Cats, the best therapy for a healthy wellbeing! | Purrr-fect Airport & Nursing Homes !

When we rescue them, they rescue us !

Respect them !

29 Sept 2017

Denver International Airport got its first therapy cat. Xeli,(Zeelee) meet the public for the first time at a event in the great hall before joining a rotation of more than 75 certified therapy dogs who work in shifts at the airport every day helping ease passenger anxiety and stress. Xeli (zell-ee) is a domestic short hair cat, weighing 12 pounds.

Video by Hyoung Chang, The Denver Post

1 Jan 2024

In the US there are only about 200 registered therapy cat teams through non-profit organization Pet Partners. Juanita Mengel is missing a leg. So is her cat Lola-Pearl. Together, they spread happiness and care as a therapy cat team. Both Mengel and Lola-Pearl use prosthetics to make getting around easier. Together they share their stories of surviving and thriving with people in schools, nursing homes, and hospitals.

24 Apr 2024

Medical Centric Recommended

Therapy “purrr-fect” cats ! | Thanks Wellington!

When we rescue them, they rescue us !

Respect them !

20 Jul 2023

Scottish Rite for Children treats pediatric patients with orthopedic problems and limb differences. Harry the therapy cat has three legs.

24 Jan 2017

Watch our wonderful therapy cat, “Duke Ellington” Morris, cheer up patients in the intensive care unit! Music: “Art of the Groove (w/ Brent Jensen)” by Rob Walker Used under a Creative Commons attribution license:…

30 Oct 2016

At UCSF Medical Center, a “purrfectly” trained professional makes the rounds: a 7-year-old tuxedo cat. Anne Makovec reports. (10-29-16)

26 Jun 2019

University Health System’s Paws Up Pet Therapy Program is bringing smiles to hospital patients’ faces.

8th August Cat’s day ! Idioms with cats | Language & Vocabulary

50 Feline Idioms

See the source image

1. A Cat Nap

Meaning: to sleep or doze for a short time.

2. A cat burglar

Definition: refers to a burglar who uses stealth and agility to break into buildings. First recorded use of this idiomatic expression was between 1905 – 1910

3. A cat in gloves catches no mice

Meaning: that if you are too polite or careful, you might not achieve what you want.

4. A cat may look at a king

Sense: that a person of low social standing still has rights. That minimal human rights apply.

5. All cats are grey at night

A way of saying that in the dark, physical attributes are unimportant. Believed to have been first used by Benjamin Franklin.

6. A copy cat

An idiom that refers to a person who copies or imitates the actions of another.

7. A scaredy-cat

Said about someone who is very scared or easily frightened.

8. As conceited as a barbers cat

Meaning: someone who has a high opinion of themselves or their importance.

9. As nervous as a cat in a room full of rocking chairs.

Meaning: that a person is very nervous or jumpy. Believed to refer to the idea that cats are worried about having their tails trapped under a rocking chair.

10. Busier than a one-eyed cat watching two mouse holes.

Meaning: that a person is extremely busy – almost frantic

See the source image

11. Busier than a three-legged cat in a dry sandbox

Meaning: hectic to the point of being frantic

12. Cool cat.

A phrase used to describe a fashionable person. Also used when talking about someone who is very calm or slow to anger.

13. Cat’s cradle.

This expression refers to something overly complicated. Likened to the children’s game “cat’s cradle.” A game played with a string wound around the fingers to create intricate patterns.

14. Cat’s Meow

Something outstanding or excellent.

15. Curiosity Killed The Cat

Meaning: that you should take care to look into something too profoundly. You might find something that disturbs you. You should not be curious; you may find something that you don’t want to know.

16. Dead Cat Bounce.

A phrase often used in the financial markets. This statement is referring to an automatic recovery of the financial market.

17. Dog My Cats.

An expression of astonishment.

18. Enough to make a cat laugh

Meaning: that something is very, very funny.

19. Fat Cat

A derogatory term used to describe someone who has acted dishonorably, or in a questionable way to achieve wealth.

20. Fight like cats and dogs

To be continually fighting or arguing with someone.

