DIY tutorial: enzymatic cleaners

Why Enzymatic Cleaners Are Amazing & How You Can Make Your Own

  • Selections from Networx, November 21, 2013
Why Enzymatic Cleaners Are Amazing & How You Can Make Your Own

If you’ve been hunting for ecologically-friendly cleaning options, chances are high that you’ve encountered enzymatic cleaners, which lift dirt, grime, and odors without introducing harmful chemicals into the equation. Are you curious about how they work, where you can use them, and whether you can make your own? We’ve got answers to all three of those questions!

How they work

Enzymatic cleaners utilize proteins known as enzymes produced by living organisms like fruit and animals. The enzymes bond to specific molecules found in fats, proteins, and sugars to break them down, making it much easier to remove stains and clean up messes; and in some cases, enzymes will actually break up the chains of molecules that creature unpleasant odors, like those found in pet messes and well-worn shoes.

It’s important to be aware that you need to match the enzyme to the job, because they aren’t a universal binding and cleaning agent. Think of the cleaner like a key (which it essentially is) searching for a lock to fit in. Just as your post office box key won’t open your front door, an enzymatic cleaner designed for one purpose can’t be used for another because it won’t find the right molecules to attach to. That’s one reason why cleaning with enzymes can require maintaining a library of cleaning solutions for different purposes.

Where you can use them

In a range of places! These cleaners work well on soft surfaces like rugs, carpets, fabrics, upholstery, and more, where they can be used to treat oil, grease, and biological stains like blood or urine. Make sure to follow directions carefully; while the enzymes will lift the mess, you need to blot carefully to clean up, rather than rubbing in, which can make the problem worse. 

Cleaners designed for wood (great for the kitchen, where you might want to clean cutting boards), leather (stinky shoes ahoy!), plastics (have a funky neoprene wetsuit?), and other materials are also available, including products designed for tubs, spas, and showers. Likewise, you can use enzymatic cleaners to clean and open drains or clean up after that unfortunate Orlando plumbing accident. The general rule of thumb is that if you can get a surface dirty, there’s an enzymatic cleaner you can find to clean it up.

Can you make your own?

Yes! It will take you a bit of time, though. You can produce a basic citrus enzyme cleaner by fermenting citrus rinds for three months; as they ferment, they will produce yeasts, which will generate enzymes. Jill at One Good Thing has an excellent tutorial on producing enzyme cleaner and using the leftover material as well to create a powerful household scrub.

Thursday, February 14, 2013


citrus enzyme cleaner

Back in March of last year I posted about making my own Citrus Enzyme Cleaner from leftover lemon rinds! I know, it sounds a little crazy, but after reading pages and pages of information and comments about it, I decided to give it a try…and I have been using it ever since. 


citrus enzyme cleaner

I love this cleaner because it’s natural, environmentally-friendly, and non-toxic…it’s made from kitchen scraps…AND it’s effective!

Leave it to one of YOU to improve upon the idea! This idea came from a comment left by Red Curl who decided she couldn’t stand to see the rinds, pulp, and seeds go to waste when she strained the liquid out to make her enzyme cleaner. Instead, she decided to grind it all up, add some baking soda for the “scrub factor”, and make a SUPER cleaner! How brilliant is THAT?

I have been meaning to try this for months…but it wasn’t until recently that I finally exhausted my most recent batch of enzyme cleaner and needed to make a new one. Today my new batch was finally ready so I decided to try my hand at making my own enzyme scrub.

citrus enzyme cleaner

citrus enzyme cleaner

First I strained the LIQUID enzyme cleaner into a bowl and set it aside to use in my spray bottle later.

citrus enzyme cleaner

After straining, I took the pulpy stuff left over, threw it in the Blendtec, and pulsed it until it was nice and slushy. (Red Curl used her food processor, so that’s another option.)

citrus enzyme cleaner

Next I added the baking soda and continued to pulse the Blendtec until it formed a nice, thick paste. I ended up adding about 1 1/2 cups of baking soda total…but that amount will depend on how much slush you have in the first place. Just add about a half cup at a time until it’s a good consistency.

citrus enzyme cleaner

Then put the concoction in a lidded container and start cleaning!

citrus enzyme cleaner

So far I’ve only used it on the kitchen sink. The baking soda and citrus enzyme combination not only made my sink clean as a whistle, but made it smell SO clean and fresh at the same time! Can’t wait to try it out on other “messes” around the house. Some of the things Red Curl has used it for include, bathtub rings, pet stains, clothing stains, cleaning the oven, cleaning the toilet, house siding, and, I quote — “16-hundred other things!” — unquote.  Pretty powerful endorsement! 

citrus enzyme cleaner

Now you have another powerful tool in your fight against grime, high prices, and chemicals.

As with other fermented projects, you may need some trial and error to get this one right, including storing it in the right conditions and sometimes adding yeast, if the fermentation appears to be going poorly. It’s also important to remember that citrus enzymes aren’t universal cleaners, so this product will only work on some household stains!

While enzymatic cleaners won’t replace all your cleaning needs, they can be a great choice for a non-toxic, all-natural cleaning tool that’s especially useful for instant odor relief. When used in combination with other eco-friendly cleaning practices and attentive maintenance, they can keep your home looking and smelling fresh.

Katie Marks writes for This article originally appeared here.

Photo: Rachel Titiraga/Flickr.