are you charismatic ? well, you can learn how to :) | neuroscience & NLP

Tips to communicate efficiently and generate a positive impact on others

Ellen Degeneres’ Tips To Making People Instantly Like You

Discover The 4 Emotions You Need To Make a Killer First Impression

We all want people to like us. And Ellen Degeneres seems to have that down to a science. Ellen Degeneres is one of the most likable hosts on TV.

And it’s largely due to the types of jokes that she makes. Almost all hosts are funny, but Ellen’s style of comedy has a way of instantly endearing her guests to her. Today we are going to talk about the most common types of jokes that Ellen makes, how you can use them to get people to immediately like you, and some habits that you can work on to just generally be funnier throughout your day.

1:10 – The kind of jokes that make people sad, ones that Ellen rarely makes

2:08 – Self-deprecating jokes make people feel comfortable around Ellen

3:10 – Poking fun at subjects that people are not insecure about allows Ellen to crack jokes without upsetting people

5:20 – Making ego boosting jokes that make other people feel good, makes Ellen someone that people want to spend more time with

5:59 – Ellen can also joke around and just simply be silly

# interested in neuroscience to change or improve your habits ?  visit these links:

What is procrastination ? Are you a procrastinator ? | brain & personality

What is procrastination ?

The action of delaying or postponing something.

What is inside a procrastinator’s mind ?

Tim Urban knows that procrastination doesn’t make sense, but he’s never been able to shake his habit of waiting until the last minute to get things done.

In this hilarious and insightful talk, Urban takes us on a journey through binges, Wikipedia rabbit holes and bouts of staring out the window — and encourages us to think harder about what we’re really procrastinating on, before we run out of time.

# interested in neuroscience to change or improve your habits ?  visit these links:

Smart phones get smarter and Human brains get more stupid ! | get a mobile phone detox ! | neurology & brain health

Smart phones are undoubtedly convenient … but abusing on them is making us more and more stupid and less attentive !  

Are you addicted to technology? Do you find it difficult to put your smart phone away? You could be addicted to technology – here we discuss what effect this could have on your brain over a long period of time.

Control your social media and smart phone addiction !

Drug dealers do not consume drugs, Iphone producers do not let their children use them | control ur addiction to ur mobile phone nor to social media … do something now !

Before You glance at ur smart phone and Scroll Down again… WATCH THIS! 

by mvm

It is interesting and a sad coincidence, that just a few days ago, I shared some thoughts with a group of people which resemble many of the ideas and thoughts expressed on this video.

We were arguing and commenting on the addiction and dependence social media feedback and smart phones generate on human brains.  To the point that we cannot stop glancing at our mobiles and we are no longer looking at people in the eyes, we do not have real human conversations because if you happen to have your head up-right … you will just see the back of the head of the people around u … cause they are hooked to their phone screens …

And this addictive glancing provokes accidents and death, irreparable damage, for example when people crossing the streets are immersed on their mobile screens with the ear-sets on, or drivers or bikers are checking on their phones without looking around at real life.

And we no longer talk in human terms, we have whatsapp conversations, instagram pic interchanges, tumbler interaction or twitter talks which will never match or even approach a real face-to-face verbal language conversation !

Drug dealers, make business and they need to be lucid to make the most of it so generally they are not consumers, the same happens with some tech companies which make business by developing apps or by marketing social media or by manufacturing smart phones… their founders do not get addicted or do not allow their children to consume what they produce !

We are missing a lot of our real 3-D lives and gaining … gaining so little online fantasy.  It is not worth it !


Real 3-D human life vs Virtual Reality | Netflix TV series | K-Pop Sulli’s online bullying and death

Netflix fiction, the TV Series Black Mirror & Reality … 

by mvm

Those who have watched black mirror, will easily recognise in this true story of Sulli, many of the topics treated along the 5 seasons of the futuristic TV series

Controversial topics such as the abusive use of social media and IT tech devices such as our mobile phones are forecasted, many of them being not so fictional but quite realistic right now.

The addiction they generate on human brains and how dependent and obsessive we become on them both, on the social media feedback and the tech-devices themselves.

We are constantly and addictively glancing at our smart phones, watches, tablets, notebooks or whatever device or gadget screens that allow us to be connected online to any means of social media.

Our humans brains seem to feed on the feedback of a virtual reality that although it is real it is not our 3-D real life.  And our care for the online-life generally affects the careless way in which we lead our human lives, for example when driving. 

Many car accidents today occur due to drivers, bikers and pedestrians who are hooked to their mobiles, not paying attention to the traffic and to the real 3-D life around them !

We are immersed in an online fantasy world, with our minds highly dependent, interested and influenced by a feedback that most of the time is nonsense, anonymous and based on the self-frustrations of the haters who write them.

Why do we care about this virtual bullying ? 

Why do we give it an importance it should not have ?

We spend more time on virtual reality than on our 3-D real lives … without realizing that virtual lives are many … but the 3-D human life we have is only one !

Live your real life !  Enjoy it or try to enjoy it !

Korean pop star Sulli, 25, was found dead in her home in Seoul.

The singer, whose real name is Choi Jin-ri, was found by her manager, who called authorities.  Sulli had battled depression and often spoke about cyber bullying.

She started out her career as a child actress in 2005 and then transitioned into music as part of the K-pop girl band f(x).

She quit the band in 2014 after expressing she was overwhelmed and mentally exhausted from being the victim of cyber bullying.

SULLI’s new single “Goblin” is out!