BBC Learning English on Twitter: "🐱Cats are cute and idioms are fun.😽😸  Put the two together and … you have some amusing cat idioms!😆 More idioms  and phrases here: #bbclearningenglish #learnenglish  #

21. Grin like a Cheshire cat

To smile broadly, in a very self-satisfied way.

22. Has the cat got your tongue?

Used when referring to someone who has very little to say for themselves. The origins of this idiomatic saying are unclear. Possibly originated from stories of witches whose cat would steal the tongue of their victims to prevent them from telling others.

23. Hellcat

A fiery, ill-tempered person.

24. High as the hair on a cat’s back

Meaning: to describe something very expensive or valuable.

25. Keep no more cats than will catch mice

Meaning: a way of saying that you should be efficient.

27. Like a cat on a hot tin roof

A way of saying that a person is agitated or extremely nervous and fidgety.

28. Like herding cats

Refers to someone trying to manage multiple tasks at the same time. Can be used to describe a person attempting to manage a large team of individuals who are all being uncooperative.

29. Look like the cat that got the cream

That you, or another person, are very pleased with yourself and what you have accomplished.

30. Look like the cat that swallowed the canary

Meaning: to be extremely self-satisfied or smug. Often used to describe someone who is concealing some mischievous act.

It's raining cats and dogs Woodward English

31. Look what the cat dragged in

A phrase often used in a slightly derogatory or playful way. Can be used to say that a person is a little scruffy or not properly dressed for the occasion.

32. Morals of an alley cat

Refers to a person of loose morals. References the actions of a stray cat that hangs around the streets and alleyways of a town or city.

33. Not have a cat in hell’s chance

Meaning: to have absolutely no prospect of doing something. To have no chance at all.

34. No room to swing a cat

Meaning: a tight or confined space.

35. Play cat and mouse

Meaning: to toy with or amuse oneself with something.

Idiom - Copycat - Funky English

36. Pussyfooting around

A way of describing someone who avoiding a decision or avoiding saying what they mean.

37. The cat’s pyjamas

Refers to a person who is the best at what they do.

38. There is more than one way to skin a cat

Meaning: that there are many alternative ways of achieving something.

39. To Bell a cat

Refers to an impossible task. Believed to originate from the fable of a mouse who has the idea of hanging a bell around a cat’s neck to warn them of its approach.

40. To have kittens

Meaning: to be very upset or worried about something. A dramatic way of describing how frightened or upset you have been.

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41. To make a cat laugh

Meaning: to say that something is ironic or very funny.

42. To put a cat among the pigeons

Meaning: a way of saying that someone has created an upset or a disturbance.

43. To rain cats and dogs

Refers to the fact that it is raining very heavily. A very old idiom that whose origins are lost.

44. To turn the cat in the pan

Meaning: to reverse to an outcome or situation. Also used to refer to someone who has turned traitor.

45. She’s the cat’s mother

Meaning: often used to rebuke someone. Most often used when a mother is called “she” in a conversation. Sometimes seen as being a disrespectful way of being addressed, giving rise to a response of “whose SHE, the cats mother”.

Twelve Cat Related Idioms To Enrich Your Knowledge - I Can Has Cheezburger?

46. See which way the cat jumps

A way of saying that you should wait until you see how things develop or progress before committing yourself to a course of action.

47. Walk like a cat on eggs

Meaning: to take great care and consideration over something.

48. Wanton kittens make sober cats

Refers to people who in their younger days may act wildly or without restraint, often learn to their cost that this behaviour is inappropriate in later life.

49. Weak as a kitten

A way describing someone who is fragile or feeble.

50. While the cats away the mice will play

Meaning: that people left unsupervised will do / act as they please. That they will take advantage of the situation.

can humans contagion covid19 to their pets ?

Can my dog or cat catch coronavirus?

Published 10 April, BBC News

Dog and cat

Can pets contract coronavirus and if so can they spread it to other animals or to humans?

What is the evidence?

