiator, and it will help maintain a more human level of humidity to keep you from shrivelling like a raisin.

Instant Humidity

Total Blackout

If you find that the city lights shining outside of your room are making it hard to sleep, you can easily change that situation. Most likely, you’re struggling to deal with the gap in your curtains. Whether or not you came prepared for that, you already have everything you need. Just take one of the pants hangers from the closet and use the clips to hold the curtain shut. It’s vacation after all, you should sleep well.

Total Blackout

Catch Up On TV

When you’ve travelled to a foreign country especially you might not find television in your native language, which would take precious catch-up time away from your vacation. However, there’s no need to shell out for on-demand videos when you can just hook up your laptop. From there, you can easily watch Netflix or any of your other favourite streaming shows on the big screen. Just remember to bring the HDMI cable so you can get everything connected.

Catch Up On TV

Making A Phone Pocket

Every now and again we see hotels that inexplicably have no nightstand. Rather than surrendering and leaving your things on the floor, you can make a little pocket for your phone in the fold of the sheets. Since we generally use fitted sheets at home, this is one of the best hotel only tricks, unless you happen to be an expert at folding sheet corners yourself. Either way, it’s a convenient and easy trick to take advantage of.

Making A Phone Pocket

Fresh Like Flowers

It’s not uncommon to enter into a hotel room only to find that it doesn’t quite smell as good as you’d like it to. There’s an easy way to manage the odor, however. If you’re the kind of person who’s so enthused about air fresheners that you keep them in the car, you can easily just clip the car freshener to the air conditioning vent. Upon your return, your room will smell as fresh as a bunch of daisies.

Fresh Like Flowers

Cancel Out The Noise

When you’re staying in a building with multitudes of other people, you may find that your room isn’t quite as quiet as you need it to be, especially depending on when you choose to go to sleep. Because it won’t always be possible to be moved to a different room, there are ways you can deal with the excess noise or light. The easiest thing to do is to simply roll up an extra towel and wedge it into the crack by the door.

Cancel Out The Noise

Book Through The Hotel

Discount travel sites may seem like the path to the best deal, but sometimes booking through the hotel itself will give you access to secret deals they don’t have published online.

Book Through The Hotel

Secret Chargers

The moment you realize you’ve forgotten your phone charger might be one of horror, but the truth is, just like you’ve left your charger at home, others have left their chargers at the hotel. If you find yourself in this predicament, the best thing to do is not to panic, but to call the front desk and ask if they have a charger for your particular phone model. You’re likely to discover that the answer is yes.

Secret Chargers

Chill Out

Not every hotel room comes equipped with a mini fridge to keep your extra food and drinks cold. That doesn’t mean you have to throw out all of your leftovers and stick to lukewarm beverages. You can create your own cooler by filling your bathroom sink with ice, which will cool off all of your beverage in no time. Even better, you don’t have to worry about cleaning up a bag of water since the ice will melt straight down the drain.

Chill Out

Order It In

If you find yourself without cooking implements but still hungry, you don’t have to settle for paying for overpriced room service. Just as if you were at home, you can probably order food for delivery from a restaurant of your choice, especially if you’re staying in a major city. Sure, going out to eat can be an attraction while you’re on vacation, but after a long day of seeing the sites, the last thing you might want to do is go out again.

Order It In

From Desk To Diaper Station

Parents know that almost any surface can be made into a diaper changing station, however, some surfaces work better than others. Rather than having to crouch down onto the floor while trying to wrestle with your squirming kid, you can change diapers at your own level by using the desk provided in the hotel room. The surface is much more like a changing table you have at home without the risk of getting the bed dirty.

From Desk To Diaper Station

Cool It All Down

Most hotels these days come equipped with air conditioning, at least in modern buildings. However, you may find, especially as you travel in certain areas of Europe that the older hotel buildings don’t have such amenities. If you find yourself in a room that’s just a little too hot with no air conditioning to switch on, you can wet a towel, then roll it up and place it next to the window where the breeze will blow cooler air onto you.

