how to read music notes ? | video-photo dictionary & pronunciation

19 Jul 2019

In this lesson we learn music notes: the whole note, half note, quarter note, eighth note and sixteenth note. Listen to the demonstration and then clap or sing along.

Musical Notation

This is an educational video about music, where children can learn about different musical figures including the sixteenth, eighth, quarter, half, and whole notes. Not only will children learn what each of these notes looks like, but also the appearance of their rest notes and the length of each note and it’s rest note.

antminer E9 vs GPU mining | is it the end of gpu mining? | cryptocurrency & investment

Bitmain Antminer E9 vs GPU Mining

For almost two years, the world has faced a graphics card shortage. While the PC gaming industry has been the loudest to complain, arguably, the crypto mining market has suffered the biggest losses due to the shortage.

Due to inflated GPU prices, thousands of miners all over the world were prevented from updating their rigs. That way, they lost on hundreds of thousands, if not millions, in potential earnings. Are ASIC miners the solution to this problem?

We’re going to look at the most powerful Ethereum miner available, Bitmain Antminer E9, and see how will it impact GPU mining as a whole.

What Caused the GPU Shortage

Before start discussing the Bitmain Antminer E9 and its impact on the industry, we need to talk about the start of the GPU shortage. In order to mine cryptocurrencies, you need processing power. A lot of it. The easiest way to achieve it is through high-powered graphics cards. The same ones are used for gaming.

At the end of 2020, the price of cryptocurrencies skyrocketed. That lead to a steep increase in graphic cards demand. Since the manufacturers couldn’t meet the demand, the secondary market bloomed, and the prices shot up.

The result of the hardware shortage was an unprecedented crisis. Both miners and gamers couldn’t find GPUs for retail prices. The resellers were pricing already-expensive NVIDIA and AMD graphics cards at 3X to 5X their original price.

How the GPU Market Responded

To end the great graphics card shortage of 2020 and help crypto miners, NVIDIA launched their first crypto-specific card series. The RTX line was popular among miners right from the start. However, this didn’t solve anything.

Despite the popularity of RTX 3080 and 3090, the cards were manufactured in extremely small numbers, which made them pretty unattainable. Another problem was the reselling market and the increased usage of automated bots, which can buy a product as soon as it gets uploaded to retail websites.

On the surface, it seemed like the resellers won. However, a solution to the entire situation came from seemingly nowhere.

ASIC Mining vs. GPU Mining

The solution for this problem came from ASIC miners. These machines are specialized in crypto mining and they can provide a lot of power to miners. As a matter of fact, they can provide much more power than the average GPU.

For many miners, ASIC was the solution they were looking for because the only purpose of these machines is to allow crypto enthusiasts to mine efficiently. There was, and never will be for that matter, any interest in them from gamers. However, Ethereum miners weren’t so lucky, because ASIC mining solutions were mainly used by Bitcoin miners.

ASIC miners have been around for a long time. But not after long did manufacturers start making Ethereum ASIC miners. One of the biggest companies on the market, Bitmain has recently unveiled the most powerful ASIS miner. All of that finally brings us to our topic of the day: the Bitmain Antminer E9 and will it make GPU mining obsolete.

Bitmain Antminer E9 Equals 32 GPUs

Bitmain, as a company has been around for a long time. Their brand is well-known in the crypto world, and their name stands for quality and innovation. That’s why it’s no wonder that they’ve manufactured a machine that mines Ethereum with a power of 32 RTX 3080 graphics cards.

The new model in the Antminer series has a power of 3 GH/s. If you don’t know, that’s the measuring unit for cryptocurrency mining. The aforementioned RTX 3080, only has 12 MH/s, which means that you’d need almost three dozen cards to reproduce the power of one E9.

That’s not the only thing the Bitmain Antminer E9 brings to the table. Experienced miners are wondering, how much electricity does an Antminer E9 use? While the machine does need a lot of energy to function properly, compared to other, noticeably weaker miners, it consumes significantly less.

For instance, the average ASIC miner will give you the power of 2 GH/s to 2.5 GH/s while consuming more than 3,000 watts. The Antminer E9, on the other hand, will consume no more than 2,556 watts. This, of course, results in a significantly better return on investment.

Bitmain Antminer E9 Profitability

None of the things mentioned above would matter if the Bitmain Antminer E9 isn’t able to provide you with a hefty ROI.

