English for applying for a job | What are your weaknesses? | interviews & films

watch, listen, understand & learn

Are you ready to have fun and learn English with Movies? “The Pursuit of Happiness” with Will Smith is super inspiring and full of great English expressions for a job interview! Want to understand natives at any speed?

1 Feb 2017

In this video, “What are your weaknesses? – Sample Answer”, Linda Raynier shows you how to communicate job weaknesses by using an example of a weakness for an interview. Weaknesses in job interview is a very common question that is asked and you want to be prepared by knowing what your weakness in job interview is. To understand your greatest weakness interview answers, you need to know it’s not a personality trait. Weaknesses for an interview are based on a certain context. Watch the video to figure out your interview weakness answers.

  1. 1) Your weakness is NOT equal a personality trait
  2. 2) Your weakness is NOT a strength in disguise

Then follow 3 steps that will help you to assess what your weaknesses are.

Here are some helpful lines to get you started:
“In situations where (insert your context/situation here)” “I have tended or tend to _____(insert the way you exhibit this weakness, not the weakness itself)”
“This has made me appear (insert weakness here” “As a result, I’ve learned to be cognizant of this fact and no longer (insert the way you exhibit this weakness)”“Instead, I now __(insert your solution that resolves this weakness)” This has resulted in (insert your successful results)”

30 Oct 2019

When the interviewer asks the question: “What are your weaknesses?”, what do you say? Do you try to convince them that you have no weaknesses? Or do you open up and reveal your weaknesses?

6 Jul 2021
  1. Saying you are not very good at working with other people.
  2. Saying you are not very good at timekeeping.
  3. Saying you are not good at managing multiple tasks.


1 – Give an honest weakness.

2 – Do not say you are a perfectionist! This is the worst thing to say because everyone always uses this!

3 – Explain what you are doing to improve on the weakness.

“I find it difficult to ask other people for help.”
I take great pride in my work and when I encounter problems, I always try to figure things out for myself. However, I understand it would be more beneficial to seek advice from other, more experienced people in my team, and I am taking steps to improve.”

“I struggle to let go of projects.”
I tend to get so engrossed in the projects I am working on that I don’t want to let them go. However, I understand this is not helpful to my employer’s goals, and I am learning to finish a project and then move straight on to the next one.

“I’m not very good at giving people feedback.”
If someone asks me for feedback I would rather avoid it as I don’t want to hurt their feelings. However. I do appreciate feedback is an important part of self-development, and I have been trying to improve in this area by forcing myself to give people feedback when it is requested.”

“I find it hard saying no to people.”
This has been a problem of mine because I always say yes to everything, even if I don’t have the capacity to do so. In the past, I have sometimes become overwhelmed by taking on too many responsibilities. Before I say yes to things, I now take my time to assess my own workload to make sure I do have the capacity to commit to extra work or responsibilities.

“I lack experience in…”
I currently lack experience in taking the lead on projects, but this is something I am keen to improve on. If I am to reach my full potential this is an area I need to gain experience in, and I am keen to improve in this area.

“I am too sensitive at times.”
I am sometimes too sensitive, and in the past, I would take criticism personally. However, I do understand that for me to continually improve professionally I need to view other people’s comments as constructive and productive. I am learning to be more mindful in situations such as these when people are simply trying to help me develop.

“I can be too judgemental of others.”
In my last role, I would automatically judge people if they were either late finishing a project or if their standard of work was not up to scratch. However, I have been trying to improve in this area, and I no longer jump to conclusions relating to other people’s performance. Instead, I try to offer my help and support so they can improve which ultimately serves to help the team.

“I don’t yet have any leadership experience!” (Good for freshers)
I currently have no leadership experience but this is something I want to improve on. If you asked me now to take the lead on something, I wouldn’t feel confident in doing so. However, to improve in this area would seek to observe how managers and team leaders tackle projects and tasks so I can learn how to do it myself when the opportunity presents itself.

“I get stressed if a project runs over the deadline.”
My weakness is the fact that I get stressed if I think a project is running over time. This is simply because I take pride in my work and I don’t want to let my employer down. I am learning to remain calm in difficult situations such as these and to focus on what I can do to help get the project finished on time.

“I am not very good at presenting to large groups of people.”
My weakness is my fear of public speaking. I would genuinely love to have the confidence to stand up in front of a group of people and give a talk. However, I am trying to improve in this area and I recently purchased a book from Amazon on how to improve confidence when public speaking.

brush up ur English with Queen | grammar, language, vocab, pronunciation & songs

improve ur English with Queen’s songs

Have fun and learn English with songs, with one of the greatest bands of all time: Queen! You will learn with 3 of Freddie Mercury’s hit songs: Bohemian Rhapsody, Another One Bites the Dust, and Don’t Stop Me Now.

for more training visit:










Parts of Speech: Articles | grammar quiz show

become a participant at this grammar quiz show !

Welcome to the Grammar Gameshow! Test your knowledge in this crazy quiz!

The presenter is a bit strange, the points don’t make sense and the prizes could use some improvement, but at least the grammar is correct!

Two more unknowing contestants step up to the podiums this week! And, what’s this? They’re a married couple! How will that affect things?

Maybe they’ll be the best team ever! Will isn’t so sure. This week they test themselves against the grammar of articles!

Those tiny little words comprising the definite, indefinite and the zero that helps us to define our nouns.

Will they win through? Can they learn to understand articles… or each other for that matter! Will will be patient?

Find out all in this episode of the Grammar Gameshow!

Verb Patterns in English | ESL & ELT quiz game

take ur turn in this quiz game as a new participant !

Welcome to the Grammar Gameshow! Test your knowledge in this crazy quiz!

The presenter is a bit strange, the points don’t make sense and the prizes could use some improvement, but at least the grammar is correct! Wow!

Mya is on fire! That’s 4 wins in a row? Can she continue? In this episode, she will have to answer questions on verb patterns!

That’s the grammar we use when two verbs are used together – which forms do they take? Do you know? Can you beat the quizmaster?

Do you want Mya to win? All this and more in this episode of the Grammar Gameshow!

Passive Voice in simple past & present | take ur turn in this quiz and test ur knowledge ! | game

Quiz show

Welcome to the Grammar Gameshow! Test your knowledge in this crazy quiz!

The presenter is a bit strange, the points don’t make sense and the prizes could use some improvement, but at least the grammar is correct! So, despite heart break, Selene made it through.

How will she be able to cope any longer? This time she’ll need to answer questions on present and past passives! Those whodunit verb forms that are made with ‘be’ and a past participle. Who will be our second contestant? What’s the big surprise? Can love win through? Find out in this episode of the Grammar Gameshow!

Simple Past vs Present Perfect Simple | tenses | quiz show game

join the quiz show as one more participant !

Welcome to the Grammar Gameshow! Test your knowledge in this crazy quiz!

The presenter is a bit strange, the points don’t make sense and the prizes could use some improvement, but at least the grammar is correct!

It’s that time again! Another episode of your favourite grammar-based quiz show!

Who will our two new contestants be?

Whoever they are, they’ll have to face that trickiest of all grammar differences: The present perfect and past simple tenses!

When do you use which and why are they so confusing?

Who are these two ladies dressed in white?

Why do they make the hair on Leslie’s neck stand up?

Why does Will feel so uncomfortable?

Is it the grammar?

Find out all in this episode of the Grammar Gameshow!