Alkaline foods that reduce mucus and infections | health & food

small intestine where diseases start




Burdock Root  Image result for what is burdock root

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SoursopImage result for what is soursop

Soursop is the fruit of Annona muricata, a broadleaf, flowering, evergreen tree. The exact origin is unknown; it is native to the tropical regions of the Americas and the Caribbean and is widely propagated. It is in the same genus, Annona, as cherimoya and is in the Annonaceae family.

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Image result for what is soursop

Image result for what is soursop

Oregano-oil aromatherapy and its many benefits !

A Natural, More Potent Antibiotic

  • Michelle Schoffro Cook, February 11, 2010
A Natural, More Potent Antibiotic

If you could pick one item for your natural medicine cabinet that could ward off cold and flu viruses, eliminate warts, cold sores, athlete’s foot, dandruff, respiratory tract and sinus infections, what would you choose? If oregano oil doesn’t come to mind, it’s time you gave this overlooked and potent remedy its rightful place in your natural first aid kit. The Research is in: In a study reported by Science Daily Magazine, oil of oregano at relatively low doses was found to be effective against staphylococcus bacteria and was comparable to antibiotics like penicillin in its germ-killing properties.

Researcher Paul Belaiche reported his exhaustive studies of aromatherapy oils in his three-volume work, entitled, Traite de Phytotherapie et d’Aromatherapie (Treatise on Phytotherapy and Aromatherapy). He used a testing method that allowed him to examine the effectiveness of essential oils against specific bacteria, called an aromatogram. His findings on the effectiveness of oregano oil against many common and insidious bacteria were impressive. He found that oregano oil killed 96 percent of all pneumococcus bacteria, 92 percent of all neisseria, proteus, and staphylococcus bacteria. Some strains of neisseria are responsible for diseases like gonorrhea or meningitis. Proteus is a type of intestinal infection, and staphylococcus is the culprit in some types of food poisoning.

He also found that oregano oil eliminated 83 percent of streptococcus and 78 percent of enterococcus. Various strains of streptococcus have been linked with strep throat, scarlet fever, rheumatic fever, or toxic shock syndrome. Some strains of enterococcus are linked with cystitis, wound infections, and anorexia.