Patagonia, an unsual businessman proposes to: Recycle, Repair, Reuse, Redesign, Reduce & Refuse | Economics, Ecology & Climate Change

Yvon Chouinard, Patagonia’s owner and an impressive man who cares about our planet.

Sep 14, 2022

Patagonia founder Yvon Chouinard has relinquished his ownership in the business and directed its profits to fight climate change. In a news release Chouinard said, “We’re making Earth our only shareholder.” NBC News’ Emilie Ikeda shares more details.

Feb 24, 2017

With Patagonia as a guide, I look at the paradox of embracing an eco-conscious and sustainable message as a for-profit company.

A Patagonia film | Produced by Robert Redford and Yvon Chouinard

Sep 14, 2020

A feature-length documentary about America’s system of public lands and the fight to protect them. Despite support from voters across the political spectrum, our public lands face unprecedented threats from extractive industries and the politicians in their pockets.

Part love letter, part political exposé, Public Trust investigates how we arrived at this precarious moment through three heated conflicts—a national monument in the Utah desert, a mine in the Boundary Waters and oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge—and makes a case for their continued protection. Take action to protect our public lands.

Text DEFEND to 71333.

Directed by David Byars Produced by Jeremy Rubingh Executive Producers Yvon Chouinard & Robert Redford Executive Producers Josh Nielsen, Alex Lowther & Monika McClure Edited by Lyman Smith Original Score by Stephanie Nicora & Bill Reynolds

Cast: Hal Herring, Angelo Baca, Spencer Shaver, Joel Clement, Bernadette Demientieff & Terry Tempest Williams.

Jul 27, 2022

Patagonia presents itself as an environmentally conscious brand, constantly promoting sustainability and anti-consumerism. Our question is: is Patagonia actually helping the planet or is it all just marketing?

DIY smartphone stand

Transportation designer Paul Priestman has shared his hack for making a smartphone stand from an egg box to avoid “bad angles” and painful “phone arm” when video calling during the pandemic.

In the video, the PriestmanGoode co-founder demonstrates “the perfect lockdown life hack” of how to fashion a phone holder from just an egg box and a pair of scissors in under two minutes.

The idea came out of “necessity”, he explained, as people continue to work from home during the coronavirus pandemic, leading to an increased amount of time spent on digital devices as the only form of communication.

modular storage system from Samsung Eco-Package cardboard box

In this video, Dezeen x Samsung Out of the Box Competition finalist Abigail Whitelow explains how she created a modular storage and display system from the box of Samsung’s The Frame television.

Called Tessellate, Whitelow’s design comprises six modules, which can be arranged in different ways to create a coffee table, a sideboard, or a variety of different shelving configurations.

The design is one of five finalists in the Dezeen x Samsung Out of the Box Competition to create innovative household objects by repurposing cardboard packaging.SHOW LESS

save money with these DIY ideas for your cat & dog pets | learning about animals & deco

DIY ideas for your cat & dog pets

Here are some crafts and DIYs every pet owner should know!

I’ll show you how to make cat or dog feeders from simple plastic bottles, create super cute and handy selfie ball to make awesome pictures together with your favourite pet!

Cat tent out of old T-shirt and box, cozy pet bed from your old sweater, scratching post, and a number of insanely stylish outfits!

easy ideas to build ecological recycled cat & dog houses, tents & hammocks and to help animals abandoned in the streets ! we can all help them and stop the abuses many animals suffer from us … humans !


Somos una agrupación animalista sin fines de lucro de la ciudad de Calama, que busca acabar con la discriminación que existe hacia los perros callejeros.
En este primer video demostramos que se puede ayudar con poco siempre y cuando se quiera.



(2) Padua Recicla - Esta idea nos llega a través de la web!!!

Cuchitas para mascotas


Casita para perro.

CASA PARA PERROS ANTILLUVIA!!!!!!Se ponen dos palanganas, las cuales se unen haciendo unos hoyos y y se amarran entre las 2, con un cuchillo caliente se hace la puerta.


Kedi Evi Bunu yapmak için mimar, mühendis veya müteahhit olmak gerekmez, vicdan sahibi olmak yeter...

Best Quality Cat Enclosures And Cat Tunnels Ideas 41

Diy cat house outside #cathouseplastic

Cucha con carretel de cable

easy DIY hammock for ur kitty or dog:

Cama para gato     Well that's ghetto. And easy. Nyx will love  it






DIY tent for ur pet:

Uma casa para o gatinho com uma caixa de papelão, cabides e uma camisa de malha! E tem mais 11 ideias neste post. É só clicar! #catfood #catsdiybed

#Astuce : construire une tente pour votre chat. 1) Récupérer 2 vieux cintres et couper la partie destinée à accrocher le cintre.  2) Plier les deux cintres pour former 2 arcs de cercle. 3) Scotcher 2 plaques de carton et percer des petits trous aux quatre coins. 4) Assembler les deux cintres en croix à l’aide de ruban adhésif. 5) Faire passer les cintres dans les trous percés auparavant et replier les extrémités. 6) Envelopper le cadre ainsi crée avec un large t-shirt. - #à #accrocher #adhésif


construire maison à chat avec deux cintres et un T-shirt



Recicle su vieja camisa o suéter para cama del animal doméstico. Esto resulta muy bien! ¡Es tan lindo! espero que les encantará este arte simple! Si usted

30+ Originales Y Creativas Camas Para Mascotas


Tips to keep your home office tidy ! | Homeworking Health & Deco

3 Methods To Keep Your Home Office Organized

3 Methods To Keep Your Home Office Organized

It doesn’t take long for the home office to become the catch-all location for all those little things that seem too hard to deal with…bank statements, old pictures, lists upon lists and just about everything else. So, it’s no surprise that many of us resort to either blindly ignoring the fact that our paper piles have become small mountains, or aimlessly arranging and rearranging what is already there. Organizing your office does not need to be a big ordeal if you do it right. Here are three fantastic methods to help you keep your home office organized, once and for all.

1. Purge & Refresh

This is called starting from scratch. Empty your office area completely—pull out all of the boxes, the files, the desk clutter, all of it! Now look around at what you’ve compiled and decide what you don’t use and what has outstayed its welcome—it’s time to purge. If you can’t decide why an item must stick around or if you haven’t needed or used it in ages, send it away. Toss, recycle and donate anything you remove from your office. Then, section by section, return your remaining items to an organized and useful location. Give each item a spot that makes sense. Another tip? Label like nobody’s business! Make it’s clear where each item belongs to make the cleanup process later a little simpler.

2. Command Center

This is ideal for an operational genius—the type of person always on the go, running many activities at once. Set up a time-sensitive organization system that allows you to clearly see what is priority and what isn’t. Use a series of folders, trays, or boxes labeled Today, Tomorrow, Next Week, and Waiting on Response to organize papers and items that require your attention. Assign discard dates to each paper item; you don’t need to keep everything forever! Use small sticky notes to label the point at which each document may be shredded or recycled.

3. Color Coding Is Your Friend

Color coding your office is actually a really intuitive way to keep track of your office items and make sure you can find exactly what you need. Color helps categorize and file large numbers of paperwork and can actually make you more efficient by helping you locate what you need more quickly. Here are some ideas: Green=financial, Red=medical, Blue=insurance, Yellow=personal, Orange=house.

With these techniques as your guide, you’ll be well on your way to the organized office dream!