So, is the Antminer E9 profitable? Yes, no question. According to certain calculations, you can earn between $200 and $250 a day with the E9. Needless to say, the profit depends on a number of factors, including the price of the electricity in your area.

The profit of $236 a day, for instance, can be achieved at the price of electricity in the US, which is hovering around $0.13 per kWh. In some European countries, like France and Spain, electricity is more expensive. In these places, you can expect a lower daily profit.

But keep in mind that is a really good profit. Bitcoin mining hasn’t been this profitable for quite some time.

The best thing about the Bitmain Antminer E9 is the price. At $17,000 it’s extremely cheap when you consider the possible returns. With that price, you can expect to pay off your machine in less than three months and start making serious money.

Is the End of GPU Mining?

No matter what mining method you prefer, you have to admit that the Bitmain Antminer E9 is impressive. The miner is sure to dominate the market in both 2021 and 2022. It’s probably going to go down in history as the first real ASIC Ethereum miner of the PoS era.

The biggest question now is, is this the end of GPU mining? Not quite. We can’t really expect everyone to switch to ASIC miners overnight. However, due to E9’s surprising price, low power usage, and high potential profitability, we can expect a lot of miners to jump on the hype train.

The Death of GPU Mining

GPU mining has been there since crypto started. However, ASIC – Application-Specific Integrated Circuit – mining offers greater speed and efficiency than traditional mining. It enables various crypto miners unlock more value and increase their earnings.

However, when it comes to Ethereum mining, for a long time, GPU was the only option. Things, as of you might now have changed. Ethereum miners can now enjoy all of the benefits of ASIC mining. But does it pay off in the long run? That’s what we’re going to find out today.

Let’s see how ASIC miners like Bitmain Antminer E9 can help you maximize your profits.

GPU vs ASIC Mining

In simple terms, a GPU, or a Graphics Processing Unit is an electronic circuit that can render graphics, which are displayed on an electronic device. Even though the main purpose of a GPU is to boost video performance and gaming graphics, these cards are often used to solve complicated math problems that verify crypto transactions.

An ordinary GPU can be bought in an ordinary electronics store. However, crypto transactions require the computer to solve complex math equations. These can’t be solved by simple machines. They require more high-end cards that cost couple of hundreds, or sometimes, a couple of thousands of dollars.

On the other hand, an ASIC, or Application-Specific Integrated Circuit is a machine, specifically designed for crypto mining. Chips designed to run a Bitcoin mining station is an ASIC. Since they’re designed for one purpose, they’re a lot better at their job than all-purpose GPUs. They require a lot more power and they cost more.

Can You Mine Ethereum With ASIC?

In the past, you could only mine Ethereum with GPUs. However, this has changed in recent years. Back in 2018, the Chinese company Bitmain introduced to the world the first-ever Ethereum ASIC. Soon after, more companies followed suit. Nonetheless, their Bitmain Antminer E3 was a popular choice among Ethereum miners for a few years.

This year, the company has decided to update their popular line of Ethereum miners. They’ve released the Bitmain Antminer E9 that will help Ethereum mining to transition from the PoW (Proof of Work) period to the PoS (Proof of Stake) period. Ever since they announced it at start of the year, they said that this is going to be the fastest Ethereum miner on the market.

ASIC Mining with Bitmain Antminer E9

When the first announcement came, most people thought that the Antminer E9 would cost somewhere in the $30,000 vicinity. To the surprise of many, the machine turned out to be much more cost-effective. The price for a single unit is $17,000, not including shipping costs.

The company also revealed the tech  specs of the E9. It’s the first Ethereum miner that has the hash rate of 3 GH/s, which is a significant step forward. Just for comparison, the previous fastest miner available only had a hash rate of 2.5 – 2.6 GH/s.

The hash rate is what separates ASIC miners from GPUs. To achieve the same results, one would have to use 32 RTX 3080 graphics cards at the same time. Considering just how much these graphics cost on the secondary market, we are talking about saving a few dozen thousands of dollars.

Not only is the Bitmain Antminer E9 a much more cost-effective investment, but it’s also a lot cheaper to maintain. Yes, the E9 on its own consumes a lot of energy. According Bitmain, their machine requires 2,556 watts to work properly. However, to replicate the E9’s performance, one would need significantly more electrical power.

Simply put, 32 graphic cards working at the same time amount to one big electrical at the end of the month. Another huge convenience of using an ASIC rig is the space. Three dozen or so graphic cards take up a lot of space and require huge fans for cooling. The E9 can fit into a corner of your basement and you won’t even have to worry about additional cooler either.

