what sort of app is Clubhouse ? | technology & social media | Neutral & American accents

let’s take a look at how clubhouse works !

Feb 11, 2021

Elon Musk uses Clubhouse. Kanye’s on Clubhouse. Oprah, too. But what the heck is Clubhouse, and how do you use it? We’ve got all the details, including an app walkthrough of the hottest new social network.

0:00​ Introduction 1:55​ Profiles, finding rooms and friends 4:28​ Joining a room 7:30​ Creating a room 9:39​ Should you sign up?

Dec 16, 2020

Clubhouse is a drop in audio app that allows you to network and connect with anybody! Clubhouse is brand new to the social media scene and is still in it’s beta stage so it is an invite only for now. //


0:00​ what is clubhouse app intro

1:11​ what is clubhouse

4:09​ how to join clubhouse

6:25​ how to use clubhouse to build community

6:48​ taking advantage of the invitation walk in

7:04​ how to use the clubhouse app

8:20​ the opportunity of joining clubhouse early

tips to improve the use of Zoom | education, business & tech

ideas to maximize the use of zoom

Zoom video conferencing is the most popular online meeting app in the world. But do you know how to get the most out of Zoom while you work remotely or from home? In this video, Scott Friesen shows you his favorite tips from keyboard shortcuts to advanced sharing techniques. Get ready to become the master of Zoom meetings!

Sound Frequencies & Vibrations – Hearing Test & Illusions

How Old Are Your Ears? (Hearing Test)

How high can you hear? Take this ‘test’ to see how old your ears are!

Can You Trust Your Ears? (Audio Illusions)

20Hz to 20kHz (Human Audio Spectrum)

Sinusoidal wave going trough entire human audio spectrum, starting at 20Hz and ending at 20kHz. Note that the frequency increases exponentially, the idea was to increase the frequency by constant fraction of currently played frequency rather than by a constant value (which would result in clearly noticeable fast change at lower frequencies and nearly no change at higher frequencies). Enjoy.

Note: This wave has the same volume level measured by acoustic pressure all the time, however human sound perception differs depending on frequency. For lower frequencies (below 1kHz) you might want to increase your volume, but don’t forget to lower it later to avoid damage to your hearing.

If you don’t hear anything below 40-50Hz even at full volume your audio hardware is probably incapable of playing lowest frequencies. You might want to try to listen on the headphones in such case. Also if you stop hearing sound somewhere between 10kHz – 20kHz – do not increase your volume for safety reasons. Every human hears a bit differently and have different hearing thresholds. Hearing range also changes with age. Younger people can usually hear higher frequencies.

Hearing Test in HD quality. Sinusoidal wave starting at 20 Hz frequency and going up to 20 kHz frequency.

It’s recommended that you listen to this using headphones. If you can’t hear anything above 16000 Hertz it’s probably because Youtube’s audio compression cut off frequencies above 16kHz. Try watching in HD to get better audio quality.

Sound & Water Experiments ! Awesome !!!

Cool Sound and Water Experiment!

This is really simple but has such an awesome effect. Fill a bucket full of water and place it about 5 feet off the ground. Place a subwoofer about 1 foot lower than the bucket. Run a plastic tube from the top bucket down in front of the subwoofer. Tape the tube to the front of the speaker. Then aim the end of the tube to an empty bucket on the floor. Get the water flowing from the top bucket. Now just generate a 24 hz sine wave and set your camera to 24 fps and watch the magic happen. Basically your cameras frame rate is synced up with the rate of the vibrations of the water so it appears to be frozen or still. Now if you play a 23 hz sine wave your frame rate will be off just a little compared to the sine wave causing the water to “move backward” or so as it appears. You can play a 25 hz sine wave and cause the water to move slowly foward.

Really fun experiment. You should definitely give it a try.

Thanks to JacobTMcgarry for giving me the OK to create my own version based on his original video.

Amazing Water & Sound Experiment #2

Ever since I created the first version of this video a year ago I’ve been wanting to try it again with more water and better lighting / footage. This is a really fun project and when you first see the results, chances are your jaw will drop. The main thing to keep in mind for this project is that you need a camera that shoots 24 fps.

The effect that you are seeing can’t be seen with the naked eye. The effect only works through the camera. However, there is a version of the project you can do where the effect would be visible with the naked eye. For that project, you’d have to use a strobe light.

