living with 22 rescued cats | awesome !

rescuing cats from the streets and enjoying cat-land 🙂

In 2014 Houzz featured the story of home builder Peter Cohen, who created a cat wonderland in his home for his 15 rescued cats.

The video has over 20 million views, as people everywhere have connected with both his love of cats and the innovative space he created for them. We caught up with Peter for an update on what has happened since his story went viral.

Now living with 22 rescue cats, Peter has become involved with the fight against Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP), a disease that is fatal in 95% of cases. Peter sells his cat-walks in the Houzz Shop to help raise money for research to find a cure.

people think cats are treacherous, that black cats are bad-luck, that cats cannot be loving and caring … how wrong you are people !

why don’t you learn about cats before being prejudistic ?