magic, illusion & extrasensory perception | can you fool others … or can you make a fool of yourself ?

James Randi shows his ESP & Performs a Magic Trick

Extrasensory perception or ESP, also called sixth sense, includes claimed reception of information not gained through the recognized physical senses, but sensed with the mind. 

James Randi was a Canadian-American stage magician and scientific skeptic who extensively challenged paranormal and pseudoscientific claims. He was the co-founder of the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry, and founder of the James Randi Educational Foundation.

Born: August 7, 1928, Toronto, Canada Died: October 20, 2020, Plantation, Florida, United States

Question: Why did you decide to come out publicly at age 81?

James Randi: Oh, well. I did it, first of all, my next book is to be called, this is a plug, “A Magician in the Laboratory.” And I’m working on that currently right now and it’s more or less autobiographical because so much of my life is spent running around the world and sitting around in laboratories and watching, in many cases, watching scientists make total fools of themselves. But I forgive them for that, they’re just not informed. I tried to inform them and such. And I thought, “Well hey, before I publish the book, I should really come out and say to people, yes, I’m gay. I’ve been gay all of my life.” I don’t have any problem with that whatsoever. The point that I came out so late in my life is only due to the fact that I never got around to it. All my friends and family have always known. All of my office people and such have always known about this. And I’ve never made any refusal to discuss it, and if anyone has every asked, I said quite frankly, “Yes, that’s the situation.” And for 25 years now, I’ve had a faithful companion and we get along just fine. We’re very attached to one another, I’m very happy in that relationship and it doesn’t enter into my work at all though.

Question: How has the public reaction been?

James Randi: Oh, the public reaction has been wonderful. I anticipated that it would be, frankly, but it’s been much more, much better than I even dreamed it could be. I’m still getting emails months after this happened. I’m still getting email from people who say, “Oh I just found out about so and so, and bang on, that’s the way to go.” And these a people who can or cannot be gay one way or another, it doesn’t make any difference. They all accept it. And a couple of sour grapes out there, but I could ignore them safely. But a very, very small minority. People have understood and we are in an enlightened age. Now, when I was a teenager, oh, that would have been the last thing I could have possibly have done. I would have gotten stoned, I would have gotten beaten up every day, I’m sure, by the kids at school. But not anymore. That day, I hope, is passed.

Question: Will coming out be easier for the next generation?

James Randi: Yes. And not only that, in that respect as a matter of fact. I’ve found one thing that I did not anticipate. I’m getting a lot of correspondence from young gay people who say that I’ve served as an example of how it can be done and they’ve determined that they’re going to do it too. And that’s very encouraging. I think that relieves them of a bit of a burden, you feel somewhat freed up. Now, I didn’t notice the difference at all because I’ve been out all of my life if anyone asked. That’s all there is to it. And nobody ever… well some people did ask, or sort of hinted at it. And I would come out with it right away. I had no problem with that. I still have no problem with it whatsoever. Here I am. And people often will say, “But you named your car Sophia, after Sophia Loren.” A little blue Miata, a beautiful little jobbie. And they said, “Well, you keep on talking about Sophia Loren.” And I say, “Yes. You see, I’m gay, but I’m not blind.” After all, you know, that is not Oil of Olay that Sophia uses. That’s got to be witchcraft.

20 May 2011

JAMES RANDI: James Randi is the founder of the James Randi Educational Foundation (JREF). Randi began his career as a magician, but when he retired at age 60, he switched to investigating paranormal, occult, and supernatural claims, which he collectively calls “woo-woo.” Although often referred to as a “debunker,” Randi rejects that title owing to its perceived bias, instead describing himself as an “investigator”. He has written about the paranormal, skepticism, and the history of magic. He was a frequent guest on The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson and is occasionally featured on the television program Penn & Teller: Bullshit!.



