Aurora Borealis Relaxation in Alaska | awesome entertainment

Aurora Borealis in 4K | “Northern Lights Relaxation” Alaska  

One of the most fascinating sights in the world, yet most elusive and hardest to capture on camera is the Aurora Borealis -otherwise known as the Northern Lights.

This 8-hour long video designed for extended length screensaver-type background play and for help with sleep features stunning real-time footage captured in Alaska. In the film, you’ll enjoy several different scenes with calming music by Yellow Brick Cinema.

Note while most of the scenes were shot in real-time, there are a few shorter clips which are timelapse and were filmed by friend and filmmaker David Fontneau.

Lunar eclipse with northern lights | Canada

A different take on the Lunar Eclipse with the Northern Lights

2014-04-15 – AuroraMAX’s roving camera captured this footage on April 15, 2014, of the total eclipse of the Moon with aurora filling the sky.

Watch the close-up video in the lower-right corner to see the Moon takes on an increasingly reddish hue as it approaches totality, the moment when Earth’s shadow covers it completely.

Credits: Canadian Space Agency, University of Calgary and Astronomy North Watch this video to compare this point of view with the movie of the same eclipse and aurora shot with a fish-eye lens at the AuroraMAX observatory, which captures the entire sky:

filter bubbles & algorithmic editing in social media | ESL & ELT activities | speaking, vocabulary, listening & writing

You’ve probably heard the term Filter Bubble and/or Echo Chamber at least once or twice in the past few months. It’s a term that has been circling the media for some time about Facebook and the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election. But what do they mean exactly? How does it relate to the internet or more specifically Facebook and Google? How does it affect you? Watch the video to find out! 

Scene 1
“Filter Bubble” is a theory that the algorithms from companies like Facebook and Google bases the information given to you on data acquired from things like, your search history, your past click behavior, the type of your computer and your location. Therefore, limiting the topics that reach you to a bubble of only your own formulated interests and personalized search subjects. 

Scene 2
The term was coined by Eli Pariser who wrote a book on this subject explaining that these algorithms are “closing us off to new ideas, new subjects and important information ”. What he means is that you are not given information outside your own political views, religious views or even other data like for example updates on women’s rights and animal rights. 

Scene 3
Another way of saying this is “Echo Chamber”. Echo chamber is when information, ideas, or beliefs are repeatedly pushed in an enclosed system like your mind, your newsfeed, or your social circle, while other views are prohibited. 

Scene 4
It’s not so different as it was back in the old days where our great-grandfathers chose only one type of newspaper. However, as time went on, the curators and editors of old media realized the important effects they had on the world and spent decades to develop their ethical foundation. Are algorithms created by corporations equipped with the same ethical foundation? Are you limiting your own views? Are you learning anything new?

Scene 5
Filter bubbles may have had some responsibility in the 2016 election. During the Obama administration, the concerns of the American working class in the midwest have been ignored and rejected. This led to a hardening of their political stance. Another example is the opposing side, the liberals had believed they held an extraordinary lead until the election ballots were counted. And then of course as always in an aggressive campaign, many people felt that attacks on their candidate were like attacks on themselves which lead them to retreat into their bubble where only agreeable information can reach them.

Scene 6
It’s not necessarily that personalized information engines are a bad thing. They do help edit out the massive amount of information provided online to cater to what’s important to us. After all, we can’t process all the news that’s affecting people in Syria, China, North Korea, Africa, Germany, Kim Kardashian and then finally to news of our own country. 

Scene 7
It really comes down to actively being aware of the content you see. Actively expanding your news source and balancing your knowledge on interested topics. Being that we are a generation that is given the opportunity to easily get a chance to open our minds to other viewpoints. It seems like it would be a shame just to close yourself off in a little filtered bubble.

As web companies strive to tailor their services (including news and search results) to our personal tastes, there’s a dangerous unintended consequence: We get trapped in a “filter bubble” and don’t get exposed to information that could challenge or broaden our worldview. Eli Pariser argues powerfully that this will ultimately prove to be bad for us and bad for democracy.

ESL & ELT activities

1- speaking | topic for discussion | filter bubbles & your right to privacy

2- vocabulary | use a monolingual dictionary if necessary | prepare definitions in English, using your own words of the following terms:

filter bubble – algorithms – internet – spy – algorithms – browser – zip right up – queue – embedded – ethics – curate – search – encoded –

3- listening skills | watch the video and take notes

4- research | get more information about the filter bubble

5- writing skills | use the info you got in exercise 4 to write an article on “the invisible algorithmic editing online” | write an article about what you have researched and learnt from the video

6- writing skills | video review & summary | write about the video, speaker, topic, genre, duration, and summarize its contents | give your final conclusion and opinion

Mind-blowing Japanese Inventions you may enjoy …

20 – Anti-rape disguise
19 – Oppo Dog Muzzle Quack
18 – Girlfriend lap pillow
17 – Silent karaoke mic
16 – Daddy nurser
15 – condom cookbook
14 – Personal rain saver
13 – Dusting onesie
12 – Dictionary desk pillow
11 – Boyfriend pillow
10 – Panorama hat
9 – Subway hat
8 – Burger deception
7 – The face slimmer
6 – Solar energy lighter
5 – Bug shoes
4 – Full body umbrella
3 – Butter grater / grinder
2 – Shoe umbrella
1 – Eye drop funnels

Mind-blowing Japanese inventions

Some of the most incredible and innovative inventions have come from Japan. From technology, to everyday items that are pure genius, the Japanese are indeed some of the most innovative and brilliant people out there. Their inventions and even their anime is cunning and leaves Americans fascinated, wanting to study the culture and be a part of a Japanese world, maybe even more so than Japan’s natives.

