What is a preposition? | parts of speech: prepositions|preposition types: agent, device, instrument, machine, movement, place, time | ELT & ESL

What is a Preposition?

Preposition Definition

What is a preposition? In the English language, prepositions are words which connect nouns, pronouns and phrases to other words in a sentence.  They are one of the parts of speech.

A preposition is used before a nounpronoun, or gerund to show place (prepositions of place), time (prepositions of time), direction (prepositions of movement),… in a sentence.

Preposition examples: After, along, above, except, from, near, of, before, since, between, upon, with, to, after, toward, in, on, at, about, apropos, according to,…

Preposition examples:

  • In the morning
  • In (the) summer
  • In a moment
  • On Thursday
  • On the first day
  • On time
  • At 12 o’clock
  • At present
  • In Manhattan
  • In a building
  • On a wall
  • At the corner
  • Below the surface
  • In front of the city hall
  • During the conference
  • Before dawn
  • Within seven days
  • Into her eyes
  • Across the road
  • Along the beach
  • Down the hill

Types of Prepositions

There are five types of prepositions in English grammar.

  1. Prepositions of time (ago, before, since…)
  2. Prepositions of place (under, behind, between…)
  3. Prepositions of movement/ Direction (up, down, over…)
  4. Prepositions for agent, instruments, devices, machines…(by, with, on…)
  5. Prepositional phrases (in time, on time, in love...)

Preposition examples | Image 

Preposition examples | Image 

Preposition List with Examples

Learn useful list of prepositions classified by different categories with example sentences.

Prepositional Phrases

A prepositional phrase is a group of words that begins with a preposition.

  • Under construction

A new railroad is under construction.

  • For real

After two trial runs we did it for real.

  • At the same time

All speak at the same time.

  • By the time

By the time I got there he’d gone.

  • By the way

By the way, how is John?

  • On paper

Could you put your ideas down on paper?

  • With regret

Do not waste time with regret.

  • At a discount

Employees can buy books at a discount.

  • Without a hitch

Everything had gone without a hitch.

  • Under treatment

He is under treatment for malaria.

  • By force

He took the purse from her by force.

  • On board

He tried to jump back on board.

  • At risk

He was putting himself at risk.

  • By nature

He was by nature a philosophical person.

  • In vain

Her efforts were in vain.

  • On trial

He’s on trial for his life.

  • In debt

I am in debt to the bank for my car loan.

  • With regard to

I am writing with regard to your recent order.

  • With respect

I ask for her hand with all respect.

  • For life

I believe marriage is for life.

  • Out of place

I felt out of place among foreigners.

  • For ages

I haven’t seen you for ages.

  • By mistake

I’ve paid this bill twice by mistake.

  • Out of stock

I’m afraid we’re temporarily out of stock.

  • Within limits

I’m willing to help, within limits.

  • Under repair

Is the bridge still under repair?

  • Without precedent

It is without precedent in history.

  • In theory

It sounds fine in theory, but will it work?

  • At least

It will cost at least $200.

  • To the full

I’ve always believed in living life to the full.

  • Out of school

Never tell tales out of school.

  • By now

Perhaps they are already there by now.

  • For a while

Please sit down for a while.

Prepositional Phrase examples | Image 

Prepositional Phrase examples | Image 

Prepositional Phrase examples | Image 

Prepositional Phrase examples | Image 

  • With abandon

She danced with abandon.

  • In detail

She described the accident in detail.

  • For sale

She has put her house up for sale.

  • By far

She is the best by far.

  • At the age of

She went blind at the age of ten.

  • On leave

She’s on leave until the end of the month.

  • In case

Took an umbrella, just in case.

  • In full

The apple trees are in full bearing.

  • On the move

The army is on the move.

  • In terms of

The book is well organized in terms of plot.

  • Out of order

The boy put the telephone out of order.

  • To date

The car is a beauty and quite up to date.

  • On fire

The car was now on fire.

  • Out of control

The fire is burning out of control.

  • Under review

The matter is still under review.

  • On sale

The new model goes on sale next month.

  • On show

The paintings are on show until April.

  • Within walking

The shops are within walking distance.

  • Under stress

The silver was deformed under stress.

  • At peace

The two countries were at peace.

  • Out of fashion

Their music will never go out of fashion.

  • Under the stairs

There’s a broom cupboard under the stairs.

  • For hire

They have boats for hire.

  • Out of hand

Unemployment is getting out of hand.

  • Within reach

We live within reach of the station.

  • For nothing

We went all that way for nothing.

  • With a view of

We’d like a room with a view of the sea.