Question: Would you perform a feat of conjuring? James Randi: I’m a bit of an amateur at shuffling cards. Ho, ho, ho. But when a deck is as thoroughly mixed up as this one is, many people think that there’ll be a red, black, red, black. I’m not talking about suits, now just the color, you see. Red, black, but it doesn’t happen that way. For example here, we’ve got three reds; we don’t need the joker in there. James Randi: Yes. And we’ve got oh, there’s another three reds. No, this is pretty good, the colors – I’m just looking at the colors now. The colors are pretty well mixed in here other than here’s another joker that we won’t use in there. All right. Now. What I’m going to do is, first of all. We suspect that the colors would be pretty well sorted, or alternated all the way through the deck. But I’m going to show you something rather remarkable. Here we have a well shuffled deck, very well shuffled deck. And I want you to come over here and just give me your hand, if you’d be so kind. Step over and join me on the set. Okay?

Now just hold, like that with the palm up, a little closer—I see you have a rich future. Yes, well in any case. I want you to hold half of the cards for me, would you please. And I’ll hold the other half. And I’m going to show you something rather remarkable. Look at this. When I turn the back over, watch this. One black card on the top and then all of the rest of them red. Every last one. Wow! And taking a look. Hold those for me, please. One black card on the top just to disguise it, but in this case, each and every one of them black. Recorded April 16, 2010 Interviewed by Austin Allen


Question: How did you become an escape artist? James Randi: I took up the escape artistry thing on a peculiar sort of event. I was working in Quebec City at the Fleur Le Royal, I think it was called; a nightclub there. And a couple of cops came by and were eying me from the side of the stage and they came to me afterwards and showed me a pair of handcuffs and said, “Could you get out of these?” And I said, “Oh, yeah sure.” They were simple locks and, well we’ll see you after the show. And I said, yeah, sure, okay, thinking I would never see them again. And I packed up and was leaving the dressing room and suddenly they showed up in the stairway. I said, “Oh, I forgot about that.” So, I went downstairs and they put a pair of handcuffs on me out in the street, much to the amusement of people passing by, I can assure you.

And they opened the squad car door for me; I got in one side, and got out the other side with the handcuffs off. Now, that got their attention. They hadn’t seen that before, but I will confide in you that handcuff locks are very, very simple locks. And I was pretty well set up for it and ready for it. But as they looked at me in some astonishment and said, “Well, do you think you could break out of our jail?” And I said, “Well, show me the jail.” Oh, they put me in the back of the squad car and off we went. And the next morning the headlines in the Quebec Soleil, was the name of the paper, came out with, “[…] Randi [..] de la Prison de Quebec.”

That means, the amazing Randi, and I had never used that title before, up until then I was “The Great Randall,” you see. But the Amazing Randi Escapes from the Jail of Quebec, or the Quebec Jail. It made a bit of news and when I went to the nightclub that night, the Manager met me at the door and he said, “Forget the birds and the rings and all that sort of thing.” He said, “Do something in the escape business.” So, I went out there and I did a thing and that’s how I got into it. But it made a good reputation from me; I broke out of 22 jails around the world in my career. All legally that is. Yes, I’ve never actually been locked up in one where I – well there was one occasion. I won’t get into the details.

Question: How did it feel to break Houdini’s record for submersion in a coffin? James Randi: Well, it wasn’t much of a feat really at the time, I must say, because I was much younger. He as 52 at the age when he did that, and I was, I think 22. So, I had the advantage, the physical advantage over old Harry. And so I took a certain amount of credit for it, but I did break his record by a few minutes. And I did it several times after that around the world and different countries and in different venues and increased my record to one hour and 44 minutes of being sealed up on a steel coffin under water.

