los vacunados morirán? las vacunas causan autismo? o es todo fake news? | ciencia, salud & pandemia

9 Feb 2022

Can the long-term effects of vaccines be known?

Dr. Luc Montagnier, Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2008, was one of the scientists who identified the HIV AIDS virus. He has made strong statements about coronavirus vaccines, such as that “covid variants are created by vaccines”, or that mass vaccination in the pandemic could generate one of the most serious side effects of vaccines, which is the “ADE effect”, or “antibody-dependent potentiation”.

These sayings are not true, as all approved COVID vaccines are effective and safe.

According to the WHO and the CDC, serious adverse effects such as thrombosis, myocarditis, and paralysis may occur after vaccination, but are very rare. In addition, vaccines are effective and protect against severe forms of coronavirus infection, reducing the risk of these serious events occurring.

On the other hand, none of the approved COVID vaccines produce “ADE”.
This very serious “antibody dependent enhancement” side effect was seen in some experiments with experimental vaccines, but they were never administered to humans.

Regarding the variants and mutations of the coronavirus (such as the delta, alpha, gamma variant) they already existed before the vaccination campaign began. Therefore, it is false to say that “variants arise in vaccinated people”. In fact, the risk of new variants of covid emerging is greater in the unvaccinated.

The risk of severe infection, hospitalization, and death from COVID is vastly higher in the unvaccinated when compared to those vaccinated with three doses, even at this point in the pandemic when the omicron variant is dominant worldwide.

This video is for educational purposes, and follows the guidelines and recommendations of the WHO (world health organization), and makes it very clear that vaccines are safe and effective.

video content
00:00 Will we die in 2 years from having been vaccinated?
00:38 Dr. Luc Montagnier and COVID vaccines
02:58 Variants and mutations of the coronavirus and COVID vaccines
04:21 Covid vaccines protect against all variants
05:11 Effectiveness of coronavirus vaccines
05:46 The most dangerous side effect of vaccines: “ADE”
08:32 Risk of thrombosis, myocarditis and paralysis due to COVID vaccines
09:15 Deaths after coronavirus vaccines

Where did I get the information?








qué vacuna contra covid19 tiene óxido de grafeno? | salud, bienestar, pandemia & vacunas

25 Sept 2021

A COVID 19 vaccine contains graphene oxide among its ingredients. It is used as an adjuvant.

This vaccine is in the experimental phase, it has not yet been used in humans.
It is also used in an intranasal flu (influenza) vaccine model.

Graphene is the strongest material in the world, made up of a layer of carbon atoms that make it the best conductor of heat and electricity in the world. It is used in biomedical experiments as part of the nano technology of vaccines, and various diagnostic methods.

I clarify that NONE of the currently used WHO or FDA approved COVID-19 vaccines contain graphene oxide among their components.

Video for educational purposes.

Video content
00:00 They were right: COVID vaccine with graphene oxide
00:45 What is graphene and what are its properties
02:03 Applications of graphene in human medicine
03:26 These vaccines contain graphene oxide in their components
04:55 Ingredients of vaccines against COVID-19
05:55 Allergy to ingredients in covid vaccines
06:29 How do we know that licensed vaccines do NOT contain graphene?
07:23 Magnetism in COVID vaccines

Where do you get the information?

Información sobre el grafeno: https://www.reuters.com/article/factc…




datos sobre las vacunas y mezcla de vacunas más eficientes contra el coronavirus y sus variantes | salud, pandemia & vacunas

22 Sept 2021

New scientific evidence from August 2021, published by the US CDC, shows that the Moderna vaccine is better than the Pfizer vaccine, and the key to its great effectiveness could be in its ingredients and the dose of the active principle ( messenger RNA).

In this video I also explain the effectiveness of the different vaccines against the variants or mutations of the coronavirus, according to the most up-to-date data (2021), including the protection of the vaccines against the delta and alpha variant.

Video for educational purposes.

