sleep disorders gaining more & more adepts | mental health, psychiatry, psychology, neurology & neuroscience

Sleep Disorders

29 Jun 2016 | is a global, free open access medical education (FOAMEd) project covering the fundamentals of clinical medicine with animations, lectures and concise summaries. is working with over 170 award-winning medical school professors to provide content in 200+ clinical presentations for use in the classroom and for physician CME.

Unlike traditional psychiatry, which rarely looks at the brain, Amen Clinics uses brain imaging technology to identify underlying issues that may be associated with sleep problems.

What are Sleep Disorders?

The importance of quality sleep for the brain and body cannot be overstated. For optimal brain function, emotional well-being, and physical health, adults need 7-9 hours of sleep, teens need 8-10 hours, and younger children need even more. A single sleepless night can lead to fatigue, anxiety, bad moods, and brain fog. People who suffer from insomnia or other sleep disorders (such as sleep apnea) may also struggle with anxiety, depression, addictions, memory problems, dementia, pain, obesity, cardiovascular problems, diabetes, hyperactivity, low sex drive, gastrointestinal problems, and more.

Who is Affected by Sleep Disorders?

An estimated 50-70 million Americans suffer from some form of sleep disorder. Nearly one-third of us suffer from short-term bouts of insomnia, the most common sleep disorder. And chronic insomnia affects approximately 1 in 10 people. The rates are even higher among people with psychiatric disorders. In fact, over 50% of the time, insomnia is tied to stress, anxiety, or depression. Research shows that about 75% of people with depression also have insomnia. From 69 to 99% of people with bipolar disorder experience insomnia or feel a reduced need for sleep during manic episodes. Over half of the people with anxiety have trouble sleeping. And children with ADHD are more likely to experience sleep disorders than kids without the condition.

10 Nov 2016 | UCLA neurologist Alon Avidan, MD, discusses common sleep disorders, including insomnia, hypersomnia, sleep apnea, restless legs, circadian rhythm disorders, narcolepsy, and parasomnia. He also explores the consequences of poor sleep and ways to help you achieve a healthy night’s sleep.

What are the Symptoms of Sleep Disorders?

Signs of sleep disorders include having trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, experiencing daytime fatigue, or feeling like you need to take a nap during the day. Other symptoms include anger, irritability, anxiety, depression, lack of concentration, and brain fog.

24 Oct 2020 | You might have heard of insomnia or hypersomnia from symptoms of depression. But have you heard about the other following sleep disorders? Here’s a list of what we cover: sleep related eating disorder, nocturnal driving disorder, somniloquy, sexsomnia, REM sleep behaviour disorder, exploding head syndrome, Kleine-leving syndrome, narcolepsy, nightmare disorder, and restless legs syndrome. Which of these have you personally experienced? Sleep disorders, also known as parasomnias, happen when people are waking up, falling asleep, or sleeping. These disorders vary between people and most don’t remember what they did when they wake up. Sleep disorders can occur during different sleep stages, in all sexes, and in all ages Disclaimer: Do not use this video to self diagnose. If you are experiencing any of these, know that you are not alone.

What Causes Sleep Disorders?

Many things can contribute to occasional sleep disturbances, such as chronic pain, restless leg syndrome, jet lag, medications, hormonal imbalances, depression, exposure to blue light, substance use, aging, and variety of other potential reasons.

Over time, sleep problems can lead to a higher risk of:

  • Depression
  • Panic Attacks
  • Brain Fog
  • Memory Problems
  • Dementia
  • Traumatic Brain Injury
  • Suicidal thoughts and behaviours

Sound & Water Experiments ! Awesome !!!

Cool Sound and Water Experiment!

This is really simple but has such an awesome effect. Fill a bucket full of water and place it about 5 feet off the ground. Place a subwoofer about 1 foot lower than the bucket. Run a plastic tube from the top bucket down in front of the subwoofer. Tape the tube to the front of the speaker. Then aim the end of the tube to an empty bucket on the floor. Get the water flowing from the top bucket. Now just generate a 24 hz sine wave and set your camera to 24 fps and watch the magic happen. Basically your cameras frame rate is synced up with the rate of the vibrations of the water so it appears to be frozen or still. Now if you play a 23 hz sine wave your frame rate will be off just a little compared to the sine wave causing the water to “move backward” or so as it appears. You can play a 25 hz sine wave and cause the water to move slowly foward.

Really fun experiment. You should definitely give it a try.

Thanks to JacobTMcgarry for giving me the OK to create my own version based on his original video.

Amazing Water & Sound Experiment #2

Ever since I created the first version of this video a year ago I’ve been wanting to try it again with more water and better lighting / footage. This is a really fun project and when you first see the results, chances are your jaw will drop. The main thing to keep in mind for this project is that you need a camera that shoots 24 fps.