Question: What kind of mental and physical training do escape artists undergo? James Randi: Well it’s a matter of using some common sense to start with. You don’t want to use up a lot of oxygen. I got a very good night’s sleep. I did it on the “Today” Show on NBC with Dave Garroway, as a matter of fact. He was the host at that time. That was many, many moons ago. And I rested up very thoroughly; I stayed at the Hotel Shelton where there was a swimming pool, in New York City. I slept well, and I must say when I got into the coffin there, I was starting to think, well maybe I’ll make an hour or so. I made an hour and 31 minutes in that particular episode. But I just breathed in a very shallow manner…

20 May 2011

Question: Have you ever personally been tricked or duped? James Randi: Well, there’s this one girl, and I don’t want to get into the details. No, you know, the interesting thing is, that since I started this about the age of 12 to 14, I’ve got to know more and more about how people are fooled and how they fool themselves—the two things that magicians must know—I don’t think I’ve ever been fooled by an illusion… although sometimes when I first see it on stage, I’ll say, “Whoa, how about that.” Oh yeah… and I’ll think about it and I’ll say, okay, yes, right. There you go. I will come up with the solution eventually. As a matter of fact, when sitting at a Copperfield show, for example, and he always puts me in the fourth row or so, and I always move a little bit further back if I don’t want to be looking straight up his nose, you see. And what happens is, I’ll sit with a magician friend and we’ll nudge one another at a certain point and say, “Oh wow, how about that!” And people around me will say, how about what? They didn’t see anything happen, see. But we saw the moment of truth you know, when he might have done something like this, or it looks innocuous, but that’s when the thing happened. You see? And we recognize that. That moment of truth is something we spot and the people around don’t. And then when the girl jumps out of the box, they’re all surprised and we knew it all along.

Question: What makes you feel wonder or awe? James Randi: Well, magic performances in many cases, and particularly some of the young folks that are sort of coming along these days are… particularly in Asia. Oh my goodness. Asia has pretty well taken over the magic business as far as numbers of people. Very, very competent people who are in the business, male and female. They really do a wonderful job. But I am an old fashioned fuddy-duddy, you see. I stand outside my home in Fort Lauderdale, Florida and I could watch a sunset, and my eyes will fill up with tears. They can because that’s nature. And I see… oh, I see a raccoon cross the lawn and stop and look at me and I say hello. And he doesn’t know what I am saying, but he goes on his way and he does his thing. That’s wonderful. These are little things that I still take great joy… and I like seeing the world and how it works. That’s why… one reason why these people who try to sell us a false bill of goods about how the world really works, and how really wonderful it is. Oh my, I can’t stand that. I just find myself repelled by that idea and I want to drag kids out into the sunset and say, take a look at that, or a sunrise even better. At my age, you appreciate sunrises more than sunsets. You see?

But I’ve had… I have a very good quality of telescope, for example, at my home in Plantation, Florida. And I’ll get out the tripod to show some guest, oh if Jupiter is up there, or whatever, or the Moon, or Andromeda if it happens to be in a good aspect. I’ll show them that. And kids come back on bicycles and stop and say, “Whatcha doin?” And they look in there and they… “What’s that.” “That’s the planet Jupiter. And you know how far away it is?” And they’ll say, “Oh yeah, really?” And then I’ll show them Andromeda and I’ll say, “Now that’s not the way it looks now. No? No, that’s the way it looked quite a few million years ago. The light is just reaching us now.” And when you see them go, “Oh,” you know you’ve made a hit. That’s important. And if that kid comes by with a girlfriend the next day on another bike, “Can we see your telescope?” I’ve won a battle right there. That’s important. You’ve got to get the kids, you’ve got to get to them and say, “Take a look at this. This may surprise you.” And if you can do that and be successful at it, oh that makes my day, if not a week.

Question: As a “bright,” what do you believe? James Randi: The term “bright” I don’t much care for, but hey, we did the best we could with it. I was with Richard Dawkins in Clearwater, Florida and a few other people who brainstormed and came up with idea of having the “brights.” I think I was maybe the third or fourth person to sign the membership roster. And a “bright” is someone who thinks logically and rationally; bases his or her decisions on rationality, upon logic, and upon evidence—that’s the major thing right there. And if we don’t have evidence, we can express our belief or lack of belief in it, but it has to be provisional. I believe that this is probably true, though I don’t have any evidence for or against. It’s a perfectly safe statement. And so, brights base all of their decisions and their beliefs on logic, rationality, and evidence. That’s the thing in which they differ from the average person who takes anything that comes along that looks attractive. “Oh, I like that; I think I’ll believe in it.”