All video content here
00:00 How to compare COVID 19 vaccines
01:39 Effectiveness of vaccines against delta and alpha variants
03:59 The best COVID vaccine currently in the US
05:24 The most contagious virus in the world (Delta variant, Ebola, smallpox, Spanish flu)
06:04 Risk of dying if you are not vaccinated against COVID
06:40 The secret of effectiveness is in the ingredients of the vaccines




23 May 2021

UPDATE new SCIENTIFIC studies of the LANCET magazine and the CARLOS III institute explain what happens when mixing two different vaccines.

The Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine and the Pfizer Vaccine were tested in these studies revealing crucial information for the future of vaccination. We explain everything in this video.

Video sections:
00:00 Introduction
00:50 AstraZeneca and Clot Problem
01:53 CombiVacS Study (AstraZeneca / Pfizer)
03:56 Antibody Results
06:02 What happens if I move away the doses of the vaccines?
07:04 Combine Vaccines Side Effects
10:20 Com-COV Study (LANCET)
12:30 What about other (modern) vaccines?
13:28 Conclusions and Closing







cómo activar los beneficios del ajo? | salud, bienestar & super alimentos

18 Jan 2022

What are the benefits of consuming raw garlic every day? What happens to your body when you eat garlic daily? What are the nutrients that cause garlic to have its impressive healing properties?

We explain how to activate garlic, what its nutrients are and why it is so healthy to eat it responsibly, we also tell you if it is better to eat garlic raw or cooked, cut or crushed. And even if it is convenient or not to eat garlic on an empty stomach.

Garlic #Nutrition #Health #DrVeller

01:00 So you can ACTIVATE the GARLIC: The secret of ALLICIN
02:25 These are the Benefits of GARLIC: Improve your circulation and bad cholesterol
03:25 The power of GARLIC to reduce THROMBOSIS and CLOTS
04:35 GARLIC can lower your blood pressure
06:15 Cancer of the Stomach and Small Intestine, Garlic antioxidants
07:05 Improve and Strengthen your immune system by eating GARLIC
08:20 Decrease in blood contamination
09:05 Garlic provides: Potassium, Vitamins and Manganese How much and how to eat?
10:40 Beware!: These are the Dangers and side effects of consuming GARLIC

All this after analyzing and summarizing official and responsible sources:

https://www.nccih.nih.gov/health/garlichttps://www.aafp.org/afp/2005/0701/p1…. https://www.cochrane.org/es/CD006206/…



https://www.arthritis.org/health-well… %20damage%20from%20arthritis.


cómo limpiar tus arterias y bajar las probabilidades de accidentes cardiovasculares ? | salud, bienstar & super alimentos

6 Jan 2022

What are the best foods to clean our arteries and improve circulation?
Are there fruits, vegetables or infusions that can reduce fat, clots and inflammation of our blood vessels?
This is the best to protect the heart!

In this class we explain how you can unclog your arteries with antioxidants such as green tea, chocolate, wine, and how you can reduce your bad cholesterol by reducing the consumption of sugar and ultra-processed foods.

We talk about trans fats and saturated fats but also omega 3 and omega 6, we explain how damage to the arteries attracts inflammation and clots.

00:00 This destroys your arteries and heart: clots and atheroma
00:46 How heart attack and stroke occur: endothelial damage
02:25 The worst foods for your circulation: the danger of sugar!
04:18 Sugar is addictive like a drug
05:27 The benefits of chocolate for your health
06:37 Good and bad fats for your health: good and bad cholesterol
11:19 The danger of eating flour !: the best is whole wheat
13:27 Consequences of eating oats and fiber for your health
15:01 The best antioxidant and anti-inflammatory foods
17:21 Medical advice to improve your health

All based on reliable sources of information:




los beneficios de la avena | salud, bienestar & super alimentos

25 Dec 2021

The benefits of EATING OATS are spectacular for your health ALMOST without contraindications or serious side effects.
Oatmeal is a cereal grain well known for its incredible properties and benefits for:

  • Lose weight and improve satiety.}
  • Lower cholesterol, mainly bad cholesterol (LDL)
  • Improve the intestinal microbiota (Prebiotic)
  • Improve the quality and health of your intestine and stomach.
  • Prevent certain types of cancer.

In this talk of a few minutes we will tell you, based on real, verifiable and quality scientific data, the wonderful benefits of this type of soluble fiber called OATS.

