capsula de ventilación que mejora los niveles de saturación de oxigeno | tech, ciencia & salud | empresa de Córdoba, Argentina

reduce la dispersión del virus al ambiente y evita entubación

26 Apr 2021

SilCap está diseñada para realizar terapia CPAP en pacientes adultos que presentan patologías respiratorias. Permite suministrar ventilación no invasiva directamente desde un panel de oxigenoterapia, ayudando así a evitar intubaciones en el paciente y conexiones a respiradores.

Para más información descarga nuestro material en PDF:


  • Rapidez y practicidad en la colocación:
    Silcap es ágil y cómodo en su colocación. Mejora además la comodidad de los pacientes, permitiendo la interacción, el habla y la alimentación. No limita latos.
  • Mejora la oxigenación:
    La aplicación no invasiva de CPAP con SilCap mejora significativamente la oxigenación ya que favorece el reclutamiento alveolar.
    Esta técnica ayuda a evitar intubaciones y conexiones a respiradores en pacientes con patologías respiratorias.
  •  Seguridad para el profesional sanitario:
    El uso de SilCap disminuye el riesgo de contagio del personal sanitario ya que el cuello esta sellado al paciente, por lo que la circulación del aire y oxígeno
    dentro del mismo es cerrada. Posee además un filtro antiviral y antibacterial que disminuye la dispersión del virus al ambiente.
  • Libre de latex

what is bitcoin mining ? | tech & investment

decentralizing the ledger

12 Jul 2018

Bitcoin mining is the process of updating the ledger of Bitcoin transactions known as the blockchain. Mining is done by running extremely powerful computers (known as ASICs) that race against other miners in an attempt to guess a specific number. The first miner to guess the number gets to update the ledger of transactions and also receives a reward of newly minted Bitcoins (currently the reward is 12.5 Bitcoins).

Today, in order to be profitable with Bitcoin mining you need to invest heavily in equipment, cooling and storage. It’s not possible to mine profitably with a PC or a GPU at home. You can calculate your profitability using a Bitcoin mining calculator.

0:20 – Bitcoin mining in a nutshell 3:13 – Mining difficulty and block time 4:22 – Evolution of Bitcoin mining hardware 6:30 – Bitcoin mining pools 7:24 – Is Bitcoin mining profitable? 10:41 – Other types of mining 13:14 – Frequently asked Questions 15:20 – Conclusion

what is a bitcoin ? | tech & investment

what is money? what is digital currency? something to represent value

4 Apr 2018

Bitcoin is the first decentralized digital currency. All Bitcoin transactions are documented on a virtual ledger called the blockchain, which is accessible for everyone to see. Bitcoin gives you complete control over your money, unlike other assets you own which are regulated by banks and governments.

As bitcoin gains more popularity, more and more places accept it as a payment method. That’s Bitcoin in a nutshell. For the complete simple explanation watch this video, here’s what I’ll cover:

0:50 – What is money? 3:10 – Fiat money 3:43 – Fiat money drawbacks 4:25 – Digital money 5:34 – Centralized money issues 7:21 – Enter Bitcoin 7:44 – Bitcoin is transparent 9:13 – Bitcoin is decentralized 9:35 – Bitcoin is digital 9:56 – Why is Bitcoin such big news? 11:45 – Who accepts Bitcoin? 12:05 – Conclusion

the icelandic ethereum mine | cryptocurrency, tech & investment

what is ethereum?

26 Jun 2018

Ethereum was proposed in 2013 and brought to life in 2014 by Vitalik Buterin. Unlike the Bitcoin network which was designed for Bitcoin transactions only, Ethereum is a DIY platform for decentralized apps (or Dapps) that uses smart contracts. ‘Ether’ is Ethereum network’s currency and it is used for running Dapps.