Question: As the scientific picture of the universe gets weirder, could any religious claims ever be verified? James Randi: Not that I know. I am an atheist, tried and true. I have been since I was, oh I guess about this tall. I’m only about this tall now. And I made up my mind that I was going to investigate all of these things and question them. I went to Sunday school. I was tossed out of Sunday school immediately. But it gave me 25 cents that I could have put in the contribution plate there, so when they pass the plate around, and I found out that at Purdy’s Drug Store, you could buy a two-flavored ice cream sundae for 25 cents. And that was a great discovery of my childhood, I must say, and I took full advantage of it. My parents, bless them, never found out and I went off every Sunday morning as if going to Sunday school, but I lied. And I’m ashamed to admit it now, and if my dad and mom are up there someplace, or down there someplace, I have no idea, I ask them to forgive me. Recorded April 16, 2010 Interviewed by Austin Allen


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product management made easy | management

Listen to your customer !~Listen ! Listen ! Listen !

11 Sept 2017

There is probably one part of the product management job we can all agree is the hardest – people. People are unpredictable, have strong opinions and unconscious biases, and many people in your organisation have more power than you, yet are wrong just as often. In this illuminating talk from Mind the Product San Francisco 2017 Janna Bastow, Co-Founder of Mind the Product and Co-Founder and CEO of ProdPad, shares her own stories of dealing with people, and how she handles the toughest part of the job.

direct & indirect consequences of covid19 infected people | health & pandemic

diabetes type 1 associated with pancreatic cells damaged by covid-19

The COVID-19 virus can cause diabetes, new studies find

“The virus actually destroys the cells in the pancreas that make insulin.

“By Dr. Natalie S. Rosen 10 June 2021, 10:52 • 5 min read

Why some develop type 1 diabetes after suffering severe COVID-19Two new studies explain how the virus damages cells that help produce insulin, but it is not know…Read More

There is troubling news for those infected with the COVID-19 virus. New studies have found that the virus may cause diabetes in addition to pneumonia and other health problems.

Most people will recover from COVID without longer-term problems, but doctors have noticed that some patients go on to develop diabetes.

9 Jun 2021

Now, new research is finding that the virus may infect and destroy certain cells that are crucial for keeping diabetes at bay. Armed with this new knowledge, scientists are now racing to understand how to best prevent this from happening in patients with COVID-19.

Diabetes already contributes to 10-15% of deaths in the United States. In 2017, nearly 34.2 million people, or 10.5% of the U.S. population, had diabetes. Per data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 1.5 million Americans are diagnosed with diabetes every year. Of those with diabetes, nearly 1.6 million Americans have type 1 diabetes, an autoimmune disease that attacks pancreatic beta cells to reduce insulin production.

“There is a difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes,” said Dr. Jennifer Ashton, ABC News’ chief medical correspondent and a board-certified OBGYN, who was not involved in the studies. “[In] type 1 diabetes, the body does not make enough insulin. In type 2, there is enough insulin but it is not working properly.”

As insulin causes cells to take up sugar in the blood, a decrease in insulin production or a resistance to insulin causes high levels of sugars or glucose in the blood. This high level of glucose, termed hyperglycemia, is the hallmark of diabetes.

10th June 2021

“Earlier lab studies had suggested that [the COVID-19 virus] can infect human beta cells,” said Dr. Francis Collins, the director of the National Institutes of Health, said in a recent blog post. “They also showed that the dangerous virus can replicate in these insulin-producing beta cells to make more copies of itself and spread to other cells.”

New research from Stanford University School of Medicine and Weill Cornell Medicine confirmed the association between COVID-19 and diabetes. By analyzing autopsy samples from people who died of COVID-19, both studies illustrated the virus’s ability to infect pancreatic beta cells, decrease insulin secretion and effectively yield type 1 diabetes.