  • In doubt

When in doubt, call the doctor.

  • Without respect

Without respect, love cannot go far.

  • At once

You have to call her at once.

List of Prepositional Phrases | Image

Prepositional Phrases

Prepositions of Time

A preposition of time is a preposition that allows you to discuss a specific time period.

List of Prepositions of Time with preposition examples.

  • During

We stayed at a student hostel during the conference.

  • For

I’m just going to bed for two hours or so.

  • Until/Till

We wait till/until half past six for you.

  • Since

Forty years have passed away since they met.

  • From…to

Her visit will extend from Monday to Thursday.

  • Ago

He left the house over an hour ago.

  • Before

She’s always up before dawn.

  • By

He had promised to be back by five o’clock.

  • After

I felt fairly easy after taking the medicine.

  • To

It’s only two weeks to Christmas.

  • Past

It’s five past ten.

  • Between…and

They lived in New York between 1998 and 2004.

  • Within

You should receive a reply within seven days.

  • In

In the afternoon

  • On

On 1st January 2013

  • At

At the same time

List of Prepositions of Time with Examples | Image

Prepositions: What Is A Preposition? Useful List & Examples 2

Prepositions of Place

A preposition of place is a preposition which is used to refer to a place where something or someone is located.

List of Prepositions of Place with preposition examples.

  • On

On a table

  • Under

We slept under the open sky.

  • Next to

The hotel is situated next to the lively bustling port.

  • Between

There is a gulf between the two cities.

  • Among

I enjoy being among my friends.

  • In front of

They massed in front of the city hall.

  • Behind

The horse fell behind in the race.

  • By

The bank is by the hotel.

  • Above

Our friends in the apartment above us are really noisy.

  • Below

He dived below the surface of the water.

  • Near

There is a bush near the school playground.

  • At

At The Empire State Building

List of Prepositions of Place with Examples | Image

Prepositions of Place

Prepositions of Movement

Prepositions of movement or direction are used to show movement from one place to another. These prepositions are most often used with verbs of motion and are found after the verb.

List of Prepositions of Movement with preposition examples.

  • Down

It’s easier to run down the hill than go up.

  • Up

She doesn’t like riding her bike up these hills.

  • Into

Don’t put new wine into old bottles.

  • Toward

She was carrying a suitcase and walking towards.

  • Over

The hotel is over the bridge.

  • Onto

I slipped as I stepped onto the platform.

  • Around

Her hair whipped around her face in the wind.

  • Along

We went for a walk along the beach at twilight.

  • Across

The boys swam across the lake.

  • Through

The Charles River flows through Boston.

  • To

Many people travel to work by car.

  • From

What time does the flight from Amsterdam arrive?

  • Out of

       If you can’t stand the heat get out of the kitchen

List of Prepositions of Movement with Examples | Image

Prepositions of Movement

Preposition Examples

Adjective & Preposition Examples

Example sentences of prepositions with adjectives in English.

  • I don’t feel comfortable in high heels.
  • He’s very experienced in looking after animals.
  • He is interested in molecular biology.
  • They were successful in winning the contract.
  • Some among us were talented in hunting.
  • I was amazed by what she told me.
  • We were all impressed by her enthusiasm.
  • The book was inspired by a real person.
  • The teacher was surprised by the student’s question.
  • Are you acquainted with your classmate?
  • You are blessed with many talents.
  • The kids are busy with their homework.
  • Her job is something concerned with computers.
  • Are you familiar with the computer software they use?
  • He’s fed up with his job. He wants to quit.
  • Are you happy with that arrangement?
  • Be careful with the glasses.
  • She’s never satisfied with what she’s got.
  • He’s been accused of robbery.
  • Are you afraid of the dark?
  • I’m not ashamed of what I did.
  • Were you aware of the risks at the time?
  • What are you frightened of?
  • You are in danger of being robbed.
  • She’s jealous of my success.
  • He was proud of himself for not giving up.
  • I’m sick of the way you’ve treated me.
  • It was unkind of you to take his toy away.
  • I’d be absolutely delighted to come.
  • I feel very proud to be a part of the team.
  • It’s good to see you again.
  • It’s nice to know you.
  • She had grown accustomed to his long absences.
  • I’ve never seen two people so attached to each other.
  • He was disappointed to see she wasn’t at the party.
  • John was very keen to help.
  • She’s married to John.
  • I’m not qualified to give advice on such matters.
  • I was sad to hear that they’d split up.
  • I was thankful to see they’d all arrived safely.
  • She is eager for her parents’ approval.
  • You’ll be late for your flight if you don’t hurry up.
  • What makes you think that you are qualified for this job?
  • It is difficult for me to hear you.
  • She is so grateful for your help.
  • The army are said to be ready for action.
  • This programme is not suitable for children.
  • I’m sorry for arriving so late to dinner.
  • She’s famous for her watercolor paintings.
  • He’s angry at his friend for cheating on the test.
  • I’m awful at names.
  • Jack is really bad at keeping his promises.
  • They are excellent at planning fun parties.
  • She is good at solving problems.
  • The teacher was surprised at the student’s question.
  • Dustin is terrible at texting.
  • He could be very careless about his future.
  • He was quite certain about his attacker’s identity.
  • I’m a bit concerned about your health.
  • I’m not crazy about Chinese food.
  • She felt very depressed about the future.
  • The boss was furious about the past quarter’s losses.
  • He’s very sensitive about his weight.
  • Is she serious about wanting to sell the house?
  • I’m very sorry about losing your book.
  • Are you sure about that?
  • He’s not worried about his upcoming examinations.