0:34 – Quick Bitcoin recap 1:27 – Blockchain technology in a nutshell 3:30 – What is Ethereum? 5:43 – How Ethereum works 8:14 – The DAO and the Ethereum fork 9:47 – Ethereum as a currency 10:39 – Ethereum’s ICO 11:09 – Conclusion

the enigma facility: the largest ethereum in the world today

28 Dec 2019

Bitcoin’s emergence as a global digital currency has been as revolutionary as it has been erratic. But while fledgling investors obsess over every fluctuation in the cryptocurrency market, nation-states are more interested in the underlying blockchain technology and its ability to revolutionize how business is done on the internet and beyond. VICE’s Michael Moynihan travels to Russia with Vitalik Buterin, inventor of the ethereum blockchain, to get a front-row seat to the geopolitical tug of war over Internet 3.0.

mining & farming bitcoins | iceland, tech & investment

using raw mathematics by a computer: blockchain

7 Jan 2021

Why has a chilly island in the north Atlantic become a crucial frontier in the occult, high-stakes world of crypto currency mining? An unremarkable looking cluster of sheds on the western cluster of the Nordic nation might just hold the answer. So join us today as we follow the money and take a peek inside Iceland’s insane bitcoin super mine.

About a decade ago the first proper ‘real world’ bitcoin transaction took place, when one Laszlo Hanyecz infamously purchased two hot and juicy Papa John’s pizzas for 10,000 bitcoins. Those 10,000 coins were only worth, at the time, around $40. Delicious as the pizzas no doubt were, if he’d only kept hold of those bitcoins they’d by now be worth somewhere north of 280 million dollars.

Created by a shadowy, mysterious figure – or perhaps group – going by the name of Satoshi Nakamoto, bitcoin is one of a number of cryptocurrencies that are created via computer processes which use raw mathematics and sheer computational horsepower to underwrite the value of transactions. As opposed to conventional monetary systems, which are backed by central banks, cryptocurrencies rely on the mathematical certitude of a decentralized ledger, known as a blockchain.

how were covid19 vaccines made so fast ? | science & health

how mRNA vaccines work: moderna & bioNtech vaccines

2 Feb 2021

Researchers working on Covid-19 vaccines have smashed speed records, bringing new vaccines from development to distribution in less than a year. They did this with the help of billions of dollars of unprecedented global investment — but also, in some cases, with a new type of vaccine technology.

There are four traditional types of vaccines, and they all require the growing and handling of live pathogens in a lab, a time-consuming process than can add months or years to development. But two new types of vaccines skip that step altogether by moving that work from the lab to our bodies. mRNA vaccines, like the ones from Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna; and Adenovirus vaccines, like those from Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca; do this by sending genetic instructions directly into our cells, which then produce the harmless protein the body needs to learn to fight Covid-19.

Because these proteins are produced from within cells rather than injected from the outside, they may be less likely to provoke adverse reactions in the recipient. The result has been a host of vaccines developed faster than ever. But it’s also ushered us into a new age of vaccine technology, one in which we can send our own bodies the instructions on how to protect themselves. That technology is already being used to drive research on vaccines for HIV and cancer. These new types of vaccines are weapons we developed to fight the coronavirus – but their real impact is just beginning.

how can you calculate vaccine efficacy ? | science & health

these numbers are not the important ones !!!

20 Mar 2021

In the US, the first two available Covid-19 vaccines were the ones from Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna. Both vaccines have very high “efficacy rates,” of around 95%. But the third vaccine introduced in the US, from Johnson & Johnson, has a considerably lower efficacy rate: just 66%.

Look at those numbers next to each other, and it’s natural to conclude that one of them is considerably worse. Why settle for 66% when you can have 95%? But that isn’t the right way to understand a vaccine’s efficacy rate, or even to understand what a vaccine does. And public health experts say that if you really want to know which vaccine is the best one, efficacy isn’t actually the most important number at all.

how astrazenca vaccine works | science & health

using an adenoviral vector: rVSV-ZEBOV

9 Feb 2021

Viral vector-based vaccines differ from most conventional vaccines in that they don’t actually contain antigens, but rather use the body’s own cells to produce them. They do this by using a modified virus (the vector) to deliver genetic code for antigen, in the case of COVID-19 spike proteins found on the surface of the virus, into human cells. By infecting cells and instructing them to make large amounts of antigen, which then trigger an immune response, the vaccine mimics what happens during natural infection with certain pathogens – especially viruses. This has the advantage of triggering a strong cellular immune response by T cells as well the production of antibodies by B cells. An example of a viral vector vaccine is the rVSV-ZEBOV vaccine against Ebola.