For this project you’ll need:

A powered speaker
Water source
Soft rubber hose
Tone generating software
24 fps camera

Run the rubber hose down past the speaker so that the hose touches the speaker. Leave about 1 or 2 inches of the hose hanging past the bottom of the speaker. Secure the hose to the speaker with tape or whatever works best for you. The goal is to make sure the hose is touching the actual speaker so that when the speaker produces sound (vibrates) it will vibrate the hose.

Set up your camera and switch it to 24 fps.  The higher the shutter speed the better the results.  But also keep in the mind that the higher your shutter speed, the more light you need. Run an audio cable from your computer to the speaker.  Set your tone generating software to 24hz and hit play. Turn on the water. Now look through the camera and watch the magic begin.  If you want the water to look like it’s moving backward set the
frequency to 23hz. If you want to look like it’s moving forward in slow motion set it to 25hz.

Play Guitar anywhere, how? Look at this gadget !

Never leave your guitar behind again. FretPen is a super portable wireless practice instrument!


If sufficient funds are obtained via Kickstarter you could soon treat yourself to the perfect antidote to guitar withdrawal symptoms. There will be no need to suffer the blues again when you are forced to leave your guitar behind because you will be able to play them instead and on a pocket sized instrument that doubles as a pen. Fretpen is a portable wireless instrument that you can take anywhere and play any time and the skills you learn and the muscle memory acquired can be transferred to a full sized instrument.

fretpen-mini-guitar-gadget-iphone-penTravelling Light

Let’s face it, a guitar is not the most practical thing to travel with whether you are heading off holiday or commuting to work. It is not quite as challenging as having to move a piano but for the most part guitars must be left at home which is an annoyance if you are suddenly seized by the need to play. What fellow commuters would think of a spontaneous outburst of rock ‘n’ roll remains to be seen but it would certainly make a change from the usual MP3 white noise that now seems to be the soundtrack of public transport.

No Strumming

FretPen promises to be a fully playable instrument which you can pop in your pocket wherever you are going. The fretboard (real maple) detects finger placements and there is a controller in the body of the miniature guitar which enables the player to adjust the available notes. There is no strumming, you just tap the fret but there is a single string for visual effect.


How it Works

The body of the instrument connects to a smartphone app via Bluetooth which turns the player’s actions into sounds which do actually resemble a guitar and you can even choose between electric and acoustic outputs. You can tweak your music with reverb and other effects to produce a pretty convincing result. If you do have the sudden need to make a note (pardon the pun) then the fretboard can be removed from the body of the tiny instrument to become a handy writing implement.

The Cost

The anticipated price for the FretPen in $150, should it reach its funding goal of $35,000. The first 50 people to donate will receive a generous discount on their purchase. It is quite a lot of money to splash out on a guitar which isn’t really a guitar at all but I would guess that music enthusiasts would love this little gizmo and it would be a great party trick!

Success Story?

I also think it likely that the novelty of such an instrument would wear off fairly quickly mainly on the grounds that it isn’t really an instrument at all but rather a mobile app with something to tap and a pen that you would rarely use because you have an app for memos too. It looks cool though which is half the battle these days but I think this one is more smartwatch than tablet in the potential sales stakes. I can’t see this really taking off but it could be useful for buskers who are sick of carry around their acoustic guitars all day!

Never leave your guitar behind again. FretPen is a super portable wireless practice instrument!

MUSIC is powerful; it unites, motivates and inspires us. We dream of joining our favorite band or artist on stage. And, nailing that solo or favorite song on guitar.

But, where’s your stage? Days filled with commutes, meetings, classes and other activities don’t leave much room for playing guitar. Or, do they?

Practice, learn, or just have fun making music — anywhere — with FretPen. With matchless portability and an authentic playing experience, FretPen means you’ll never leave your guitar behind again.

And best yet: The real-world skills and muscle memory you develop with FretPen are directly transferable to a full-size guitar.

Portability meets playability

Ever had a practice session cut short by demands like work, school or a dentist appointment? Unfortunately, bringing a full-size guitar with you to these places isn’t an option.

That’s why we created FretPen. Much of the time you spend waiting could be spent playing — if only you had the right guitar.

FretPen goes with you anywhere, and it’s built from authentic materials to deliver a realistic playing experience. Its modular design combines superior portability with wireless playability through your iOS device. 

Enjoy studio quality guitar tones through headphones or external speakers.

“Finally, something I can take and play anywhere!” —Parker LundgrenQueensrÿche

Something for everyone

FretPen is for beginners and experienced players! It’s an accessible and fun introduction to guitar for those just starting, kids and air-guitarists-turned-shredders. Pick it up and you’ll be jamming in seconds.