Cool It All Down

Butter Warmer

The real butter on offer at hotel buffets usually has one major drawback: it’s way too cold to be spreadable. Rather than waste precious time waiting for your butter packets to soften, you can try this clever hack. While you’re toasting your bread, lay the packets on top of the toaster. By the time your bread is done, the butter will be the perfect consistency for spreading on all of your toast with none of the frustration.

Butter Warmer

Amplify Your Life

When you’re luggage space is limited, it’s worthwhile to consider which items are truly necessary, and which are just nice. You might feel like a trip devoid of audible music is worthless, but there’s a great hack to help you enjoy your music without having to carry along a speaker. No matter how small they may be, there’s no need to bring the extra gadget along, because you can make your own speakers by playing music from your phone within one of the mugs.

Amplify Your Life

Cook For Yourself

Room service can be a nice treat, but it’s rarely worth the cost. However, if you still want to eat without leaving your hotel room, you can easily hack your amenities in order to cook for yourself. At its most basic, you can use your coffee maker to boil up some water for a cup of instant noodles. However, with a little help from some portable appliances, you can make some high-quality meals without ever leaving your room.

Cook For Yourself

Power Up

These days, many hotels require a key card to be inserted into a slot near the door in order to keep the power on in the room. Rather than turning everything on and off every single time you leave, you can stay plugged in by asking for an extra key card when you check in. However, if you forgot, you don’t need to suffer while waiting for the AC to kick in once again. You can throw any card into that slot.

Power Up

Check The Front Desk

Most people who prefer to stay in hotels when they travel are very likely to be overzealous about their packing list. However, good hotels often have much more on offer than some free soap. You can find almost any toiletry imaginable at the front desk, but that’s not all. Many hotels also have basic appliances like hair straighteners available, while some even go so far as to have gaming consoles on hand for when kids stay over.

Check The Front Desk

Keep The Caps

Though many of us may not use shower caps on a regular basis, the ones offered by hotels have more uses than keep your hair dry when you bathe. If you happened to forget to bring some extra plastic bags, they can be used to keep dirty shoes separated from the rest of your luggage. They can also be used to cover the TV remote if you feel like it hasn’t been disinfected well enough prior to your stay.

Keep The Caps

Dining In

For those who are traveling with kids who need to eat before you can head out to go sightseeing, there’s an easier way to keep them from making a mess. While there might not be enough chair space to seat them all at the desk, most hotel rooms come with an ironing board. You can set the board up in front of the bed with a towel laid over top in order to create a makeshift table for messier eaters.

Dining In

Slide Them A $20 Bill

This might not be the most popular approach when trying to save a little bit of cash while you’re traveling, but trust us, this works. Every time you check in to a hotel, you are asked for some form of identification. According to scores of internet testimonials, if you ask for an upgrade as you slide a $20 bill along with your driver’s license, more often than not you are given an upgrade. Worst case scenario they return your money, best case scenario they upgrade you and return your money.

Slip Them A $20 Bill

Let Them Know It’s An Occasion

There’s usually some reason to have to travel. Are you on your honeymoon? Niece’s christening? Nephew’s bar mitzvah? Let the hotel know. Besides telling you congratulations, they will often comp you with something free. They might give you a huge discount, or even upgrade you to the honeymoon suite free of charge. There’s no reason to be shy. Just getting personal with them and talking with the hotel employees candidly and respectfully goes a long way.

Let Them Know It’s An Occasion

Toothbrush Hack

Hotels don’t often give you a special cup to put your toothbrush in, and that can be quite a bummer. Even if hotel rooms are cleaned all the time, you never really know how much bacteria is festering on a surface at any given time. All you need to do it take a paper cup, cut a hole in the middle, and place your toothbrush. Now you won’t have to worry about the bristles touching a yucky surface before you put the brush in your mouth.

Toothbrush Hack


It’s your last day and there’s no hot water? Did the front desk not give you a wake-up call when you asked for it and you missed your flight back home? Don’t be afraid to complain. As long as you are respectful, there is no reason for the hotel manager to not give you some sort of benefit, even if that means offering you a discount or a voucher the next time you come stay with them.


