Why planes never fly over the Pacific Ocean ? | travelling & tourism

Why Planes Don’t Fly Over the Pacific Ocean

Why do airlines avoid the Pacific Ocean? You might think it was a safety issue. The Pacific is the largest and deepest of the world’s oceans.

If a plane encounters a problem over a seemingly endless and bottomless pond of water, the pilots are going to have a rough time finding a safe spot to set her down.

Guessing that it is a safety precaution wouldn’t be entirely wrong. When planning a route, many pilots prefer to maximize the number of airports along their path.

Emergencies are incredibly rare relative to how many planes take to the skies every day. That said, it isn’t the main reason airlines tend to avoid making a straight shot east to west…


It’s all about three-dimensional spaces? 1:08

A little experiment 🌍 2:54

But how do people get to Australia? 5:08

Turbulence over water 6:01

Flying with a jet stream VS. flying into it 6:27

What clear-air turbulence is 7:46


When planning a route, many pilots prefer to maximize the number of airports along their path.

– Excluding special circumstances such as passing through the jet streams or other meteorological concerns, the fastest route is almost always the one closest to a straight line.

– On a 2D map, making a giant rainbow to avoid the Pacific Ocean looks like a much longer route. But since the Earth is a sphere, a straight line is going to look very different in three-dimensional spaces.

– The combination of the two factors, the curvature of the Earth and its extra equatorial width, mean that curving toward the poles is a shorter distance than flying (what seems like on a map) “straight” across!

– Another reason planes will sometimes brave an oceanic voyage is to take advantage of the smoother ride. Even in clear weather, there’s much less turbulence over water than over land.

– The other primary consideration for determining flight paths are air currents, namely the jet streams. These high-altitude air currents exist near the top of the troposphere. – There are 4 main jet streams, 2 in each hemisphere, and thanks to the Earth’s rotation, they mostly flow west to east.

– Flying with a jet stream can shave several hours off of a trip, but flying into it can slow the plane down considerably. – It’s also worth noting the risks associated with jet streams. The biggest hazard is a kind of turbulence known as clear-air turbulence, which occurs along the edges of the streams.

– The jet stream mostly affects things tens of thousands of feet in the air, and the curvature of the Earth doesn’t really matter unless you’re travelling hundreds of miles per hour over vast distances.

Flight attendant secrets that make your travelling by plane better !

10 Flight Attendant Secrets 

A plane in the eyes of flight attendants and a plane in the eyes of passengers are two completely different worlds.

We often have no idea about some secrets that the crew is hiding. Here are ten tips from flight attendants on how to get the maximum comfort in a plane.

Pay attention to fact number 10: doing this, you actually insult air hostesses!


You’re allowed to ask for more food 0:33

Check the presence of a life vest before taking off 1:00

If you accidentally smoked, use the ashtrays 1:37

Don’t be squeamish during the flight 2:04

The lavatory door can be opened from the outside 2:38

Be the last person to board 3:02

Avoid too much alcohol 3:29

Avoid the bulkhead seats 3:51

Drink only bottled water 4:13

Don’t applaud at the end of flight 4:48


– All excess containers with food are immediately discarded after the flight. Therefore, if your stomach demands more, don’t be ashamed to ask a flight attendant for another serving.

– For safety reasons, always check your seat before the flight to make sure the life vest is there and not stolen by some sentimental kleptomaniac.

– If you suddenly find yourself in the lavatory with a cigarette in your hand, at least use the ashtray. And then pay the fine.

– Blankets and pillows aren’t washed, just refolded. Food trays aren’t washed. The seat trays are wiped, the carpets are cleaned, but you cannot be sure there wasn’t a passenger in your seat who suddenly felt sick.

– Many aircraft have the door lock mechanism itself installed under the “No Smoking” sign on the toilet door. If you raise the flap with the cigarette image and turn the bolt, the door will open.

– If you and your fellow traveler checked in at a different time, there’s a solution: just board last. When all the passengers take their seats, you can immediately see which seats are free. 

– Flight attendants warn that one glass in the sky is equal to two on the ground. And it’s true since altitude affects blood in such a way that alcohol during a flight affects you much more than on the ground.

– If there are passengers with babies onboard, they’ll most likely take the bulkhead seats. This happens because it’s easier and safer to place a baby carrier there. 

– It’s better to drink only bottled liquid onboard. You should avoid tea, coffee, and water from the sink.

– The flight is not a roulette game; this is their job. People who travel a lot know this and don’t clap as much.

Do you know other tips for the best flight?

Travel tips & hacks ! | travel & tourism


TRAVEL HACKS YOU NEED TO KNOW We are ready to help to make your travel more comfortable. Follow our tips and you will know the best travel tips that will ease your life.

One of the biggest problems usually is how to pack a suitcase and to effectively use space. The first step in packing like a pro is to roll clothes instead of folding. Roll clothes in small tubes and will save a ton of space and prevent wrinkles.

Moreover, you will find helpful tips on how to make your flight as comfortable as possible. You don’t need to buy a pricey suitcase cover, use an old t-shirt. Moreover, It’s very important to save money during travelling.

A lot of travellers save their money by sewing their own protective pocket inside of shorts or pants. Besides, you can use a soap bar, hairbrush, empty lipstick container, phone case to hide money. Store your phone and money safely in an empty sunscreen bottle while relaxing on the beach.