But no one is innovative or perfect 24/7, and there are moments where an invention or new product will come out that will make you wonder and question whether it’s sensible or not. Here are the ten most bizarre Japanese inventions that leave the rest of the world constantly scratching their heads wondering what exactly was going on when the big bosses approved it.

The first bizarre invention is the Motoman SDA10, which is an autobot created to make Japanese pancakes by itself. From the first step to plate presentation, the Motoman can cook a customer’s pancake along with working side by side with human coworkers. The next bizarre invention actually got its start in Europe, but the Japanese perfected it with technology and comfort, is capsule hotels. They are only big enough to fit a sleeping human body measure at about 6 feet by 3 feet. Staying in a capsule hotel is extraordinarily cheap and provides a cost-effective option for the budget traveler in Japan.

The next bizarre invention is the butter former, which is basically like a cheese grater, but for butter. You can use cold or room temperature, and with just a twist, you will get grated butter that’s easier to spread across your toast. In case, there will be no more tearing of your bread while buttering it. If you’ve eaten too much butter and need to slim your face, Japan has invented a plethora of face slimmers and smoothers (to get rid of wrinkles). These mouth pieces look really awkward, and you only have to wear them for a few minutes a day.

The next bizarre invention was created in order to help women hide from predators and attackers. The vending machine dress was made to look just like a vending machine, but it’s just some fabric with the image of some food products in a glass case. Let us hope the attacker doesn’t try to buy a beverage while on the prowl.

If you’ve ever had a cup of noodles, you know that after putting in the hot water, you have to let the product sit so the noodles can cook, but often times the paper lid comes off. The Japanese invented a solution for this dilemma by inventing Cupman, which is a plastic little man that holds the lid down. If while you’re eating your noodles, you feel lonely and want the comfort of a woman, then pick up a Female Lap Pillow, which is exactly what the name describes. These pillows are sold in stores and you can go home with one anytime you’d like.

If these inventions are bizarre to you, then check out the rest of these bizarre inventions like the thumb extender, square watermelons (which you can’t eat), and the Necomimi (for the times you want to wear computerized animal ears that will express your feelings).

Sound & Water Experiments ! Awesome !!!

Cool Sound and Water Experiment!

This is really simple but has such an awesome effect. Fill a bucket full of water and place it about 5 feet off the ground. Place a subwoofer about 1 foot lower than the bucket. Run a plastic tube from the top bucket down in front of the subwoofer. Tape the tube to the front of the speaker. Then aim the end of the tube to an empty bucket on the floor. Get the water flowing from the top bucket. Now just generate a 24 hz sine wave and set your camera to 24 fps and watch the magic happen. Basically your cameras frame rate is synced up with the rate of the vibrations of the water so it appears to be frozen or still. Now if you play a 23 hz sine wave your frame rate will be off just a little compared to the sine wave causing the water to “move backward” or so as it appears. You can play a 25 hz sine wave and cause the water to move slowly foward.

Really fun experiment. You should definitely give it a try.

Thanks to JacobTMcgarry for giving me the OK to create my own version based on his original video.

Amazing Water & Sound Experiment #2

Ever since I created the first version of this video a year ago I’ve been wanting to try it again with more water and better lighting / footage. This is a really fun project and when you first see the results, chances are your jaw will drop. The main thing to keep in mind for this project is that you need a camera that shoots 24 fps.

The effect that you are seeing can’t be seen with the naked eye. The effect only works through the camera. However, there is a version of the project you can do where the effect would be visible with the naked eye. For that project, you’d have to use a strobe light.

For this project you’ll need:

A powered speaker
Water source
Soft rubber hose
Tone generating software
24 fps camera

Run the rubber hose down past the speaker so that the hose touches the speaker. Leave about 1 or 2 inches of the hose hanging past the bottom of the speaker. Secure the hose to the speaker with tape or whatever works best for you. The goal is to make sure the hose is touching the actual speaker so that when the speaker produces sound (vibrates) it will vibrate the hose.

Set up your camera and switch it to 24 fps.  The higher the shutter speed the better the results.  But also keep in the mind that the higher your shutter speed, the more light you need. Run an audio cable from your computer to the speaker.  Set your tone generating software to 24hz and hit play. Turn on the water. Now look through the camera and watch the magic begin.  If you want the water to look like it’s moving backward set the
frequency to 23hz. If you want to look like it’s moving forward in slow motion set it to 25hz.

Free Energy Light Bulb

Free Energy Light Bulb

Do you really think it’s possible? Alternating magnetic fields regenerating themselves, but you need to feed the system in order to begin the cycle.

Free Energy Light Bulb UNVEILED

How the trick was made.

Free Energy Magnet Motor fan used as Free Energy Generator “Free Energy” light bulb

This system of free energy fan rotation of magnet motor is used as free energy generator for lighting of bulb. For construction were used CPU fan, thin magnets and led lighting bulb. Explained step by step how to build free energy.
This is Free Energy Magnet Motor fan rotation video of Free Energy Magnet Engine used as free energy generator thanks to neodymium magnet.
Fan Rotation only based on magnet field power without electricity need. It is simple construction utilizing mgnetic disattraction generating free electricity. It is in more details explained in my original video on youtube.
What is your opinion? is it reall or fake?