Ask To See Other Rooms

If you’re too timid to ask for a hotel upgrade up front by “bribing” them at the desk, you can always ask to see other available rooms. Hotels will try to get rid of the worst rooms first, simply because it makes more sense. It doesn’t hurt to ask, and often you can find a room with an amazing view or something else that’s awesome instead of having to stay in a room facing the dumpster or parking lot.

Ask To See Other Rooms

See Through The Fog

This hack can also be used at home for all you fellows taking a shave in the morning. Instead of waiting for the fog to clear or wiping the mirror again and again with a towel, rub a section of the mirror very well with a bar of soap. After this, buff the mirror with a dry washcloth. The soap will make sure the condensation doesn’t collect on the mirror. What’s great is you only need to do it once every few days.

See Through The Fog

Conditioner Hacks

The conditioner they give you for free at the hotel is likely just as good as whatever you buy in the supermarket, so use it to your advantage. It will certainly make your hair silky-smooth, but that’s not all it’s good for. It can double as many other things, such as shaving cream, make-up remover, or cuticle cream. Sounds crazy but it’s true! You can also use it to wash delicate clothing by hand, not to mention protect your leather accessories, like your shoes.

Conditioner Hacks

Do Not Disturb

Is the hotel a bit shady and seedy? Accidentally get into an argument with the cleaning staff? In short, are you afraid that your things might get robbed? Just put on the “do not disturb” sign and you won’t have to worry about the cleaners coming in and taking your valuables. The sign also implies that you’re in the room at the moment, so any thief will likely be deterred by your presence in the room.

Do Not Disturb

Competition Never Hurt

Another great hack is booking a room for the refundable amount, and then speaking to some other hotels in the area to see if they can offer you better rates. It’s generally more expensive to book hotels this way… but hey, you can always cancel before checking in and get your money back. To take things even further, if it becomes apparent that no one else wants to give you a cheaper rate just go back and take the hotel up on the non-refundable quote.

Competition Never Hurt

Hacking Breakfast

You may have noticed that the hotel buffet has much smaller cups stocked next to the juice machine than the coffee machine. If you’re big on juice in the morning, there’s no need to stick around in time for multiple refills. Just grab one of the larger coffee cups and fill it with as much juice as your heart desires. Some places even have lids available so you can take your juice on the go.

Hacking Breakfast

Divide The Bed

Travel with your kids can be a great experience, but sometimes having so many people cramped in one hotel room can easily become a nightmare. While splitting up the kids as best you can is always a good thing, adding in an extra cot can take up even more of that precious space. That’s why you can use the extra pillows to create two separate sleeping spaces on one larger bed, both separating the kids while also giving them their own space.

Divide The Bed

Ditch The Iron

While some hotels offer irons in the room or at the very least through the front desks, others have no such option, requiring guests to pay out hefty sums in order to make their clothes look presentable. However, there is another option. Forget ironing your clothes at all and kill two birds with one stone by hanging your garments in the bathroom while you shower. The steam from the shower will help release any wrinkles that may have built up.

Ditch The Iron

The Power Of Television

When traveling to other countries, one of the hardest things to remember is that your home country may not use the same kind of outlet, meaning you need to bring along or buy a converter. However, there are a few workarounds if you forgot. One of the easiest things to do is simply plug your phone charger into the USB port on the back of the TV. With modern TV’s in almost every hotel these days, it’s a fairly failproof method.

The Power Of Television

Wash And Roll

Especially if you’re traveling with kids, needing to do some laundry on vacation can become unavoidable. Hotel laundry charges can be astronomical, but going to an outside laundromat isn’t always an option. However, you can easily use your bathroom to effectively clean your clothes. For just a few small items, use the sink, which can be easily plugged with a piece of plastic and some coins set on top of it in the drain to hold the water in.

Wash And Roll

Black hole on site !

FILE PHOTO: A supermassive black hole with millions to billions times the mass of our sun is seen in an undated NASA artist's concept illustration

© Reuters/NASA NASA FILE PHOTO: A supermassive black hole with millions to billions times the mass of our sun is seen in an undated NASA artist’s concept illustration

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Scientists are expected to unveil on Wednesday the first-ever photograph of a black hole, a breakthrough in astrophysics providing insight into celestial monsters with gravitational fields so intense no matter or light can escape.