Clean and dry the bottle and put your things inside. Check out beach life hacks that will make a vacation even better: – Mesh laundry basket could be used to store sand-free the beach stuff – Use pop tab to repair broken flip flops –

Check out how to make a summer tattoo using sunscreen – Put your phone in a ziplock bag to protect it from sand and water – One of the worst parts of summer is getting a sunburn.

When it happened to throw some aloe vera gel into ice cube trays and freeze it In addition, you will find awesome camping hacks that will make your stay in the wild more comfortable.

Use stones to dry wet shoes while camping. Warm up stones in a fire and put into the shoes.

Make a portable washing machine out of a bucket. Cut a plastic bottle and make an emergency spoon if you forgot the real one 😊


00:09 Brilliant travel life hacks

01:43 Packing tips 03:38 Safety tips for travellers

07:19 Aloe Vera sunburn hack

13:09 Camping washing machine

An app that recognizes discount vouchers on the internet | tech

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never drink hot-drinks on a plane … do not use the pillows or blankets … why ? | take a look at this travel trips !


Air stewardess reveals what you should NEVER do on planes… including ordering hot drinks

AIR travellers should NEVER order hot drinks, according to a former stewardess who has revealed her top plane travel tips.

Jamila Hardwick also strongly recommends passengers bring their own pillows on board.

 Jamila Hardwick gave her top tips for air travellers to have a comfortable - and hygienic - journey
Jamila Hardwick gave her top tips for air travellers to have a comfortable – and hygienic – journeyCredit: Inside Edition
 Former stewardess Jamila recommended travellers steer clear of the hot drinks - because of the water storage on planes
Former stewardess Jamila recommended travellers steer clear of the hot drinks – because of the water storage on planesCredit: Inside Edition

And she reveals what every traveller should do as soon as they sit down.

Web personality Jamila swapped her life in the sky for vlogging online – and recently took to sharing her top tips for regular flyers.

Jamila appeared on Inside Edition – where she took viewers on a tour around a mock plane cabin on Los Angeles film set.

And among her most vital pieces of guidance for travellers was to steer clear of the tea and coffee.


She warned: “The thing about the coffee and tea, the pipes are rarely cleaned.”

US airlines are only required to disinfect the water tanks on their planes four times a year.

Jamila said passengers should keep an eye out for an off-duty flight attendant reaching for a hot drink mid-flight – because it won’t happen.

Another thing she insists travellers won’t see is a member of the cabin crew using one of the airline pillows or blankets.

 Vlogger Jamila suggests passengers bring their own blankets and pillow on board
Vlogger Jamila suggests passengers bring their own blankets and pillow on boardCredit: Inside Edition

Of the blankets, she said: “These get washed, but we’re not sure how great they get washed.”

And as for the pillows, a squirming Jamila added: “They take the off the lining and wash it, but the pillow inside is still dirty.”

Her recommendation is that passengers bring their own clean bedding on board with them.

 The former flight attendant demonstrates how to clean your surfaces as soon as you sit down
The former flight attendant demonstrates how to clean your surfaces as soon as you sit downCredit: Inside Edition

But these tips should all follow what Jamila thinks is the number one thing passengers should do as soon as they take their seat.

Travellers should take disinfectant wipes on board – and give the surfaces around them a good scrub.

Considering the tray table, she said: “This is disgusting.

“When cleaners come on they don’t have time to wipe down every individual tray so it’s best to bring wet wipes.

“Please bring them on, please clean off your trays before you put anything on here.”

 Jamila also recommends Diet Coke fans switch drinks if they want to quench their thirst quickly - because the air pressure seems to affect its bubbles the most
Jamila also recommends Diet Coke fans switch drinks if they want to quench their thirst quickly – because the air pressure seems to affect its bubbles the mostCredit: Inside Edition

Jamila also recommends that fans of Diet Coke considering ordering another fizzy drink if they want to quench their thirst quickly.

She insisted carbonated drinks take much longer to pour because of the effect of the cabin pressure on the bubbles.

And the worst culprit of all is Diet Coke, Jamila claims.

She said: “I don’t know what it is about the chemistry in Diet Coke and us being 40,000 feet in the air.

“By the time we pour it, we could have three other drinks poured.”

Fly right: Jamila Hardwick’s top air travel tips

  • Don’t order hot drinks
  • Bring your own pillow and blanket
  • Use disinfectant wipes to clean your tray table and nearby surfaces
  • Stow your own luggage
  • Be nice to cabin crew

Finally, Jamila recommends that passengers be nice and respectful to cabin crew.

This includes refrain from asking them to help with luggage unless it’s vital – because attendants are not covered if they are injured in the process.

That’s because cabin crews’ shifts don’t technically start until the plane door is closed and the flight is ready for takeoff.

Jamila added: “We’re more likely to help you find a better seat if you’re nice to us.

“And maybe an extra drink. Or two!”

Industry body Airlines For America responded to the water claims made in the clip.

In a statement, it said: “Airlines work closely with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to ensure that water received from municipalities is safe and to maintain that safety by following rigorous sampling and management requirements, which include disinfection and flushing of the aircraft water tanks on a schedule required by regulation.”


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