belief is expressed in language affirmations, they generate thought, and thought commands action

how strong is the power of belief & thought ?

A documentary film that takes us on a scientific and spiritual journey where we discover that by changing one’s perceptions, the human body can heal itself. The latest science reveals that we are not victims of unchangeable genes, nor should we buy into a scary prognosis.

The fact is we have more control over our health and life than we have been taught to believe. This film will empower you with a new understanding of the miraculous nature of the human body and the extraordinary healer within us all.

HEAL not only taps into the brilliant mind’s of leading scientists and spiritual teachers, but follows three people on actual high stakes healing journeys. Healing can be extremely complex and deeply personal, but it can also happen spontaneously in a moment. Through these inspiring and emotional stories we find out what works, what doesn’t, and why.

Featuring Dr. Deepak Chopra, Anita Moorjani, Marianne Williamson, Dr. Michael Beckwith, Dr. Bruce Lipton, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Anthony William ‘ Medical Medium’, Dr. Bernie Siegel, Gregg Braden, Dr. Joan Borysenko, Dr. David Hamilton, Dr. Kelly Brogan, Rob Wergin, Dr. Kelly Turner, Peter Chrone, Dr Darren Weissman, and Dr Jeffrey Thompson.

Diseases, illnesses, symptoms & injuries | vocabulary activity (option of answer-key link for self-correction)

ESL & ELT Activities

1- Write a suitable word for each picture from 1 to 50:

illnesses & diseases sts

1- __________________               2- ____________________              3- ___________________


2- Now answer these questions using the numbers of the pictures above:

a) What’s the matter with you?  I have a/an _____________________________

b) What’s the matter with you ?  I have __________________________________

c) What’s the problem ?  I feel ____________________________________________

d) What’s the problem ? I’m ______________________________________________

e) What’s the problem ?  I’ve been _______________________________________

f) What happened ?  I ____(verb + -ed)____  my ____(part of the body)_____


to get help with the vocabulary, go to:

to correct your activities go to:

At the doctors, vocabulary on body parts, illnesses, diseases, treatments & health supplies | ESL & ELT activities (optional self-correction links)

At the doctor’s

Vocabulary:  parts of the body, health supplies, illnesses, diseases & treatments

ESL & ELT Activities

1- match the pictures with the correct words

At the doctor's

2- Put the right number on each picture

Treatments MATCH worksheet - Free ESL printable worksheets made by teachers

3- Match the pictures with the correct illness

Kids Pages - Illnesses Matching B&W:

4- Use the words in the square to complete and label the pictures

Health problems worksheet - Free ESL printable worksheets made by teachers

to correct yourself you can visit:



At the doctor’s ! useful expressions & vocabulary | parts of the body, treatments, diseases & illnesses | ESL & ELT

Vocabulary & Expressions to use at the doctor’s to describe symptoms and illnesses

Phrases for the Doctor's Office

What to say at the doctor’s !


Learn common names of illnesses and diseases in English, i.e. asthma, a backache, a broken leg, a cold, a cough, an earache, a fever, the flu, a headache…

How to Talk about Health Problems in English

How to Talk about Health Problems in English 1

Forum | ________ English Vocabulary | Fluent LandVocabulary: Treatments and Remedies | Fluent Land


Phrases for the Doctor's Office

"Health" vocabulary, Useful expressions at the doctor's ...


Parts of the body that can help you describe what you need and feel:

Parts of the body  hair, head, nape, neck, shoulder blade, arm , back, elbow, waist, trunk, hip forearm, wrist, loin, hand, thigh, buttock, calf, leg, heel, foot


Parts of the body skull, temple, ear, forehead, face, Adam's apple , shoulder, nipple, breast, armpit, thorax, navel, abdomen, pubis, groin, knee, foot, toe, ankle, instep



Foods to avoid for weight loss fast, name of female body parts in hindi, shoulder workouts dumbbells



9 Top Useful Ideas: Pulmonary Hypertension Newborn blood pressure smoothie weight loss.Hypertension Project hypertension diet people.Hypertension Treatment News..


Fotos de la biografía - Learn English Online





Health & Illnesses vocabulary | pronunciation | photo dictionary

Health & Illnesses Vocabulary in English | At the Doctor’s
Health Vocabulary - How to talk about health problems in English 4
Health Vocabulary - How to talk about health problems in English 3
Health Vocabulary - How to talk about health problems in English
Health Vocabulary - How to talk about health problems in English 1
Health Vocabulary - How to talk about health problems in English 2
  • asthma: a respiratory condition where spasms in the lungs cause difficult in breathing.

  • a backache: a prolonged pain in the back.

  • a broken leg: when a bone in the leg is broken.

  • A broken leg is put in a cast to help immobilize the leg so that it heals quicker. Other parts of the body with bones can also be broken, for example a broken arm, a broken wrist etc.

  • a cold: a common viral infection which causes mucous to run from the nose, gives a sore throat and often includes sneezing.

  • a cough: the act of expelling air from the lungs with a sudden sharp sound.

  • an earache: pain inside the ear.

  • a fever: an abnormally high body temperature, usually accompanied by shivering and a headache.

  • the flu: flu is the common name given for influenza. It is a contagious viral infection of the respiratory passages that causes fever and sever aching.

  • a headache: a continuous pain in the head.

  • heartburn: a form of indigestion felt as a burning sensation in the chest. It is caused by acid regurgitation into the esophagus.

  • (the) measles: an infectious viral disease causing fever and a red rash on the skin. It typically occurs in childhood.

  • a rash: a lot of small red spots on the skin that are usually itchy.

  • a sore throat: a condition of pain in the throat, typically caused by inflammation of it.

  • a stomachache (US) – stomach ache (Brit): The pain in a person’s belly. Notice how the word can be spelled together or as two words, depending on the country.

  • sunburn: when the skin becomes red with inflammation as a result of overexposure to the ultraviolet rays of the sun.

  • a toothache: the pain in a tooth or teeth.