Antminer E3 vs Antminer E9

Of course, the biggest reason why so many people are interested in the Antminer E9 is its power. When it comes to mining, hash rate is used to measure power. Simply put, hash rate is the speed of crypto mining. One measures it in units of hash per second. It shows you how many calculations per second can the mining machine perform.

The previous Ethereum mining model manufactured by Bitmain, Antminer E3 offered a hash rate of 190 MH/s. While that model was considered “cutting-edge” when released, nowadays it simply wouldn’t pay off to invest in it. According to estimations, the E3 would yield a rather modest sum of around $4.4 per day.

On the other hand, the E9 guarantees the user revenues close to $250 per day. Yes, that’s over $1500 a week in profits, even when you count in the energy consumption of $0.12 per kWh. Is there a miner on the market that could rival the power output of the Bitmain Antminer E9? At the moment, you simply can’t find one.

Maximize Your Revenue With Bitmain Antminer E9

In 2021, we can expect Bitmain’s new miner to dominate the complete Ethereum mining market. But that’s not the end. Once PoS becomes effective within the Ethereum network, we can expect the Bitmain Antminer E9 to become even more sought-after.

If you’re still wondering whether or not ASIC mining is the future, the answer is definitive, yes. Older generation miners will become obsolete as soon as PoS gets in-effect. Investing in a brand new ASIC miner like the E3 will ensure that your mining efforts get rewarded. 

This is the new antminer E9 to mine Ethereum | cryptocurrency mining

What Is Bitmain E9?

Bitmain E9 boast a maximum speed of 3GH/s

Bitmain's Antminer E9 offers the Ethereum mining performance of 32 RTX 3080  cards | TechSpot

A few years ago, Bitmain released Antminer S9, which completely changed the landscape of GPU crypto mining. Once again, the company is disrupting the Ethereum mining market with their new Bitmain E9.

This is the Ethereum miner everyone has been waiting for this year. The Bitmain Antminer E9 is an ASIC miner that delivers as much power as 32 RTX 3080 graphic cards.

Is that the only reason why people are excited? Not by a long shot. Ethereum miners are excited about the E9 because it:

  • Uses the heavyweight EtHash Algorithm
  • Needs no more than 15 seconds to mine block
  • Has a hash rate of 3GH per second
  • Has an efficiency of 0.85 J/M
  • Can potentially make you around $236 a day

Here are few more reasons why every miner should buy the Bitmain Antminer E9 in 2021.

The Most Profitable, Powerful, and Efficient Ethereum Miner!

First, you get the money, then you get the power, right? Well, in the world of crypto mining, things work a little bit differently. Firstly, you need to get your hands on a powerful crypto miner. Then, you can get as much money as you want.

And Bitmain E9 will give you power. Lots of it.

With the 3 GH/s hash rate, Bitmain E9 is the most powerful ASIC crypto miner you can get on the market today. At the moment, the second best miner on the market a has the rate of just 2.6 GH/s. That makes the E9 more than 15% faster in mining performance.

But that’s not all. Compared to other Ethereum miners, the Bitmain Antminer E9 is also much more efficient. Another Ethereum miner requires 3000W of power in order to achieve a 2.6 GH/s rate.

Bitmain E9 also requires a lot of power. It’s a big miner, after all. However, it only uses 2556W while working. That makes almost 15% more efficient than the 2nd most powerful Ethereum miner available today.

With more power, and more efficiency comes more profitability.

The Power of 32 x 3080 Graphics Cards in One Ethereum Miner!

In recent years, the price of computer components has skyrocketed. Graphic cards are no exception. Of course, to properly mine for Ethereum, you need a lot of computing power. That’s why, instead of investing all of your money into overly-priced graphics cards, a powerful Ethereum miner like Antminer E9 is a far better choice.

With the rate of 3 GH/s, it’s extremely powerful. Let’s compare that with some graphic cards:

  • RTX 3090: 125 MH/s
  • RTX 3080 Ti: 118.9 MH/s
  • RTX 95: 95 MH/s

The power the E9 brings to the table isn’t comparable at all.

You might be thinking that the Bitmain E9 has a large price tag. Spending $17,000 on an Ethereum miner is a large investment. But when you see how much money you’d need to get that processing power, you see that the investment is more than worth it.

The hash rate power E9 has is the equivalent of 28 x 3090 and 32 x 3080 graphic cards mining ETH, which is simply insane. These cards aren’t cheap. But let’s say that you can find RTX 3090 cards priced at $1,500.

It means that you’d have to spend at least $42,000 to achieve the same hash rate. And that’s not taking into account additional pieces of hardware you’d have to spend money on. You have to admit that Bitmain Antminer E9 3G is the right investment.
We also need to look at the profit margins. Having almost 30 graphic cards at the same time would consume a lot of energy. According to our calculations, these cards would consume more than 7,500W of energy when working simultaneously.

The Bitmain E9 on the other hand needs just a 3rd of that power to function properly. An average crypto mining farm could buy multiple Bitmain E9 miners and have some astounding has rate power at the tips of their fingers. Just think of the money people are missing out on.

Make More Than $200 a Day With Bitmain E9!

Whenever a big investment is needed, people like to think how much would it take them to start making a return on their investment. First, you need to break even, correct? The question now is, how much money can you make each month with Bitmain Antminer E9?

Considering that the miner costs only $17,000, it would take you less than 3 months to pay it off and start profiting off your efforts.

In the worst-case scenario, you can make $200 a day using the E9. However, when you take the amount of power the miner generates and the current market condition, on average, you should be making $236 every day.

An average person should be able to pay their Bitmain E9 off in just 72 days.

On the other hand, when you consider the price of around 30 graphic cards, electricity costs, and low-profit margins, it can take you more than 300 days to pay that investment off. That’s the best scenario, assuming that you’re living in a state where electric bills are low.

Looking at all of that, you can see that buying the Bitmain E9 is a great idea.

See the Full-scale of the beast itself.


  • Size: 195 x 290 x 400mm

Considering how much power the Bitmain Antminer E9 has, the size is unbelievable. You can easily store the Bitmain E9 anywhere in your home.

  • Weight: 14.2 kg

While a machine weighing nearly 15 kg can’t be considered lightweight, you have to look at it in context. You would need almost 90 kg worth of equipment to do the same job as Bitmain E9.

  • Noise level: 75db

Compared to other Ethereum miners, Bitmain E9 can work inside of a library. Seeing how you need 6 Ethereum miners to duplicate its work, the E9 will give peace.

  • Fan(s): 4

Four powerful fans are there to keep the Bitmain Antminer E9 nice and cool, so it can work non-stop for you, mining thousands of dollars each month.

  • Power: 2556W

The E9 is a big boy and it consumes a lot of power. But when you see that it gives you as much power as 32 expensive graphic cards, you realize that the E9 gives more than it takes.

  • Voltage: 12V

Bitmain E9 has a noticeably low peak core voltage frequency, that significantly improves mining efficiency.

  • Temperature: 5 – 45 °C

With Antminer E9, you’ll never have to worry about overheating. Even after countless hours of mining, the E9’s temperature won’t go over 45 °C.

Model:AntMiner E9 3GH/s
Size:195 x 290 x 400mm
Noise level:75dB
Power Consumption:2556W
Temperature:0 – 40 °C
Humidity:5 – 95%

You Get 6X More Mining Speed With Bitmain E9!

The simple fact is, Bitmain E9 has 6X more mining speed than your average miner. That means that you’ll be able to:

  • Pay off your investment 6X quicker
  • Start making money in a short amount of time
  • Make the same money as 6 miners

With EtHash having a POW algorithm, you can use memory hardness. You need to realize that the memory of your computer is its main asset. With EtHash, Bitmain E9 can mine one black in just a quarter of a minute. Bitmain E9 has an efficiency of 0.852j/MH.

But you might be thinking, so much power comes at a price. The more your miner works, the more you need to cool it down, correct? You’ll probably have to spend a lot of time, effort, and money to keep Bitmain Antminer E9 cool, right?

You couldn’t be more wrong. Bitmain has been producing miners for years at this point. They know what they’re doing. The E9 comes with 4 strong fans that allow it to work at full capacity for months on end. You’ll never have to worry about cooling down your miner thanks to them.

These fans will keep the heat levels low and help you avoid astronomical electricity bills too.

If you want your machine to work properly, it needs to work under normal room conditions. The minimum humidity set by the manufacturer is 5%. Maximum, on the other hand, is set at 95%. Temperature also helps your miner do its job properly. It will also allow your machine to work for prolonged periods of time without breaking down.

That’s why the manufacturer has set the minimum temperature at 5 °C and maximum temperature at 45 °C.