The effect that you are seeing can’t be seen with the naked eye. The effect only works through the camera. However, there is a version of the project you can do where the effect would be visible with the naked eye. For that project, you’d have to use a strobe light.

For this project you’ll need:

A powered speaker
Water source
Soft rubber hose
Tone generating software
24 fps camera

Run the rubber hose down past the speaker so that the hose touches the speaker. Leave about 1 or 2 inches of the hose hanging past the bottom of the speaker. Secure the hose to the speaker with tape or whatever works best for you. The goal is to make sure the hose is touching the actual speaker so that when the speaker produces sound (vibrates) it will vibrate the hose.

Set up your camera and switch it to 24 fps.  The higher the shutter speed the better the results.  But also keep in the mind that the higher your shutter speed, the more light you need. Run an audio cable from your computer to the speaker.  Set your tone generating software to 24hz and hit play. Turn on the water. Now look through the camera and watch the magic begin.  If you want the water to look like it’s moving backward set the
frequency to 23hz. If you want to look like it’s moving forward in slow motion set it to 25hz.

Project Management guide for dummies.

Spend less time, money and effort on projects than ever! It’s the quintessential Idiot’s & Dummies Guide To Project Management! Watch the video and learn from Director Jennifer Whitt,as she shares her own guide to project management for idiot’s and dummies with you.

Looking for an intelligent, fast-thinking tool rather than an idiot’s and dummies guide to project management?


What is SCiO ? Take a look at this gadget.

SCiO: Your Sixth Sense. A Pocket Molecular Sensor For All !

Scan materials or physical objects. Get instant relevant information to your smartphone. Food, medicine, plants, and more.

Smartphones made it easy to research facts, capture images, and navigate street maps, but they haven’t brought us closer to the physical environment in which we live – until now.

Meet SCiO. It is the world’s first affordable molecular sensor that fits in the palm of your hand. SCiO is a tiny spectrometer and allows you to get instant relevant information about the chemical make-up of just about anything around you, sent directly to your smartphone.

The SCiO Mobile App allows you to choose a specific SCiO application from the available options. Once you choose the app you need, you are ready to scan.

Every time you use SCiO you are helping to build a database of knowledge about the stuff around us. So when you use SCiO, you are making everyone smarter. The bigger our community gets, the more data SCiO will have about different materials and this goes right back to our community of users!.

SCiO is for anyone who would like instant information about the things they interact with and consume every day. It is also great for people who want to help develop a rapidly expanding database of useful knowledge that will benefit the entire community of users.

SCiO is based on the age-old near-IR spectroscopy method. The physical basis for this material analysis method is that each type of molecule vibrates in its own unique way, and these vibrations interact with light to create its own unique optical signature.

SCiO includes a light source that illuminates the sample and an optical sensor called a spectrometer that collects the light reflected from the sample. The spectrometer breaks down the light to its spectrum, which includes all the information required to detect the result of this interaction between the illuminated light and the molecules in the sample.

The spectrometers which are normally used for these high-end near-IR spectroscopy applications are very big and expensive. They can be the size of a laptop and cost tens of thousands of dollars. SCiO is unique as it is based on a tiny spectrometer, designed from the ground up to be mass-produced at low cost with minimal compromise on the available application. This unique feature is achieved by several technology breakthroughs our team has made in the past few years, as we reinvented the spectrometer around low-cost optics and advanced signal processing algorithms.

SCiO's tiny optical sensor
SCiO’s tiny optical sensor

To deliver relevant information in real time, SCiO communicates the spectrum to your smartphone app via Bluetooth, which in turn forwards it to a cloud-based service. Advanced algorithms analyze the spectrum and within seconds deliver information regarding the analyzed sample back to the smartphone to be presented in real time to the user.

We have made loads of prototypes and we are ready to take SCiO into production with your help!

SCiO has been under development for several years now.

At first we only knew what we wanted it to do and we looked for the right technology to provide a solution. It took us few months to define the right technology and come up with a first concept. From concept we have gone through 2-3 stages of technology proof-of-concepts.

Generations of Development- Electronics and Optical Sensor
Generations of Development- Electronics and Optical Sensor

Several months ago we have finished the development of our first prototype. Since then we have produced our 2nd generation (current prototype) and have released several firmware and cloud-based software versions. We have completed the future design of the final product and are now ready to go into mass production.

SCiO Industrial Design Brainstorming
SCiO Industrial Design Brainstorming

Once the first working prototype was ready, we had to “teach” it what different substances look like. A team of chemists, food technologists, and lab technicians who have been sampling materials like cheese, fruits, grains, oils, pills and much more, in order to begin building the database of substances that the device will identify and analyze. When SCiO hits the market, every user will be able to help expand the database by sampling an array of plants, pharmaceuticals, and raw food materials.