Cats can catch flu from humans and some have caught the Covid-19 virus.And this has been backed up by laboratory evidence.There have also been isolated cases of dogs testing positive for the virus, in Hong Kong.But none of the pets involved became seriously ill with Covid-19.Scientists are investigating why.But the virus may not replicate in the animals’ cells in the way it does in human cells.

Can a dog or cat transmit coronavirus to people?

This is highly unlikely to happen, according to scientists and vets.There have been no cases of pets passing the coronavirus that causes Covid-19 to humans.And the same was true during the 2013 outbreak of Sars, a virus very closely related.Could a pet’s fur become contaminated if an infected person has previously touched or stroked the animal?University of Nottingham associate professor of veterinary virology Dr Rachael Tarlinton says: “This is theoretically possible, the same as for any other surface, like a person’s hands or clothing, but we haven’t actually seen this happen in any cases so far.”The usual advice applies – wash your hands well with soap and water after touching any pets or things such as leads.And to protect each other at the moment, the RSPCA says it is best to avoid kissing your pet.


How do I keep my pet safe if I’m self-isolating?

It is worth thinking about how you would cater for your pet’s needs if you have to self-isolate.The RSPCA says dogs can be let out into your garden, if you have one, or otherwise just outside your front door to go to the toilet.If you have a cat used to staying in your home, keep it indoors as you would with any other member of your household.Also, regularly clean its litter tray.If you own an outdoor cat, then try to keep your interactions with it to a minimum.And if you are ill, restrict close contact with your pets.

What are the rules on dog-walking?

A woman walks two dogs in an empty street

If you have a dog that needs walking, you can combine that with your one permitted session of outdoor exercise a day.But remember, as you would if you were exercising on your own or with other household members, to keep at least 2m (6ft) away from other people at all times.The government has not given advice on whether a dog should be kept on its lead but some parks, including the royal parks, are strongly advising this.This is to make it easier to stick to social-distancing advice.

spend quality time with your pet | DIY ideas & hacks to groom, make pet toys, beds & entertainment

easy DIY ideas for our pets


This time we prepared the cutest hacks possible because it’s all about our favorite pets! We love our pets and care of them and always want the best for our little cuties but you don’t need to spend tons of money. Find out cheap and cool tips we prepared in our video! Are pet toys too expensive? The answer is recycling! Why?

There are a lot of reasons and the first one is that is a way to help the environment. You not only save money but also help the environment by reducing waste. We will show you how to make cat or dog feeders from simple plastic bottles. Save the tubes from your toilet paper rolls, and you can make anything from a cool ball.

Make DIY pet grooming gloves, the only thing you need is rubber dishwashing gloves and make little hot glue dots all over them Use a piece of paper and a thread to make cute little origami butterflies. How many old clothes do you have at home?

Upcycle into something cool: turn an old sweatshirt and jeans into a bed for your dog; transform your old socks into a cat sweater. What a sweet idea! Old t-shirts could be transformed into a cat house!

Your cat will totally love abed made out of a cardboard box and an old t-shirt. Find out an unexpected use of sandpaper! Are you tired of scratched corners and furniture in your home?

We will show you how to make a cool DIY claw sharpener for your cat. All you need is a piece of wood, and an old piece of carpet, and a piece of rotang rope. It won’t take much effort but your cat gonna love the result.

Sometimes it’s so difficult to take awesome pictures of your cat or dog because they usually ignore the camera. We have a genius solution, make a very simple device! Watch our video to see how to use your phone and ball to attract the attention of your lovely pet.

living with 22 rescued cats | awesome !

rescuing cats from the streets and enjoying cat-land 🙂

In 2014 Houzz featured the story of home builder Peter Cohen, who created a cat wonderland in his home for his 15 rescued cats.

The video has over 20 million views, as people everywhere have connected with both his love of cats and the innovative space he created for them. We caught up with Peter for an update on what has happened since his story went viral.

Now living with 22 rescue cats, Peter has become involved with the fight against Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP), a disease that is fatal in 95% of cases. Peter sells his cat-walks in the Houzz Shop to help raise money for research to find a cure.

people think cats are treacherous, that black cats are bad-luck, that cats cannot be loving and caring … how wrong you are people !

why don’t you learn about cats before being prejudistic ?