The U.S. National Science Foundation has scheduled a news conference in Washington to announce a “groundbreaking result from the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) project,” an international partnership formed in 2012 to try to directly observe the immediate environment of a black hole.

Simultaneous news conferences are scheduled in Brussels, Santiago, Shanghai, Taipei and Tokyo.

A black hole’s event horizon, one of the most violent places in the universe, is the point of no return beyond which anything – stars, planets, gas, dust, all forms of electromagnetic radiation including light – gets sucked in irretrievably.

While scientists involved in the research declined to disclose the findings ahead of the formal announcement, they are clear about their goals.

“It’s a visionary project to take the first photograph of a black hole. We are a collaboration of over 200 people internationally,” astrophysicist Sheperd Doeleman, director of the Event Horizon Telescope at the Center for Astrophysics, Harvard & Smithsonian, said at a March event in Texas.

The news conference is scheduled for 9 a.m. (1300 GMT) on Wednesday.

The research will put to the test a scientific pillar – physicist Albert Einstein’s theory of general relativity, according to University of Arizona astrophysicist Dimitrios Psaltis, project scientist for the Event Horizon Telescope. That theory, put forward in 1915, was intended to explain the laws of gravity and their relation to other natural forces.


The researchers targeted two supermassive black holes.

The first – called Sagittarius A* – is situated at the center of our own Milky Way galaxy, possessing 4 million times the mass of our sun and located 26,000 light years from Earth. A light year is the distance light travels in a year, 5.9 trillion miles (9.5 trillion km).

The second – called M87 – resides at the center of the neighboring Virgo A galaxy, boasting a mass 3.5 billion times that of the sun and located 54 million light-years away from Earth. Streaming away from M87 at nearly the speed of light is a humongous jet of subatomic particles.

Black holes, coming in a variety of sizes, are extraordinarily dense entities formed when very massive stars collapse at the end of their life cycle. Supermassive black holes are the largest kind, devouring matter and radiation and perhaps merging with other black holes.

Psaltis described a black hole as “an extreme warp in spacetime,” a term referring to the three dimensions of space and the one dimension of time joined into a single four-dimensional continuum.

Doeleman said the project’s researchers obtained the first data in April 2017 from a global network of telescopes. The telescopes that collected that initial data are located in the U.S. states of Arizona and Hawaii as well as Mexico, Chile, Spain and Antarctica. Since then, telescopes in France and Greenland have been added to the network.

The scientists also will be trying to detect for the first time the dynamics near the black hole as matter orbits at near light speeds before being swallowed into oblivion.

Slide 38 of 81: 396536 01: This the European Space Agency photgraph released October 25, 2001 shows a supermassive black hole in the core of galaxy named MCG-6-30-15 as seen through the X-ray Multi-Mirror Mission (XMM-Newton) satellite. With this type of imaging, scientists for the first time have seen energy being extracted from a black hole. Like an electric dynamo, this black hole spins and pumps energy out through cable-like magnetic field lines into the chaotic gas whipping around it, making the gas - already infernally hot from the sheer force of crushing gravity - even hotter. (Photo by ESA/Getty Images)This ESA photograph released on Oct. 25, 2001 shows a supermassive black hole in the core of galaxy named MCG-6-30-15 as seen through the X-ray Multi-Mirror Mission (XMM-Newton) satellite. With this type of imaging, scientists for the first time saw energy being extracted from a black hole.

The fact that black holes do not allow light to escape makes viewing them difficult. The scientists will be looking for a ring of light – radiation and matter circling at tremendous speed at the edge of the event horizon – around a region of darkness representing the actual black hole. This is known as the black hole’s shadow or silhouette.

Einstein’s theory, if correct, should allow for an extremely accurate prediction of the size and shape of a black hole.

“The shape of the shadow will be almost a perfect circle in Einstein’s theory,” Psaltis said. “If we find it to be different than what the theory predicts, then we go back to square one and we say, ‘Clearly, something is not exactly right.'”

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