how much have you learnt about tenses ? take this quiz ! | grammar

What is Tense? Quiz

You can do this grammar quiz online by writing your answers on a sheet or paper or print the quiz on paper. It tests what you learned on the twelve tenses, aspect and mood  and the easy grammar series | what is tense?  posts on this platform.

1. In English, tense is a _______ method used to indicate the time of an action or state.


2. If we talk about something that’s happening now, and then talk about something that’s already happened, we usually use

 different tenses
 the same tense
 the present tense

3. Using a system of verb-based tenses is _______ to indicate the time of an action or state.

 the easy way
 the only way
 not the only way

4. Two important components of many English tenses are

 time and place
 time and aspect
 time and effect

5. Which aspect describes an action that’s still happening or not yet completed?

 the progressive aspect
 the perfective aspect
 the simplistic aspect

6. Which of these is perfective in aspect?

 is speaking
 will speak
 has spoken

7. The progressive aspect produces progressive or “_______” tenses.


8. The perfective aspect produces _______ tenses.


9. Tenses that combine the two aspects are called _______ tenses.

 continuous present
 perfect continuous
 perfective progressive

10. “Who are we still waiting for?” Which tense do you think this is?

 past perfect
 present continuous
 present perfect continuous
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