Adjective & Preposition Examples | Image

Preposition Examples

Noun & Preposition Examples

Examples of prepositions with nouns in English.

  • There is a steep fall in profits this year.
  • She has lost her belief in God.
  • We apologize for the delay in answering your letter.
  • We measured the difference in temperature.
  • I had no difficulty in making myself understood.
  • The novel is based on his experiences in the war.
  • Do your parents take an interest in your friends?
  • There is the rapid growth in violent crime.
  • The club encourages participation in sporting activities.
  • There was no change in the patient’s condition overnight.
  • I’d like to do a course in computer programming.
  • I need some lessons in how to set up a website.
  • He had a lot of success in his career.
  • He took a photograph of the mountains.
  • He has the advantage of speaking English fluently.
  • We went to see an exhibition of Viking jewellery.
  • His fear of flying made travel difficult.
  • He was the first to see the possibilities of the plan.
  • She is the cause of all his problems.
  • It is a perfect example of a medieval castle.
  • I’m not happy with this way of working.
  • Mark gave me a check for $100.
  • There is no known cure for this type of snake bite.
  • I have a fondness for expensive chocolate.
  • There is a real need for discipline in this class.
  • Is there enough room for us in the car?
  • I have no particular reason for doubting him.
  • At least give her credit for trying.
  • She felt a surge of love and desire for him.
  • I couldn’t hide my love for her any longer.
  • He felt nothing but hatred for his attacker.
  • His plans are a recipe for disaster.
  • I have a deep respect for my grandmother.
  • I’m aware of John’s reputation for being late.
  • I did an Internet search for free music sites.
  • His talent for singing was impressive.
  • I had an argument with the waiter about the bill.
  • She has no concern with my question.
  • Dave has close connection with my family.
  • Have you had any contact with Anna?
  • I’ve got a dinner date with Tommy on Saturday.
  • I’m having difficulty with the steering.
  • I’ve got a meeting with Mr Thomas this afternoon.
  • Tony left after a quarrel with his wife.
  • My relationship with John is wonderful.
  • We have every sympathy with his family.
  • Students must have access to good resources.
  • Mark is now fighting his addiction to alcohol.
  • I have an open invitation to visit my friend in Korea.
  • I really admire Sarah for her dedication to her family.
  • I have no desire to discuss the matter further.
  • His reaction to his behavior was quite funny.
  • The book is full of references to growing up in India.
  • You have no reason to change the schedule like that.
  • There is no solution to this problem.
  • It’s my first visit to Tokyo.
  • The flood caused damage to property estimated at $6 million.
  • There has been a lot of resistance to this new law.
  • I’d like to make a small contribution to the cost of the holiday.

Noun & Preposition Examples | Image

Preposition Examples

Verb & Preposition Examples

Examples of prepositions with verbs in English.