“The virus actually destroys the cells in the pancreas that make insulin,” said Ashton. “[This] decreases insulin levels and then leads directly to high sugar and type 1 diabetes.”

Experts say these particular cells may be especially vulnerable to being attacked by the virus as they contain certain receptors known to bind to COVID-19.

Once invaded, these cells were transformed into different types of cells with a lower expression of insulin. According to experts, this shows that SARS-CoV-2 could change the fate of a cell.

Encouragingly, one study showed that specific drugs might be able to reverse this fate. Those findings will need to be confirmed in larger, more rigorous studies, researchers say.

Unfortunately, the virus might damage the pancreas and cause diabetes in ways that aren’t as easily reversed with medication. Due to the destruction of pancreatic cells, patients could potentially become dependent on diabetes medications, such as insulin, long after they finish their battle with COVID-19.

“More study is needed to understand how SARS-CoV-2 reaches the pancreas and what role the immune system might play in the resulting damage,” said Collins.

Both works highlight the possibility of COVID-19-induced diabetes and stress the need for awareness in those infected with the virus.

“The key is if you are diagnosed with COVID-19 and have any classic signs or symptoms of type 1 diabetes, get tested for diabetes,” said Ashton.

Anyone who has recovered from COVID-19 should be on the lookout for symptoms of diabetes, Ashton added.

“We’re talking about extreme thirst and increase in urination, unintentional, significant weight loss, or fatigue, just to name a few,” she said.

Added Collins: “This work provides yet another reminder of the importance of protecting yourself, your family members, and your community from COVID-19 by getting vaccinated if you haven’t already — and encouraging your loved ones to do the same.”

Natalie S. Rosen, M.D., is an internal medicine resident physician at The Johns Hopkins Hospital and a contributor to the ABC News Medical Unit.

b 16 17 2 is the Indian covid19 variant | health & science

much faster contagion than with the UK variant

24 May 2021

The WHO has labeled a subtype of the COVID-19 virus first discovered in India as a “variant of concern.” B.16-17.2 is thought to spread more easily. The subtype is responsible for the majority of new cases in parts of England.

Germany has banned all travelers from the U-K, except its own residents, due to concerns about the strain. But there is some good news.

The vaccines from Pfizer-BioNTech and AstraZeneca are thought to be highly effective against the variant, after two doses.

what is CRM ? | Salesforce & the software industry

convert leads into opportunities & transactions

Watch this video to learn what customer relationship management (CRM) is and how CRM helps companies better engage with prospects and customers, streamline communications, and grow their business.

Salesforce is a customer relationship management solution that brings companies and customers together. It’s one integrated CRM platform that gives all your departments — including marketing, sales, commerce, and service — a single, shared view of every customer.

what is marketing cloud ? | salesforce | software industry & SAAS

marketing cloud is a B2B tool for the marketing department to personalize your service

0:00​ What is Salesforce Marketing Cloud?

1:48​ How Marketing Cloud works?

4:00​ Journey Builder example

4:29​ Modules in Marketing Cloud

6:38​ Marketing Cloud Work Team

7:20​ Business Units in Marketing Cloud

7:50​ Marketing Cloud as leader of Automation Tools

8:10​ How to become a Marketing Cloud professional?

8:40​ Marketing Cloud Certifications

8:50​ Start working with Marketing Cloud

9:31​ Goodbye!

Marketing Cloud is a tool oriented to the end consumer. Salesforce has another marketing automation tool called Pardot for companies that offer their services to other companies, therefore Pardot is a B2B tool.

There may be several reasons to use Marketing Cloud in a marketing project, but one of the main reasons is the need for a tool that allows you to communicate with customers using multiple channels. Various studies indicate that the value of customers who convert using multiple channels is much higher than those that only interact via traditional means. In addition, Marketing cloud is a platform that allows us to develop a personalized digital experience with our clients: Up to 86% of buyers will pay more for a better customer experience, but only 1% of customers think their seller meets their expectations.

