Scientists can re-grow your teeth ! | Tech, Science & Dental Health

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10 May 2024

In what could be the weirdest news of the week, Japanese researchers may have found a way for humans to grow back their teeth…

2 Jun 2024

World’s First Tooth-Regrowing Drug Enters Human Trials A revolutionary tooth-regrowing drug, targeting the USAG-1 gene, has entered human trials following successful tests in mice and ferrets. Developed by scientists at Kyoto University and the University of Fukui, this monoclonal antibody treatment shows promising results for tooth regeneration.

By inhibiting the USAG-1 gene, the drug stimulates tooth growth without significant side effects, offering hope to adults suffering from congenital tooth loss. Lead researcher Katsu Takahashi highlights the drug’s efficacy, with a single administration proving sufficient to generate a whole tooth in animal models.

This breakthrough paves the way for a new era in dental medicine, potentially replacing conventional implants with cell-free molecular therapy.

22 Sept 2023

Scientists at the University of Washington are taking stem cell research to a new level. They’re working to regenerate something people often take for granted: our teeth.

A multidisciplinary group of researchers from UW have unlocked the first steps toward regenerating teeth. Researchers are sharing their findings at the lab affiliated with UW Medicine’s Institute for Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine.

What appeared to be just a dark blob under a microscope, has the potential to restore human teeth, according to their research. Known as “organoids,” they are the 3D, cellular forms that mimic the organs in our body, including teeth.