  • He asked about her family.
  • The boys argued about which bus to take.
  • He always cares about me.
  • Anna decided about her goals.
  • Sarah dreams about becoming a ballet dancer.
  • Don’t forget about the party you promised.
  • You will laugh about this later on.
  • What did you think about the idea?
  • Don’t worry about me. I’ll be all right.
  • We always agree on the best course of action.
  • I don’t feel I can comment on their decision.
  • congratulate you on your new job!
  • You can count on me anytime.
  • We depend on our customers’ suggestions.
  • Can you elaborate on the process?
  • insist on Peter’s studying every day for two hours.
  • Advertisements often play on people’s fears.
  • Can we rely on this old car to get us there?
  • She is working on a new novel.
  • He admitted to being late three times.
  • answer to Ms Smith.
  • She had to apologize to the whole family.
  • Let me appeal to you for your help in this matter.
  • She asked to see Professor Fenton.
  • Chris attended to the grocery shopping.
  • She committed herself to finding a new job.
  • I’m going to complain to the manager about this.
  • The boy confessed to stealing the apple.
  • Please contribute to the fund for the needy.
  • Can you explain Andrew to me?
  • Something awful happened to your car.
  • Allow me to introduce myself to you.
  • Have you been invited to their party?
  • prefer roast potatoes to French fries.
  • He reacted poorly to the news.
  • travel to work by train.
  • That accounts for his success.
  • I really admire you for your courage.
  • I want to apologize for my mistakes.
  • He doesn’t care for playing golf.
  • I can’t excuse myself for not doing it.
  • He works for an engineering company.
  • He always agrees with my opinion.
  • Susan associates chocolate with childhood.
  • The officer charged Mr. Smith with blackmail.
  • He complies with each and every order.
  • I’m afraid I confused you with someone else.
  • I can’t deal with so much overtime.
  • Can I borrow a hammer from you?
  • You can choose from a wide range of vehicles.
  • The swimmer emerged from the lake.
  • Don’t expect sympathy from me!
  • The cover protects the machine from dust.
  • He will suffer from studying too little.
  • The entire group arrived in force.
  • She seemed totally absorbed in her book.
  • John believes in oat bran.
  • Please don’t involve me in this mess.
  • John succeeded in getting a new job.
  • specialize in tropical medicine.

Verb & Preposition Examples | Image

Preposition Examples

Prepositions of Time and Place (IN, ON, AT)

For describing time and place, the prepositions in, on, and at go from general to specific.

Prepositions of Time and Place (IN, ON, AT)

Prepositions of Time IN, ON, AT

Learn how to use prepositions of time in, on, at correctly with following useful rules and preposition examples.


  • In + Years
  • In + Seasons
  • In + Decades
  • In + Centuries
  • In + Weeks
  • In + Periods of time
  • In + Holidays


  • On + Days
  • On + Dates
  • On + Holidays with “day”
  • On + Specific days
  • On + Time
  • On + Day + Part of day


  • At + Hours
  • At + Parts of the day
  • At + Holidays without “day”
  • At + Time

“Time” Prepositions Examples IN – AT – ON | Image 

"Time" Prepositions Examples IN - AT - ON | Image 


Prepositions of Place IN, ON, AT

Learn useful rules to use Prepositions of Place IN – ON – AT with preposition examples.


  • In + Countries
  • In + Cities
  • In + Neighborhood
  • In + Enclosed Space


  • On + Means of transport
  • On + Communications
  • On + Surfaces


  • At + Exact Addresses or Intersections
  • At + Specific Locations/ Points

“Place” Preposition Examples AT – IN – ON | Image 

"Place" Preposition Examples AT - IN - ON | Image 

Common Errors with Prepositions

Learn common errors in the use of prepositions in English with preposition examples.

Incorrect:     Sophia invests her money on the stock market.

Correct:        Sophia invests her money in the stock market.


Incorrect:     He is a student of Oxford University. 

Correct:        He is a student at Oxford University. 


Incorrect:     I saw that news on the newspapers.

Correct:        I saw that news in the newspapers.


Incorrect:     Open page 45 of your books. 

Correct:        Open your books to page 45.


Incorrect:     The cat is sleeping in the sofa.

Correct:        The cat is sleeping on the sofa.


Incorrect:      My birthday is on October.

Correct:         My birthday is in October.


Incorrect:      John has been absent from Friday?

Correct:         John has been absent since Friday ?


Incorrect:      Sophia’s married with a doctor.

Correct:         Sophia’s married to a doctor.


Incorrect:      Divide it between the children in class.

Correct:         Divide it among the children in class.


Incorrect:      It has been snowing from Monday.

Correct:         It has been snowing since Monday.


Incorrect:      The key of happiness is having dreams.

Correct:         The key to happiness is having dreams.


Incorrect:      What do you see when looking the mirror?

Correct:         What do you see when looking in the mirror?


Incorrect:      She met with old friends on her holiday.

Correct:        She met old friends on her holiday.


Incorrect:     He insisted to carry his own bag.

Correct:        He insisted on carrying his own bag.


Incorrect:     Lunch consisted from sandwiches and fruit.

Correct:        Lunch consisted of sandwiches and fruit.


Incorrect:     It depends from you.

Correct:        It depends on you.

Common Preposition Errors | Image 

Common Preposition Errors | Image