Oat #Health #Fibers #DrVeller

02:20 Oatmeal and stomach satiety (weight loss)
03:10 Oats in the intestine: Less bad LDL cholesterol and sugar?
05:10 Oats in the Colon: intestinal health, Vitamins and Pre-Biotic effect
07:10 Adverse Effects of Eating Oatmeal: Why Do They Occur? What I can do?
08:05 What does the scientific evidence say about oats ?: Decreases blood fat
09:02 Scientific Studies: Improves Sugar and Diabetes?
09:40 Oatmeal and stomach and intestine CANCER prevention
10:20 Heart disease and Arterial Hypertension
11:05 How much fiber do I have to eat per day?
12:10 Drveller Conclusions and Recommendations

Where did I get the information from? phttps: //medlineplus.gov/spanish/druginfo/natural/814.html https://www.healthychildren.org/Spani… https://www.mayoclinic.org/es-es/heal… https://www.mayoclinic.org/es-es/dise…

los beneficios de la cúrcuma (prima del jengibre) | salud, bienestar & super-alimentos

7 Feb 2022

CÚRCUMA: un pariente del JENGIBRE con impresionantes propiedades antiinflamatorias, antioxidantes, anticancerígenas, antimicrobianas.

Este super alimento de origen natural posee una enorme cantidad de evidencia científica sobre sus usos para la salud del cuerpo humano y te los contamos aquí.

Ayuda a la artritis, y el dolor articular, reduce la inflamación crónica, mejora la salud de la piel, mejora la función cerebral, mejora las alergias y el asma y la hipertensión.

¿Pero que es la cúrcuma?
¿Dónde podes consumir cúrcuma?
¿Qué dice la OMS, FDA, UE sobre las cantidades que resultan seguras y como podes incluir a la cúrcuma en tu dieta?
¿Tiene efectos secundarios?
¿Cuales son los peligros de consumirla? ¿Como evitar efectos adversos?

Te contamos todo eso y mucho mas basado en datos científicos de fuentes oficiales.

00:00 Beneficios, Propiedades y Problemas de la cúrcuma
01:24 Curcumina: Así debes comer la cúrcuma para obtener sus super beneficios
03:10 Evita la destrucción de tus células (Curcumina y Vitamina E): el peligro de los Radicales libres
06:11 Lo mejor para la inflamación de tu cuerpo: Disminuí el dolor y la inflamación
08:18 Beneficios: Esto pasa 1 hora y 30 dias después de consumir cúrcuma
09:44 Mejora tu colesterol malo, el envejecimiento cerebral y limpia tu hígado con cúrcuma
11:48 Esto le ocurre a los obesos, diabéticos e hipertensos que toman cúrcuma a diario
14:42 Como debo consumir cúrcuma y cuanto por dia?
16:48 ¡Efectos adversos y Cuidados!

DrVeller obtiene información confiable de sitios de información serios, luego lee, resume y revisa la bibliografía, para este video utilizamos estos estudios/reportes:


cómo aprovechar al máximo los beneficios del jengibre? | salud, bienestar & super-alimentos

30 Jan 2022

Ginger has immense anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anticoagulant power, but it must be consumed with great care because it also has side effects and contraindications.

In this talk, we will tell you about the benefits of ginger, how to consume it, how much to consume, but also its adverse effects and how to avoid heartburn, indigestion and bleeding due to the consumption of this plant.

00:00 ALERT!: Ginger, good or bad?
01:00 How to eat Ginger “Gingerol” Do you give ginger, powdered or dehydrated ginger?
02:30 The Evidence!: Can I lose fat and body weight by eating ginger?
04:10 The Impressive Anti-Inflammatory Power of Ginger Does it work for arthritis?
05:15 Antioxidants and the Anti-Aging power of Ginger. Can it improve your skin?
06:05 Decrease of bad cholesterol (LDL) and Sugar (glycaemia)
08:17 Ginger: Does it boost immunity and fight infections?
09:00 Improve nausea, vomiting and indigestion with ginger tea
10:15 Side effects of Ginger, what are they and how to avoid them?
12:20 How to get the most benefits from ginger and how much to consume per day?

DrVeller bases its information on official data, reliable sources, and peer-reviewed scientific studies:




