Is the Higgs Boson (the god particle) a discovery to be lamented ? / Has CERN created a quantum black hole ? / Quantum Physics

I prepared this summary to introduce you to the topic:

The Higgs boson is the fundamental particle associated with the Higgs field, a field that gives mass to other fundamental particles such as electrons and quarks. A particle’s mass determines how much it resists changing its speed or position when it encounters a force.

In the Higgs boson’s case, the field came first. The Higgs field was proposed in 1964 as a new kind of field that fills the entire Universe
and gives mass to all elementary particles. The Higgs boson is a wave in that field. Its discovery confirms the existence of the Higgs field.

The Higgs boson underpins the whole Standard Model like a jigsaw piece, spurring on our curiosity and creating a more accurate picture of the universe around us. Since the beginning of humanity, curiosity has fuelled the advancement of science.

The key distinguishing feature of Higgs’s contribution was that, as an afterthought, he predicted the existence of a new massive particle left over from the process he had worked out in the Highlands. This particle would later bear his name: the Higgs boson.

The Higgs boson is the only fundamental particle known to be scalar, meaning it has no quantum spin. This fact answers questions about our universe, but it also raises new ones.

The Brout-Englert-Higgs mechanism introduced a new quantum field that today we call the Higgs field, whose quantum manifestation is the Higgs boson. Only particles that interact with the Higgs field acquire mass. “It is exactly this mechanism,” Cerutti adds, “that creates all the complexity of the Standard Model.”

There was not yet any direct evidence that the Higgs field existed, but even without direct proof, the accuracy of its predictions led scientists to believe the theory might be true.

What did Stephen Hawking say about Higgs boson?

Quote/What Hawking said in 2013 when the discovery of the Higgs boson was confirmed: “physics would be far more interesting if [the Higgs boson] had not been found”.

When Stephen Hawking and I visited the Large Hadron Collider, he hoped for an unexpected physics breakthrough. His dreams may not be impossible. “I hope you’ll make black holes,” Stephen said with a broad smile.

The elusive ‘God particle’ discovered by scientists in 2012 has the potential to destroy the universe, famed British physicist Stephen Hawking has warned. According to Hawking, at very high energy levels the Higgs boson, which gives shape and size to everything that exists, could become unstable. This, he said, could cause a “catastrophic vacuum decay” that would lead space and time to collapse.

Hawking was the first to set out a theory of cosmology explained by a union of the general theory of relativity and quantum mechanics. He was a vigorous supporter of the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics.

7 Apr 2024

In this shocking video, a CERN scientist claims they have opened a portal to another dimension. Watch now for the mind-blowing details!

To learn more about the Higgs Boson visit:

What is CERN hadron collider? Is something EVIL happening at CERN ? / Big Cosmos Secrets

6 Jul 2022

The world’s largest and most powerful particle accelerator is up and running again in Switzerland after a three-year refurbishment. And it is off to a record-breaking start as scientists try to unlock the secrets surrounding the building blocks of the universe. Physicists hope it will reveal the secrets of “dark matter” that makes up 85 percent of our universe, but does not absorb, reflect or emit light.

8 Apr 2024

Physicists worldwide brimmed with anticipation as they witnessed the long-awaited activation of the most advanced high-energy particle collider at CERN. After patiently waiting for decades, they finally beheld this remarkable invention, poised to transform our comprehension of the universe. Join us as we delve into the mysterious events unfolding within the hallowed halls of CERN, where science and the unknown collide. What secrets lie hidden in the subatomic depths? Brian Cox unravels the enigma, revealing a tale that defies explanation.

13 Jan 2024

CERN Scientists Break Silence On Terrifying New Discovery That Changes Everything

CERN has made headlines yet again. The renowned laboratory for particle physics has announced a rather unprecedented discovery made by their Large Hadron Collider that may likely cause a shift in our understanding of the universe. Scientists have reported that these anomalous readings could signal the existence of extraterrestrial life in a parallel universe. In This video, we will be discussing the just-announced CERN discovery that changes everything.

In a recent experiment with the Large Hadron Collider, CERN scientists noticed something strange with a particular kind of quark. Quarks are the building blocks of all matter and are of different types. Physicists call the different types ‘flavours’.

Some of these so-called flavours of quarks were extremely unstable and decayed rapidly. The subject of this particular anomaly was the beauty quark, which has an average lifespan of one and a half trillionths of a second. It turned out that the quark’s decay pattern was radically different from what scientists predicted based on the standard model.

Based on their predictions, when a beauty quark decays, it should be influenced by the weak force and transform into what is called leptons, which is a set of lighter particles, either an electron or a muon, with the standard model predicting a 50-50 chance for both particles.

But what the data from the Large Hadron Collider was showing was relatively different. The data showed that these quarks decay into muons only seventy percent as often as they decayed into electrons.

6 Apr 2024

CERN is turning the Large Hadron Collider back on April 8th, the same day as a Total Solar Eclipse. Are the rumours regarding this event simply a conspiracy theory? The information in this video should help answer questions like: Is CERN trying to open a portal to the spiritual world or to hell? What is the large hadron collider? Should we be worried about the Higgs Boson (or god particle)? Let’s dive in and find out.

12 Aug 2020

Let’s roll back a few days. This is CERN, the Nuclear Research laboratory on the border of France and Switzerland. It features the most powerful particle accelerator on Earth, the Large Hadron Collider, or LHC. What does it do? It accelerates and collides particles at 99.99% of the speed of light. And maybe, it could produce the very first lab-grown black hole. How big would that black hole be? What precautions would you need to take not to get sucked in it? And how long would it take it to destroy the entire planet?

Origin of the Universe in images (Hubble telescope). Look !

A lecture by Brian Cox on how the universe was created.  Theories of Relativity and Quantum Mechanics.  The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the world’s largest and most powerful particle accelerator at CERN.

There are over 10,000 points of lights which are actually galaxies not stars.  Each of these galaxies have 100,ooo million stars like our Sun.  The most distant object in the image is 13 point two thousand million light years away!  Light travels at 300,000 kilometres per second, 186,000 miles a second.  At this speed it has taken over 13 billion years to travel from the most distant object in this image to Earth, to the Hubble telescope.  The Earth is only 5 billion years old so most of those galaxies started their journey much before there was an Earth…



La máquina de Dios es el Gran Colisionador de Hadrones?

Ingeniero argentino, investigador principal del CONICET y agregado científico del Centro Europeo de Investigación Nuclear (CERN), donde participó del desarrollo del Gran Colisionador de Hadrones (LHC), denominado “La Máquina de Dios”, acelerador y detector de partículas al mismo tiempo. Dirige el Laboratorio de Instrumentación de la Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata.

Higgs boson & the sparticle & dark matter. ESL activity: listening and writing

You can use the subtitle box at the bottom right corner of the screen to select subtitles in Spanish, English or other available for this video.


Higgs boson: a subatomic particle whose existence is predicted by the theory which unified the weak and electromagnetic interactions.

The Large Hadron Collider is the highest-energy particle collider ever made and is considered as “one of the great engineering milestones of mankind”.

Cern physicists have succeeded for the first time in producing a beam of antihydrogen atoms.

CERN: is a European research organization whose purpose is to operate the world’s largest particle physics laboratory.  Route de Meyrin 385, 1217 Meyrin, Switzerland.

ESL activity.  Listen to the video and take notes.

Writing.  Write a summary of what you learnt in the video.

Sparticle:  In particlephysics, a superpartner (also sparticle) is a hypothetical elementary particle. Supersymmetry is one of the synergistic theories in current high-energy physics that predicts the existence of these “shadow” particles.  The word superpartner is a portmanteau of supersymmetry and partner.  The word sparticle is a portmanteau of supersymmetry and particle.

We have found the Higgs boson, so then the next question is what’s next? Well,  the Large Hadron Collider, this machine that is 27 miles in circumference costing $10 billion dollars is big enough to create the next generation of particles so the Higgs boson expose and in some sense is the last  hurra for the old physics, and the old physics and what is called the standard model which gives us quarks the electrons.  The new theory is gonna take us into dark matter.

Now, we know dark matter exists, dark matter is invisible so if I held it in my hand, you wouldn’t see it.  In fact, it would go right through my fingers, go right through the rock underneath my feet and go all the way to China.  It would reverse direction and come back from China all the way here to New York City and go back and forth. So, dark matter has gravitational attraction but it is invisible and we are clueless as to what dark matter really is.  The leading candidate for dark matter today is called the sparticle.   The sparticle is the next active of the string.  Now, look around you, everything aroun you, is nothing but the lowest vibration  of a vibrating string, the lowest octave, in some sense.  But a string, of course, has higher octaves, higher notes.  We think that dark matter could, in fact, be nothing but a higer vibration of the string.  So we think that 23 percent of the universe, which is the dark matter contribution to the universe, comes from a higher octave of the string.