Our lab technicians building the first database of pills
Our lab technicians building the first database of pills
Optical Sensor Assembly
Optical Sensor Assembly

These days we are focusing on the mass production of the device: we are working with our manufacturing partners to complete the preparations of the manufacturing line so we can offer you SCiO at the most affordable price possible

Our R&D team is truly multi-disciplinary, encompassing all the relevant engineering know-how: from optics, physics, electronics, manufacturing, low-level firmware and real time algorithms to back-end software. In addition to data scientists and algorithm experts, our team includes members with degrees in applied physics, chemistry, food technology, and nutrition. Our engineers and advisory board have PhDs or advanced degrees in their relevant fields and hail from top tier reserach institutes such as MIT, Stanford, CalTech, Harvard, Wiezmann Institute, The Technion, and Tel-Aviv University.

Beyond SCiO, our company is developing products geared at industrial applications, where distributed low-cost molecular sensing complements traditional centralized quality control systems.

What is Vessyl ? A new gadget ?

Vessyl automatically knows and tracks everything you drink (calories, caffeine, fats, sugars, etc). So whether you want to lose weight, build muscle, regulate caffeine, or stay hydrated, Vessyl helps you keep track of what matters to you… all automatically.



We worked closely with fuseproject to craft an object that would possess a unique yet subtle presence on a tabletop. The facets on the side of the Vessyl indicate where the screen will display your consumption data. The spill-proof lid, non-stick interior, and durable build will allow you to be confident on the move.


How does my Vessyl really work?

While we don’t get into the specifics of how the technology works, we can tell you that there are sensors built in throughout the entire Vessyl. These are in the same realm of technology as quality control in the food industry.

Does the display on my Vessyl stay on all the time?

The display only comes on when you want it to. When you do the gesture, the beverage category, lens, and Pryme meter all show up.

What’s the gesture?

The one you were going to do anyway! Lift your Vessyl, and tilt it to look at the area with the facets. You can also have the display activate every time you pour a beverage in it, but that’s totally up to you (in app settings).

What about software/firmware updates?

We will be sending out updates via the mobile app, so you will always have access to the most relevant database and product features


Can my Vessyl handle boiling water/tea/coffee?

Sure. Your Vessyl can handle anything you typically drink.

Can I put my Vessyl in the fridge or freezer?

You can definitely put your Vessyl in your fridge, but we don’t recommend placing it in the freezer, as the battery may discharge.

Can I put my Vessyl in the microwave?

We highly recommend that you avoid putting your Vessyl in the microwave.

Is my Vessyl spill-proof?

Yes, very much so. It’s important that you can move around with your Vessyl without having to worry about your drink spilling. We developed the sealed lid (included) for this purpose. The only question is which color lid you will choose.

Is my Vessyl scratchproof?

Like most materials, your Vessyl can be scratched if you really try to scratch it. We designed it to be scratch resistant, but at the end of the day, if you put a knife to it, it will scratch.

Is my Vessyl water-resistant?

Yes. Your Vessyl is water resistant, which means it’s safe under normal use and washing.

Are there any wires involved?

The only wire included in your Vessyl package is the one connecting the charging saucer to the power outlet. As you can tell, we are not big on wires or buttons here at Mark One.

What happens if I drink from a straw or spoon?

Great question. Because of the pace of drinking, your Vessyl will know that you are drinking without direct contact. Those ounces of liquid will also be tracked.


How does Vessyl help me manage my weight?

Your Vessyl helps you understand how your “liquid calories” add up over the course of the day and week. [Warning: you might be surprised]. Instant real-time feedback will help you make the best decisions about what to drink. And because good hydration is also helpful for weight loss, using the Vessyl to stay well hydrated may even lead to better food decisions too.

How does my Vessyl help me stay hydrated?

Your Vessyl will estimate your unique hydration needs and adjust them based on your activities and whereabouts. It helps you learn when in the day you need to pay more attention to hydration and lets you easily check how you’re doing meeting your hydration needs.

How does my Vessyl help me stay sharp (caffeine)?

Staying hydrated will help you improve your focus and concentration throughout the day. If you drink coffee, tea or other caffeinated beverages your Vessyl will also keep track of how much caffeine you’ve consumed. You’ll quickly learn how much caffeine you actually take in, how much is too much, and how you’re doing right now.

How does my Vessyl help me build muscle?

Unfortunately, your Vessyl can’t lift weights for you, but it can help you maximize those efforts by tracking the amount and timing your liquid protein and calorie intake, which can affect muscle gain.

How does my Vessyl help me sleep better?

It turns out both hydration and caffeine intake can have powerful impacts on sleep. Your Vessyl will help you improve the timing of your fluid and caffeine intake.

How does my Vessyl help me regulate sugar?

Sugar regulation will improve with better hydration, limiting the amount of added sugars you consume, improving weight and better sleep, all of which can be improved by using your Vessyl.