How Marketing Cloud works: The next step is to under stand how marketing cloud works. It’s a tool that collects data from multiple sources: it can collect data from a loyalty database, our CRM, such as salesforce, and external sources such as the point of sale in the case that the company has physical stores. But it is also capable of managing data from social media interactions and advertising campaigns.

This first module that we’ll see is called Contact Builder which works as a database that aggregates the data and allows us to create data relationships for our customers. The second module we’ll see is the core or brain where Marketing intelligence is stored. On one hand, it’s where the customer communication flows are programmed. The communication flows or paths are called journeys which is the central base of the tool. We can design all kinds of marketing processes, from the simplest to the most complex. Because we have a lot of information, we can carry out, for example, a communication flow for the renewal of services with customers. The Journey Builder module works in tandem with Automation Studio.

Automation Studio is a tool that helps us to segment clients and choose with whom we want to communicate. Suppose we want to get in touch with those customers who have not made a purchase in the last 90 days. In this case, Automation Studio would generate the lists of customers that we are going to impact in a communication flow in Journey Builder. Let’s see a slightly more advanced example: In this flow we want to communicate periodically with customers who have not made a purchase in the last 90 days.

The input data is prepared by automation studio to segment only these types of customers. An email will be sent consisting of a temporary discount and we will create a separate audience with those customers who do not respond. They will enter a retargeting campaign specially designed with the goal of getting these customers to purchase again. As you can see, we have already started to talk about additional modules. Email Studio, Mobile Studio, Social Studio and Advertising Studio allow us to communicate with customers through email communications, sms or push messages if we have an app, social media or advertising campaigns.

Regarding the analytics and reports section, there are two different ways to manage it which makes it a little different from the rest of the modules. On one hand, you have the possibility of using the reports generated by the platform, however, SFMC is one of the few tools that allows us to extract all the raw information and download it using an excel or csv file in order to analyze it separately. You may have noticed that I have been talking about one tool, however, marketing cloud is really a set of different tools or modules such as Advertising studio, Mobile Studio, Email Studio or Social Studio.

There are multiple automation tools with more limited functionalities, some of which are targeted to small businesses. There are other tools that fall into a different category because they are open source tools where there is no license fee. Marketing Cloud has 4 certifications for professionals, they are: email specialist, social studio specialist, marketing cloud consultant and marketing cloud developer, each one oriented to a different profile.

what is salesforce ? | oracle & tech vision

a dominant software company

5 excellent products: sales cloud, the commerce cloud, service cloud, marketing & platform (tableau)

Marc Benioff, the CEO of Salesforce, was interested in computers from a young age, and, before he went to university, he programmed video games for the Atari Console, which allowed him to pay for his college tuition.

However, despite being strong in computers, he enrolled in business school and eventually started his career at Oracle, which was run by colourful founder Larry Ellison.

After rising through the ranks at Oracle, Benioff left with Ellison’s blessing to start Salesforce in 1999. Salesforce does customer relationship management software or CRM and is credited as being the first pure SAAS (Software as a Service) company. This is because it didn’t offer any downloadable software.

The main idea of CRM software is that it can be anything that helps a company better interact with its customer. The original platform was for salespeople but has since expanded to include marketing, commerce, and customer service. We go through the history of #Salesforce​ then we go through each of its products.

We also provide an extra bonus valuation of the company’s stock at the end of the video, which can be downloaded on our Patreon page for free,

American Airlines ambitious 10 long-haul international flights for 2021 | airline & aviation industry

unique places & competitive TALT flights from JKF

21 Feb 2021

American Airlines has announced plans to serve eleven long-haul international flights for 2021 so far with widebody aircraft. In addition, they are also adding many new unique route pairs from JFK to Latin America and across the Caribbean from their core hubs.

But Why is this? Find out here today!

What are your thoughts on American’s expansion plans for 2021?