The noise levels are also astounding. You can put the E9 at a table and it will produce no more than 75 dB. Usually, miners are so loud that you can expect your neighbors to complain. But not Bitmain Antminer E9. It’s one of the quietest Ethereum miners out there.

Let’s go back to Bitmain Antminer E9’s hash rate one last time because it’s definitely a game-changer. The incredibly high has rate allows users to mine roughly 37 different crypto coins. Most of these coins are highly profitable. When it’s all said and done, the higher the has rate, the higher the possibility of mining more crypto coins.

Start mining hundreds of dollars worth of Ethereum by buying the Bitmain Antminer E9 today!

the lady is a tramp | ESL & ELT activity

ESL & ELT activity: watch the video, listen to the song and complete the lyrics

*to correct this activity, visit:

3 Oct 2011

She ___________too ______________, for ___________ _______ eight (I am ___________)
She _____________the theatre, but she never _____________late
I never _______________, with people that I _______________
That’s why this chick is a _________________

She _______________ like crap ______________, with barons and ____________
Won’t go to Harlem, in ___________________and _________________
And I ________________won’t dish out ____________, with the rest of _______________girls (Thank-you)
That’s why the _______________is a ________________

I love the ____________, fresh _____________in my _______________
Life without ________________, oh I’m so _______________, it’s old
I hate California, it’s crowded and ___________
That’s why the lady is a ____________(I am a tramp)

___________________I go to Coney Island, oh the beach is ______________________
And I love the Yankees, Jeeter’s just ___________
I follow Rogers and Heart, she sings every _______________
That’s why the _________________is a ______________

I love a _______________fight, that isn’t a ___________ (no fakes)
I love to row ________________with you and your _______________ on Central Park lake
She goes to _____________and stays wide _______________(yes, I do)
That’s why this _______________is a _______________

She _______________the green (green) ___________ (______________) under her ____________________
What can I lose, ’cause I got no __________________(oh no?)
I’m all alone when I lower my __________________
That’s why the ________________is a __________________Go!

I love your _______________fresh, I love your _______________________in my hair
______________ without __________, but I am so _________________, that’s oak
Hates California it’s ___________and it’s ____________

That’s why the _________________is a ______________

That’s why the _________________is a ______________

That’s why the _________________is a ______________

stairway to the stars | ESL & ELT activity

ESL & ELT activity: watch the video, listen to the song and complete the lyrics

*to correct this activity, visit:

There’s a _________ _________ of __________ leading ____________to the ___________
And the ___________ is like a __________ ______________
There’s a ____________ of ___________
And we’ll go there, just ________ and ________

Let’s __________ a ___________ to the ___________
And ___________ that ______________ to the ___________
With ___________ beside us to _________ the __________ with a __________

We’ll _________ the sound of _____________
Out ___________ where the ________ __________
The ___________ will guide ______ as we go ___________ along

Can’t we _________ ____________on a __________ __________ petal
Over the __________ of the __________ ?
Can’t we ___________ away on a _________ ___________
And _________ high on the _________ of a _________?

___________ build a ___________ to the ______________
A _____________ _____________ to the _______________
It would be _____________ to _________ to ____________ with you

___________ build a __________ to the _____________
A _____________ __________ to the __________
It would be _________ to ___________ to ___________ with _________

Let’s ______________ a ___________ to the ____________
And _____________ that _____________ to the ______________
With ___________ beside us
To _________ the __________ with a ____________

We’ll ____________ the ___________ of _______________
Out _____________ where the blue ______________
The ______________ will ________ ______
As we go __________ along

_____________ we _________ ________ on a lazy _________ petal
Over the __________ of the ___________
Can’t we _______________ ___________ on a little __________
And ____________ high on the __________ of a _______________

Let’s __________ a ____________ to the ____________
A _________, _________ _________ to the _________
It would be ___________
To __________ to ___________ with you

Let’s ____________ a _____________ to the ___________
And ______________ that ____________ to the ____________
Yes, we’re ______________
_______________ to the __________________to the _________, _________, ________, _________

Sound of _________
Way out _____________ where the ___________begins
The ______________ will ___________ us
As we go __________ , _________ , ___________ along

Can’t we sail away on a _________ ___________ __________
Over the ___________ of the ___________
Can’t we ____________ away on a little __________
And ____________ high on the ______________ of a _____________

Keep _______________ a ______________ to the _____________
A __________ ______________ to the ______________
It wouldn’t be ________________
_____________ to _______________with you